torsdag den 30. juli 2015

Sex & 4 Angstformer

By ChaosNavigator

'It is lovemaking that sweeps people into glorious new dimensions and realities, rips the veil between the worlds, and produces ecstasies a thousand times more powerful than the most exquisite orgasm. It is lovemaking so spectacular that it really is a religious experience. It is lovemaking that transforms people’s lives. It is called transcendent sex.'  
- Transcendent Sex, Jenny Wade

De 4 Kollektive Angstformer
Dette bliver lidt esoterisk.

Min forståelse har altid været, at alt som initialt overskrider egoets grænser, per definition er angstprovokerende.

Derudover, at der er 4 kollektive dybt ubevidste arketypiske angstformer i mennesket; angsten for døden (det ukendte), angsten for smerte, angsten for sindssyge, og angsten for sexualitet (fordi virkelig sexualitet transcenderer jeget) - så vidt Bob Moore (Moore var en indviet, en eksorbitant mesterlig healer og topclairvoyant, og permanent lejret i en højere bevidsthed).

Jeg skrev engang dette på engelsk ang. smerte og de 4 angstformer:

Why are we  immune to the suffering of others?

I believe I know one of the primary reasons at least. According to my schooling in childhood it has to do with a primal phenomena; the fear of pain. 

If we are not in contact with our own suffering, blocking it out, we tend to block empathy out as well - the quality to take another human being's perspective on a deeper level.

Fear of pain itself is one out of 4 very deep archetypal fears (death, pain, insanity, sexuality) that are deeply subconsciously rooted in the psyche of humanity. Fear of death is the strongest. The other two forms of fear are fear of insanity and fear of sexuality. 

 Fear of sexuality is more difficult to grasp because it is associated with joy and pleasure, but because real sexuality transcends the ego, the results can be powerful energetic streams throughout the whole body, sensations beyond the body, spontaneous recalls of problematic childhood-experiences, visions and even loss of consciousness and extreme fear of death – all these can emerge during the sexual act beside other things.

Actually those primal fears are angst, a deeper much more excruciating unsettling emotion than fear. Fear is of the known – and angst is of the unknown.

There is something abyssmal about these fears. And people unconsciously guard themselves from these fears - therefore they block other people's suffering out as well. Its basically a defense-mechanism.

Thats why some people can become quite aggressive, anxious or otherwise spooked out when confronted with these fears (by experiencing someone having a panic-attack for example). But even less could do it: Their aggressions can actually be triggered merely by someone talking about pain, death, insanity, etc. I've seen it happen quite a number of times. Yeah, it is a strange world......

A strange coincidence is that not only Bob Moore, but Irvin D. Yalom and others (existential psychology) also define 4 ultimate concerns in life related to angst. For in depth see death, freedom,isolation and meaninglessness. Slightly different and overlapping but whereas the former category of four are observed from a school of highly clairvoyant psychology, the latter developed from existentialistic orientations.

Jes Bertelsen om 3 ud af de 4 angstformer
Her i konteksten af meditation/bevidsthedsudvidelse/indvielse:

'Illumination er en spiralagtig opstigning i en brøkdel af et sekund. Initiation er en mere bredt forberedt langsom opstigning, og selve perioden af at være vågen er længere. Derfor vil oplevelsen have en tydeligere struktur under selve oplevelses-perioden. Den information, som illuminationens - gennemstrålingens - glimt formidler, vil først efterhånden træde frem i perioden efter oplevelsen.

Under initiationen er informationsudvekslingen klar, og bevidsthedens udvidelse varer længe nok til at opfatte hele fænomenets natur og struktur. Enhver initiationsbegivenhed er omgivet af visse barrierer, visse spærringer, der er forsikringer mod, at en ikke parat personlighed møder disse højintensive energifænomener.  Det, der spærrer, er væsentligst tre ting: dødsangst, angst for sindssyge og mulighed for fysisk eller psykisk smerte.

