af ChaosNavigator

Et dokument som kun realtivt få har noteret sig, bl.a. David Icke der kommenterede det (Dot Connector) på det hedengangne TPV, hvor han analyserer DR. Richard Days tale fra 1969 her, og kommenterer på nutiden.

Et dokument som kun realtivt få har noteret sig, bl.a. David Icke der kommenterede det (Dot Connector) på det hedengangne TPV, hvor han analyserer DR. Richard Days tale fra 1969 her, og kommenterer på nutiden.
Hvis man har lavet sit hjemmearbejde kan man lave flueben og linke
Dr. Richard Days ord fra 1969 til nutiden i næsten hver eneste sætning i det
følgende - jeg har blot udvalgt nogle få med klammer eller hyperlinks -
husk, at Days tale er 40 år gammel. og det han taler om IKKE er en
realitet, men det er det nu!
Hvis man har ret i sine forudsigelser baseret på studier af elitens road map, dvs. succesfuldt og successivt gennem 25 år, er det ikke en 'tilfældighed" eller "held" - f.eks. Icke :
'...much of what Icke has talked
about for years continues to manifest as truth; he predicted the
financial crash of 2008, the increase of natural disasters after the
millennium and has been saying for years that Jimmy Savile was a predatory paedophile.
Yet, of course, endured endless flack for it. Icke is being proven
right again and again so maybe it's no wonder his audience only
continues to grow.'
Dr. Richard Day, en elite insiders tale i 1969 - brudstykker fra en tale han holdt ( transkribering/audio) dette var explicit ikke en prognose eller gætteri, men ifl. ham selv en beskrivelse fra 1969, der afspejler elitens road map
"Population control; permission to have babies; redirecting the purpose of sex - sex without reproduction and reproduction without sex; contraception universally available to all; sex education and carnalising of youth as a tool of world government; tax funded abortion as population control; encouraging homosexuality .....anything goes homosexuality also was to be encouraged; technology used for reproduction without sex; families to diminish in importance; euthanasia and the "demise pill"; limiting access to affordable medical care makes eliminating elderly easier; medicine would be tightly controlled; elimination of private doctors; new difficult to diagnose and untreatable diseases; suppressing cancer cures as a means of population control; inducing heart attacks as a form of assassination [kom frem i 1975 men stadig ikke kendt af flertallet]; education as a tool for accelerating the onset of puberty and evolution; blending all religions .....the old religions will have to go; changing the bible through revisions of key words; restructuring education as a tool of indoctrination; more time in schools, but pupils "wouldn't learn anything" [en kritik der idag er enslydende, også i DK] ; controlling who has access to information; schools as the hub of the community; "some books would just disappear from the libraries" [blev beskrevet i 70'erne, stadig ukendt for de fleste]; changing laws to promote moral and social chaos; the encouragement of drug abuse to create a jungle atmosphere in cities and towns; promote alcohol abuse; restrictions on travel; the need for more jails, and using hospitals as jails; no more psychological or physical security; crime used to manage society; curtailment of US industrial pre-eminence; shifting populations and economies -- tearing out the social roots; sports as a tool of social engineering and change; sex and violence inculcated through entertainment; travel restrictions and implanted I.D. cards; food control; weather control; know how people respond - making them do what you want; falsified scientific research; use of terrorism; surveillance, implants, and televisions that watch you; home ownership a thing of the past; the arrival of the totalitarian global system.
- NWO Plans Exposed By Insider In 1969
Og fuld oversigt, transkribering og MP3:
Under afsnittet 'Food Control' fra Richard Day-dokumentet fra 1969, for nu blot at tage 3 ting ud:
'Ultimately, whether the population slows down or not the food supply is to be brought under centralised control so that people would have enough to be well-nourished but they would not have enough to support any fugitive from the new system.In other words, if you had a friend or relative who didn't sign on, and growing ones own food would be outlawed. This would be done under some sort of pretext. In the beginning I mentioned there were two purposes for everything - one the ostensible purpose and one the real purpose, and the ostensible purpose here would be that growing your own vegetables was unsafe, it would spread disease or something like that. So the acceptable idea was to protect the consumer but the real idea was to limit the food supply and growing your own food would be illegal. And if you persist in illegal activities like growing your own food, then you're a criminal.'