Jeget vil ikke kunne møde muligheden af jegoverskridelse andet end som en form for død. Jegtranscendens ligner døden. Skal et menneske derfor åbne sig for initiationsoplevelsen, må det gå gennem, konfrontere og acceptere dødsangsten. Ofte vil mennesker inden initiationsoplevelsen have oplevet en nærdødssituation - ganske bogstaveligt. Det kan dog også ske rent meditativt, eller det kan ske astralt.

Angsten for vanvid skyldes i denne sammenhæng, at for den almindelige jegbevidsthed vil jegtranscendens kun være kendt
,som en sindssygelig ukontrollabel og ubalanceret tilstand (fx. ; typisk psykose, hallucinationer eller skizofreni) Det rigtige er, at disse sindssygelige tilstande faktisk beror på ubalanceret og uhensigtsmæssig åbning, løsning eller overskridelse af jegets grænser. Et menneske, hvis jeg derfor nærmer sig initiationens opløsningstilstand, vil naturligt ikke kunne skelne og derfor frygte, at det er en begyndende vanvidstilstand. Denne angst, og denne mulighed må mennesket lære af se i øjnene og acceptere.

Endelig er initiationsoplevelsen spærret af angsten for smerte.Dette skyldes, at når bevidstheden udvider sig på vej til initiationsfænomenet, vil bevidstheden omfatte det astrale niveau*. I denne dimension findes en lovmæssighed: al den smerte, jeget i sin ubevidsthed eller tankeløshed har tilføjet andre, ligger opbevaret i den astrale dimension som smerte rettet mod jeget selv. Man kan derfor ikke begynde at blive vågen eller bevidst i det astrale uden samtidig at begynde at møde og føle den smerte, der er ækvivalent med den smerte, man har tilføjet andre. Dette er en simpel energigrundlov. Det er ingen straf, ingen hævn, det er en energigrundlov, en naturlov om energiens cirkulation. At turde møde og se denne smerte er nødvendigt for at kunne komme på ret vis til det bevidsthedsniveau, der er den initiatoriske opvågnen.

Disse tre faktorer: dødsangst, vanvid, og smerte hindrer den ikke parate, nysgerrige bevidsthed i at nå initiationens dimension. Konfrontationen med de tre kendsgerninger kan komme som forberedende 'prøver' inden selve begivenheden. Eller det hele kan ankomme i en vældig samlet pakke.'
- Energi og Bevidsthed, Borgens Forlag, 1984
* Kommentar: Det astrale er den energetiske formbærer af det som indholdspsykologisk svarer til emotioner. Der er også ofte distinktionen mellem det lavere astrale; dvs. emotioner og følelser, hjertet. Det astrale er karakteriseret ved sympatier/antipatier og billeddannelse også - et omfattende begreb i øvrigt. Hører til i andet lag af auraen, mens det æteriske, livsenergien, er det første lag.
Der er altså tale om tærskelvogterfænomener, normaltvis sikringer mod uafbalanceret transcendens af jeget [1], men generelt ligger disse 4 angstformer slumrende kollektivt i alle mennesker ifl. Bob Moore, formentlig indtil den dag man endegyldigt har transcenderet dem, og det vil sige; transcenderet jeget, eller transcenderet det i grader, hvilket det er for vidtgående at komme ind på her.

Fravær af bevidsthed om disse angstformer er ikke ensbetydende med fravær - for nu at tage den gamle traver; fravær af evidens er ikke evidens for fravær, dette i betydningen; blot fordi du ikke kan mærke det, er det ikke ensbetydende med, at det ikke er der - det er den manglende bevidtshedsudvidelse, som gør, at man normalt ikke møder disse 4 kollektive angstformer.

Sex - The Great Mystery of Ecstasy and Angst
Det er ikke seksualenergien der per se er angstprovokerende, men det faktum, at den kan overskride jegets grænser, hvis betingelserne er tilstede. De virkeligt store orgasmer f.eks. er fulde kropsorgasmer, ikke kun lokaliseret til et nys i underlivet, kan være sindssygt ekstatiske, dionysisk intense, og ligner overhovedet ikke noget, man nogensinde har oplevet før sammenlignet med 'gennemsnitlig' sexualitet. 


Den virkelige krops og totalorgasme kan dog gå ud i hele det fysiske, det æteriske og det astrale system og hinsides, og kan faktisk være dybt angstprovokerende, fordi den dybere sexualitet transcenderer egoet (den "lille død" apropos), hvilket kan indebære en voldsom angst (som en midlertidig fase f.eks. før orgasmen nåes) eller visioner, besvimelse, kropsligt terapeutisk dyb og emotionelt frigørende katharsis, vrede, sorg, hulken, ustyrlig latter, konvulsiviske kropsrystelser, sanseligt dirrende ekstase, ubærlig intensitet, åbne op til andre bevidsthedsplaner, og alle variationer in between, etc.

Teknisk set, spreder energien sig som strømme ud gennem de æteriske nadier/energetiske baner i kroppen - hvis den får lov at brede sig hinsides underlivet såfremt der er ophobet energi nok - og ud i hele energisystemet.
Det æteriske: rummer livsenergien, det instinktive, chi/prana-energien, sexualenergien er også æterisk chi/prana-energi, etc.
Det kan gå nedad og opad, både psykisk og kropsligt-energetisk. Dér, hvor energien rammer blokeringerne i banerne, svarer sådanne blokeringer indholdspsykologisk set eksempelvis til glemt og uerkendt stof eller latente potentialer på godt og ondt: sexualitetens udvidelse bliver det brændstof, som resulterer i bevidsthedsudvidelse og energetisk-psykologiske fænomener; elektrisk livsfryd, gemte emotioner, ubevidste skyggesider, traumer gemt i kroppen, lyksalige forløsninger, renselse, latter, sorg, egoopløsende tilstande, etc. kan vælde op.

Det kan åbne op til sammensmeltende kærlighed forenet med sexualenergien, og billeddimensionen; til meget voldsomme visioner, både positive, lyksalige, såvel som negative, hallucinerende dødsangst, højere tilstande, healing, regeneration, stilhed, enhed, frihed, etc.

En rejse i underverdenen, transformation, and beyond.

At mennesket iboende rummer angst for sex/sexualenergien, skal ses i ovennævnte lys.

                                        'Kissing', Alex grey

Dark & Light
, Birth & Rebirth
Seksualitetens udtryk og oplevelsesform kan ifølge Stan Grof have sine årsager i fødselstraumets 4 fødselsmatricer, de 4 BPM-faser (ikke at forveksle med de 4 angstformer). Det ser ud som, at højintensive seksuelle tilstande eller genoplevelse af fødslen, i hht. BPM 1, 2, 3, og 4 kan aktivere oceaniske lyksalighedsoplevelser, paradisiske tilstande, eskatologiske billeder, død og genfødselsoplevelser, kvælningsfornemmelser, vold, helvede, krige, sataniske sexuelle visioner, massemord,, m.m. Alle 4 faser præger i varierende grad personligheden. Hver fase kan være mere eller mindre problematisk, omend tyngdepunktet ligger forskelligt. Hvis f.eks. en BPM3-fase opleves/genopleves uden forløsning er nymfomani eller satyriasis ikke usædvanligt, eksempelvis 15 udløsninger på en nat uden orgiastisk tilfredsstillelse [2]

Det virker også som om, at sexualiteten kan katapultere bevidstheden ud i visioner, hvor det individuelle gennemtrænges af det kollektive i form af arketyper og hinsides - sexualitet kan åbenbart fungere som en portal, der gennemlyser biografiske, perinatale, og transpersonlige områder (se link foroven om BPM).