Update, juli 2016:
Nu må du ikke engang hjælpe en ven, der er kontanthjælpsmodtager
er hvad man har iagttaget i flere år nu - alle 3 ting (og flere) korrelerer med Days tales påstande i 1969 (og jo, jeg er klar over, at
korrelation ikke er causation, men krydsreferencer umuliggør, at dette
er en art Rorschach confirmation bias, hvor man kan læse det man vil ind
i det. Det kan man ikke, jeg må
oprigtigt le - specificiteten er for stor til at man kan generalisere
sin egen subjektivitet ind i det)
Llad os speede frem til vor tid fra 1969 til slut- 00'erne og frem;
Llad os speede frem til vor tid fra 1969 til slut- 00'erne og frem;
- Kriminalisering af selvforsyning, kriminalisering af dyrkelse af egen føde. m.m.; dette sker hele tiden, og der går ikke en måned uden at dette foregår i USA og andre steder. Denne tendens med kriminalisering af fødevarer og selvforsyning er nyere (de sidste 5 år or so..): se her og skim resultaterne
- Gentagne, irrationelle, og tiltagende hyppige føderale armerede razziaer og konfiskeringer af og på biodynamiske landbrug og helsekostforretninger i USA. Dette er velkendt, ligeså er perpleksiteten mht. forklaring, da det netop ikke er rationelt, etc. Det er netop absurd i det ekstreme: Obama seizes control over all food, farms, livestock, farm equipment
- Kriminaliseringen af uddeling af mad til fattige. Feeding The Homeless BANNED In Major Cities All Over America Seneste jeg så var denne, men der er langt mere absurde eksempler end følgende: Police Handcuff and Search Man for Giving Money to Homeless. Det sker hele tiden...
Richard day taler om ting, der (endnu) ikke er indtruffet, f.eks. implanterede ID chips,
men faktisk har dette været på beddingen lang tid, og
egentlig bliver det promoveret for fuld udblæsning i film, medier, m.m.,
så vi er allerede i den initiale fase som Day taler om.
Fingeraftryk i pas, biometrisk minority report tech i lufthavne,m.m.m. er allerede en realitet - ID-implants bliver så sidste skud på stammen, når befolkningen er desensitiveret til at acceptere dette i større omfang efter, at salami-taktikken har fordummet masserne. Så ID-implants sker nu i det 'små', altid med benigne påskud. Det sker nu, selvom Day sagde det i 1969, for 46 år siden. Endnu et flueben!
Fingeraftryk i pas, biometrisk minority report tech i lufthavne,m.m.m. er allerede en realitet - ID-implants bliver så sidste skud på stammen, når befolkningen er desensitiveret til at acceptere dette i større omfang efter, at salami-taktikken har fordummet masserne. Så ID-implants sker nu i det 'små', altid med benigne påskud. Det sker nu, selvom Day sagde det i 1969, for 46 år siden. Endnu et flueben!
Under sektionen i Day-transkriberingen SURVEILLANCE, IMPLANTS, AND TELEVISIONS THAT WATCH YOU finder
vi igen, at dette er blevet absurd virkelighed:
Og det er ikke kun TV men andre apparater i dit hjem, såsom køleskabe, vaskemaskiner, ovne, etc: 9 Household Products That Could Be Spying on You - ABC News
Daily Mail:Is your TV spying on YOU? It sounds like science fiction but many new TVs can watch you
Og det er ikke kun TV men andre apparater i dit hjem, såsom køleskabe, vaskemaskiner, ovne, etc: 9 Household Products That Could Be Spying on You - ABC News
Her er det en kedel - Daily Mail: China is spying on you through your KETTLE: Bugs that scan wi-fi
STASI på steroider gange 1000 har på en måde inficeret den vestlige
verdens skygge, og det er blot en fraktion af hvad som der er gang i på
den front. Ikke nok med at NSA kan monitorere PC'er/Laptops på aftand
med radiobølger, så har de fysisk indstalleret spyware før ejeren får
sin computer med posten. The NSA Intercepts Laptops Purchased Online to Install Malware + meget, meget mere......