     Stan Grof, om de negative aspekter ved BPM III:

'Aggressive and sadomasochistic aspects of this matrix reflect the biological fury of the organism whose survival is threatened by suffocation, as well as the introjected destructive onslaught of the uterine contractions. Facing this aspect of BPM III, we might experience cruelties of astonishing proportions, manifesting in scenes of violent murder and suicide, mutilation and self-mutilation, massacres of various kinds, and bloody wars and revolutions. They often take the form of torture, execution, ritual sacrifice and self-sacrifice, bloody man-to-man combats, and sadomasochistic practices...

           Ifølge Grof er H.R. Gigers ekstremt mørke tabuiserede, ofte bioomekaniske, sexuelle billeder, et udtryk for BPM3

..Sexual experiences that occur in the context of BPM III are characterized by enormous intensity of the sexual drive, by their mechanical and unselective quality, and their exploitative, pornographic, or deviant nature. They depict scenes from red light districts and from the sexual underground, extravagant erotic practices, and sadomasochistic sequences. Equally frequent are episodes portraying incest and episodes of sexual abuse or rape. In rare instances, the BPM III imagery can involve the gory and repulsive extremes of criminal sexuality – erotically motivated murder, dismemberment, cannibalism, and necrophilia. The fact that, on this level of the psyche, sexual arousal is inextricably connected with highly problematic elements – physical pain, suffocation, vital threat, anxiety, aggression, self-destructive impulses, and various forms of biological material - forms a natural basis for the development of the most important types of sexual dysfunctions, variations, deviations, and perversions.'
- Grof om Giger's sexuelle afbildninger som BPM

'Er forestillingerne om Himmel og Helvede symboliseringer af fødselsmatricernes underliggende realitet? Eller er fødselsmatricerne symboliseringer af reelle, alternative bevidsthedsdimensioner, som lige så godt kan kaldes Himmel og Helvede?'
- Jes Bertelsen
Det er i øvrigt ikke sexualiteten som er 'ond', det er en kristen fejltolkning og dæmonisering af sexualiteten, som i sig selv har fraspaltet sexualitet fra hjertet gennem århundrederne gennem mental konditionering: 'Sex er djævlen, beskidt, immanent, af jorden befængt, etc.' VS 'Kærligheden er Gud, ren, transcendent, af jorden uplettet, etc.': Denne konditionering, har som psykologisk og energetisk programmering, organiseret og betinget menneskers forhold til sex og kærlighed, hvilket konkret betyder, at mange mennesker ikke kan mærke sexualitet og kærlighed på én og samme tid; når sexualiteten er der, reduceres kærlighedsfølelsen, og omvendt; når hjertefølelsen er tilstede, da forsvinder intensiteten i sexualiteten. Jeg vil vove den påstand, at en del af grunden til, at mange menneskers sexuelle intensitet er organiseret rundt om de mest ekstreme BPM III-temaer, netop er et resultat af den konditionerede fraspaltning fra hjertet gennem tusinder af års falsk dikotomi; fordømmelsen af sexualiteten ved fraspaltning, hvilket så igen skaber sexuelle ubalancer, hvor sexualiteten er blevet koblet på det lav-astrale (og voila; bl.a. derfor er der mange pædofile præster).

Hvad angår 'ondskaben', så hører den teknisk set til i det (lav)astrale, mens sexualiteten er primært æterisk ren energi, guddommelig, men kan blive misbrugt eller afsporet i det lav-astrales tjeneste, så sexualitet kan umuligt være 'ond'.

8th House

For lige at flejne eklektisk længere ud: Som kort astrologisk esoterisk pendant, vil jeg i farten nævne, at i den astrale sturm und drang-seksualitet, visioner, tema, har vi har at gøre med Pluto, 8. hus, Skorpionen, det plutoniske; det mystiske forbindelsesled mellem sexualiteten og ånden, ekstremer i modsætninger, ondskabens problem, den duale natur, de mest intense konflikter, det dramatiske, sammenbrud vs gennembrud, det lave og det høje, impotens og erotomani, frigiditet og nymfomani, cølibat vs copulation, suicidaliteten vs libido, det tabuiserede vs det værdsatte, fornægtelsen af livet vs accepten af det, skøgen og madonnaen, det reptilske (som ikke er 'ondt') vs det angeliske, giften vs helingen, den faldne  vs fugl Fønix,
impermanens vs egoets kamp for permanens, opløsnings og forrådnelsesprocesser, Bardoen, alkymisk genfødsel, transformation vs stagnation, Pluto som Kali, en arketypisk nedbryder, der suger ondskabens gift ud af sjælen, og hugger egoet ned, tilknytningerne bort for at bevare sjælens sundhed, egoets lutring, m.m.

Hvor 5. hus  er sexuel leg, er 8. hus liv og død, alvor, den transcendente sexualitet.

For at gøre det superlanghåret kuriøst, fandt jeg i øvrigt e
n yderst interessant (fod)note, der angiver et synkront sammenfald mellem BPM III-fasen og Pluto, baseret på observationer af Richard Tarnas i konteksten af Stan Grof [3]

Kodeord til 8. hus og Pluto: Resurrection and rebirth, personal evolution, growth, transformation and change, death, rebirth, sex, transcendence, initiations and the occult, legacy, inheritance, power, the astral body and reincarnation, and the severing of ties to that to which we are attached. Kort sagt: Sex and beyond sex in the Twilight Zone.

                                                              Animering af Kali - egoets lutring, sjælens redning

The Cosmic Unknown Beyond
Disse mystiske, svært forklarlige aspekter ved sexualitet, kan nå kosmiske højdepunkter der transcenderer biografisk materiale, og kan opleves i en yderst mangeartet form, som f.eks. i følgende 91 case-stories, hvor disse oplevelser opstod fænomenologisk spontant, i og mellem mennesker som ikke havde nogen forudgående træning i Tantra, Tao, eller anden sexuel og bevidsthedsmæssig træning, etc. - her beskrevet af Jenny Wade, Ph.D:

'Transcendent sex is to sex what near-death experiences are to dying. It takes you beyond the limitations of yourself and the everyday world into spiritual experiences so profound that you will be transformed. Sex can trigger episodes identical to the highest spiritual states of shamanism, yoga, Buddhism, and mystical Christianity, Judaism and Islam, including:
  • Shapeshifting
  • Being possessed by or channeling animals, plants and supernatural entities
  • Seeing visions of divine avatars
  • Reliving past lives
  • Transcending the laws of physics with paranormal powers
  • Awakening to the enlightenment of nirvana
  • Seeing the face of God
These experiences are so breathtakingly powerful, they can be destabilizing.  For people who know how to integrate them, though, they often are the most transformative, healing events of their lives.  Research has shown that like other spiritual events, transcendent sex can result in:
  • Becoming whole and shedding a lifetime of shame and guilt about sexuality.
  • Healing from sexual trauma and abuse to enjoy making love.
  • Acquiring paranormal abilities for healing or psychic gifts.
  • Creating healthier lives, especially leaving dysfunctional relationships and careers.
  • Becoming a spiritual seeker after a lifetime of atheism, doubt, or a religion that did not fit.
-  se mere:

Alt dette er velkendt blandt folk in the know (f.eks. Neel Fasting, Jenny Wade, m.fl.). Der er iflg. Jes Bertelsen fysisk, æterisk, astral, mental, spirituel tænding, sexuelle niveauer, tantriske niveauer, etc. hinsides de vante kategorier.

Sexualitet er et meget, meget dybt mysterium og meget få kender og forstår de ekstremt subtile connections mellem psyken og sexualiteten, højere bevidsthed, det kollektive ubevidste, dybere dimensioner og potentialer. Denne fænomenologi er langt hinsides "Joan Ørting-typens" kendskab til den sexualitet, som er så mekanisk og egopræget i tidsånden, cost-benefit, etc.