NB! Om Richard Day-dokumenterne/optagelserne skulle vise sig at være falske, er dette irrelevant, om David Icke er en shill eller ej, er pointen: udviklingerne er identisk virkelige, bliver bekræftede fra andre kilder, da det er nøjagtigt, hvad som foregår lige nu i USA (kriminalisering af dyrkelse af egne fødevarer, stigende priser, dependens, food stamps, m.m.m.) og andre steder "coming to a town (vasalstaten DK) soon near you!"
Engelsk National Avis: Hvordan en hemmelig elite skabte EU med henblik på en verdensregering
How a secretive elite created the EU to build a world government -Telegraph UK, 27 november 2015
Libertarianernes analyse af situationen:
This is all part of a continuum of lies, betrayals and deceit that has been ongoing since the founding of the EU, and even before. It was never represented as what it is – a revival of Charlemagne's empire – nor has its ultimate goal ever been voiced. Today, of course, it's clearer. The objective of the EU is to destroy Europe. Europe, the tribes of Europe, must be destroyed if Europe is to survive as a cohesive entity.
Already, polls show that many in the EU, especially in the South, would like to secede. But this is not tolerable. EU leaders instead choose to import huge amounts of Muslims and others into EU countries in order to dilute the extant cultures. This they must do, as we have long pointed out, because otherwise the ancient tribal entities that make up Europe would finally break away.
They don't admit it, of course. Every EU leader is surprised. Each one is gamely attempting to stem the tide. But these postures are only for public consumption. The reality is that every EU leader is pledged to destroy the fabric of his or her own country. This goal is so important that leaders like Merkel are willing to risk political defeat in order to achieve it. In the past decade, we were more likely to read that the German Reich had planned the EU than we were to see a realistic article on its secretive antecedents. But times have changed.
The shadowy elites running the US and Europe seem more relaxed now – or perhaps they simply don't care anymore – and thus the world is being exposed to more realistic narratives. One such comes to us courtesy of the UK Telegraph, just published, and entitled, "How a secretive elite created the EU to build a world government." There is a subtitle as well, "Voters in Britain's referendum need to understand that the European Union was about building a federal superstate from day one."
Of course it was all about building a "federal superstate" and yet it is still shocking to read this in a British newspaper.
..... There is other history (and hidden trends) that shows us quite clearly that the founding and expansion of the EU was far more than an "intellectual tradition." There is, you see, an Anglosphere rump that seeks not just "unions" but a single or tripartite world – and the EU is merely a steppingstone. Macmillan and his fellow politicians were order-takers in this campaign, not the originators. This larger cabal continues to drive the great European experiment forward.
Please note: US generals were not behind the EU union, nor were defeated and dying Nazis. The EU has always been a bankers' union and it was global commerce and financial control and consolidation of currency that have driven the EU from inception. The EU is a project of committed globalists that derive their power from the BIS and the central banking community.
Here is another point: We can't imagine that those behind the EU will let the British opt out. Or if by some miracle Brexit does take place, there will be immediate mechanisms put in place to ensure that the leave-taking, eventually, is nothing more than a kind of nomenclature. One way or another Britain will be sucked back in. There is a reason that Europe is wracked by radical politics, terrorism and illegal immigration. The powers that created the EU and increasingly other regional unions as well are intent on undermining the cohesiveness of Europe's tribes. The job will be dirty, long and violent. Those who wish to stay out of its way might consider avoiding Europe from a business and even recreational standpoint.
Conclusion: Perhaps this is hard to do. But when it comes to living and working – and even establishing a second home or residency – there are plenty of areas that likely offer more security and tranquility than Europe at this moment. Asia and Latin America come to mind as possible destinations. There are others. Investigate carefully before you decide. - See more at:
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