Da denne post kun er en relativt overfladisk intro, i dagbogsform, et hurtigt hofteskud (no pun intended), og meget ikke er expliciteret, meget andet er udeladt, anbefales det for mere research at kigge i 'Transcendent Sex' af
Jenny Wade , 'Enlightened Sex Manual' af David Deida, 'Seksualitet, Selvudvikling og Tantra' af Neel Fasting, 'Kvantespring' af Jes Bertelsen, 'Yoga og Seksualkraften' af Elisabeth Haich og Yesudian, 'Kærlighed, Sex og dit Hjerte”' og  'Den Guddommelige Krop' af Alexander Lowen.

Er du forvirret? Well, det er jeg også, men jeg beskriver blot den evidensbaserede fænomenologi ved den dybere sexualitet og psyken - som transpersonlig psykologi, tantriske intersubjektive erfaringer, bevidsthedsfænomenologi, m.m. attesterer - og som har sine egne love, og som med kærlighed; ikke kan beregnes a priori, ej heller benægtes med henvisning til, at man ikke har oplevet det selv.

"Love is a law that operates in such a way, that you and I cannot dictate to it, we can only blend with it."
- Bob Moore

Det er ikke kun et nys, jovial erotik, kannibalistisk glubsk gensidig fortæren, forplantning, blid og rå libido - det inkluderer disse, og heldigvis og hurra for det... is something far more sacred and provocative, and not what we think.

A cliche perhaps; sex is a great mystery, it is true nonetheless......

Jeget er altså midt mellem to store, magnetiske, fascinerende, men samtidig strømmende og ukontrollable felter: det ubevidste og det højere bevidste. Betingelsen for, at jeget tør træde til side uden risiko for at blive overvældet af de ubevidste kræfter og indhold er, at overtrykket i det ubevidste først er lettet og integreret.......I den højere oplyste transduale bevidsthed er åbenbart en overvældende energi. Der er umådelig megen energi eller information eller lysstyrke i højere bevidsthedstilstande, hvad al meditativ og mystisk erfaring bekræfter. Når grænsezonen åbner sig, begynder denne energi at interferere med jegets duale dimension.

Der produceres erfaringer. Jeget, der nærmer sig grænsezonen, begynder at opleve. Og disse oplevelser er blandet sammen af mange typer af determinanter. Hvis det personlige og det kollektive ubevidste ikke er nok gennemarbejdet, så vælter stof fra disse duale skygge- og halvlysområder ind i systemet. Dette kan resultere i psykoser. Psykose er, at jeget bliver presset ud af kontrol af ubevidste spændinger. Jeget tvinges til at opgive styret.
Dette er det diametralt modsatte af en mystisk erfaring; her er det jeget, der frivilligt forlader banen og opper styret. Psykosen tvinger et ubalanceret jeg ud. Og ind vælter det ubevidste.

Illumination fremkommer, når et balanceret jeg af egen fri vilje træder til side, og ind strømmer den højere bevidstheds transduale klarhed, Når jeget altså nærmer sig grænsezonen, så åbnes bevidstheden til den transduale funktionsmåde. Men når dualitet ophæves, så bryder alle grænser sammen, og så åbnes og bevidstgøres også den såkaldt ubevidste del af bevidstheden.
En ægte transdual tilstand er derfor samtidig en gennemlysning af det personlige og det kollektive ubevidste. Hvis en illuminativ ikke-dual funktion existerede samtidig med, at det ubevidste stadig var ubevidst og afgrænset, så var denne illuminative oplevelse jo netop ikke transdual. Så var der stadig dualitet. det ubevidste og den højere bevidsthed. Netop derfor er det så væsentligt, at mennesker først arbejder med deres dybereliggende personlighed (herunder terapi) inden den explicit meditative proces træder i fokus.'

- 'Bevidsthedens Befrielse', Jes Bertelsen

[2] 'Most functional disturbances of sex seem to be related to the dynamics of the third perinatal matrix and can be logically understood from its basic characteristics, described in chapter 2. When, during the termination period of a therapeutic session, a person is under the influence of the sexual facet of BPM III and does not reach resolution in the transition to BPM IV, this can result in an enormous increase of sexual appetite, which is clinically termed "satyriasis" or "nymphomania."

In this condition, the insatiable drive for repeated sexual intercourse is typically associated with a sense of incomplete release and lack of satisfaction following sexual orgasm. It thus represents a strange combination of hypersexuality with orgastic impotence. On closer inspection, it becomes obvious that this situation appears sexual only on the surface; in reality, it is pseudosexual and has very little to do with sex in a narrower sense.

The core of the problem is that the individual is flooded with perinatal energies that are seeking discharge through any possible means. Because of the similarity between the pattern of sexual orgasm and the orgasm of birth, the genitals, under these circumstances, become an ideal channel for peripheral discharge of these energies. Since the reservoirs of perinatal energies are enormous, repeated sexual intercourse and even orgasms bring no relief or satisfaction.
It is not uncommon under these circumstances for a male to have sexual intercourse as many as fifteen times in a single night and have a complete but unsatisfactory orgasm each time. Within a matter of minutes after coitus, the perinatal energies, present in enormous quantities, tend to recreate a state of tension sufficient to induce an erection and initiate another intercourse. Hypersexuality of this kind in both men and women is frequently associated with promiscuity. This seems to be related to the fact that because of the lack of orgastic release the sexual act is unsatisfactory. It is common under these circumstances to blame the partner instead of recognizing that the real problem is the perinatal outpouring of energy. Frequent change of partners also seems to reflect a tendency to compensate for an abysmally low self-esteem that is typically associated with the perinatal unfolding, as well as a strong drive toward erratic behavior due to chaotic energies seeking discharge.

If the intensity of the perinatal energies is excessive, the possibility of discharge can be perceived as extremely dangerous, although the nature of this danger might not be clearly defined. Under these circumstances the individual might sense deep fear of losing control of these elemental forces and unconsciously block the sexual experience. Since the discharge pattern of perinatal energies is inextricably connected with the pattern of sexual orgasm, this situation will result, for men, in an inability to achieve or maintain an erection and, for women, in an absence of sexual orgasm conditions that old psychiatry and colloquial jargon refer to as "impotence" and "frigidity." Traditionally, impotence was seen as a symptom of energetic deficiency or lack of masculine power, and frigidity was interpreted as a lack of erotic sensitivity and of sexual responsiveness. However, these concepts are completely erroneous and, as a matter of fact, could not be further from the truth.

Impotence and frigidity of psychogenic origin are due to the exact opposite a tremendous excess of driving sexual energy. The problem is not only the enormous amount of these feelings and sensations, but also that they express not pure sexual energy but sexually colored perinatal energy. Consequently, this driving energy is associated with sadomasochistic impulses, vital anxiety, profound guilt, fear of loss of control, and a gamut of psychosomatic symptoms characteristic of BPM III. These involve fear of suffocation, cardiovascular distress, painful muscular and intestinal spasms, uterine cramps, and concerns about loss of control over the bladder or anal sphincter. In the last analysis, this energy represents the unfinished gestalt of birth and an organismic state of vital threat.

A person suffering from impotence or frigidity, then, does not lack sexual energy, but is literally sitting on a volcano of instinctual forces. Since, under these circumstances, the sexual orgasm cannot be experienced in isolation from these forces, letting go in orgasm would unleash an experiential inferno. The unconscious fear of orgasm and loss of control thus becomes equivalent with the fear of death and destruction.

This new interpretation of frigidity and impotence is supported by the dynamics of therapeutic changes observed in the course of successful treatment. When the excess of perinatal energies is discharged in a structured nonsexual situation, one can observe the development of transient hypersexuality satyriasis or nymphomania before the client reaches a state in which the remaining sexual energies can be comfortably handled in a sexual context. Finally, when in the course of the death-rebirth process the individual experiences elements of BPM IV and BPM I, he or she becomes fully sexually competent and, in addition, the orgastic ability tends to reach unusual heights."
- Beyond The Brain, Stan Grof

'Erectile dysfunction (impotence),the inability to develop or maintain an erection,and orgastic incompetence (frigidity), the inability to attain an orgasm,have a similar psychodynamic basis. The conventional approach to these problems sees impotence as an expression of sexual weakness, lack of masculine power or prowess. Orgastic incompetence in women, as its old name “frigidity” indicates, is usually interpreted as sexual coldness and lack of erotic responsivity. According to my experience, the opposite seems to be true; in both conditions, it is actually excess of sexualized perinatal energy that is the problem.

Individuals suffering from these disorders are under strong influence of the sexual aspect of BPM III. This makes it impossible for them to experience sexual arousal without simultaneously activating all the other elements of this matrix. The intensity of the energy, the aggressive impulses, vital anxiety, and fear of loss of control associated with BPM III then inhibit the sexual act. In both instances, the sexual problems are connected with COEX systems that, besides this perinatal component, have also biographical layers and transpersonal roots, individual and karmic memories of sexual abuse, rape, association between sex and pain or danger, and similar themes.

The empirical support for the involvement of perinatal dynamics in “impotence” and “frigidity” comes from experiential psychotherapy. When we create a nonsexual situation in which the elements of BPM III can be brought into consciousness and the energy associated with them discharged, impotence can be temporarily replaced by a condition called satyriasis - an excessive sexual drive and appetite. This is due to the fact that a connection has been established between the penis and the sexual energy generated by the trauma of birth. It is now this perinatal energy and not the ordinary libido that is being used in the sexual act.

Because of the excessive amount of energy available on the perinatal level, this situation can result in an insatiable appetite and ability to perform sexually. The men who previously were not able to maintain erection at all are now capable of having intercourse several times in a single night. The release is usually not fully satisfactory and, as soon as they reach orgasm and ejaculate, the sexual energy starts to build up again. More nonsexual experiential work is necessary to bring this energy to a niveau that can be comfortably handled in a sexual situation.

In a similar way, women who were previously unable to let go and attain an orgasm can become orgastic when they discharge in a non-sexual situation some of the excessive energy associated with BPM III. When this happens, the initial orgasms tend to be overwhelming. They are often accompanied by loud intense involuntary screams and followed by several minutes of violent shaking. There might be a tendency to briefly lose control and bruise or scratch the partner. Under these circumstances, it is not uncommon for the woman to experience multiple orgasms. This initial liberation can also lead to an increase of sexual appetite to such a degree that it appears insatiable. We thus can see a temporary transformation of “frigidity” into a condition known as nymphomania.'
- side 39 - 40:
[3] 'The third perinatal matrix (BPM III) is based around the dynamic stage of labor, where the cervix is now open and the frail head of the fetus is jammed into the narrow pelvic  opening by powerful uterine contractions. Accompanying themes include a sense of  titanic fight and mythological battles, sadomasochistic arousal based on suffocation,  confrontation with demonic energies, scatological materials, and pyrocatharsis all in the context of an intense death rebirth struggle. Tarnas recognized that this complex mixture of experiences corresponds precisely with the archetypal character of the planet Pluto.The classic Plutonian themes, widely documented in the astrological literature, include a confrontation with the shadow side of human nature, issues around power and aggression, the problem of evil, sadomasochism, scatological materials, a confrontation with purifying fire, and sequences of breakdown, renewal and rebirth.'
- se side 17:
- 'Archetypal Astrology and Transpersonal Psychology: The Research of Richard Tarnas and Stanislav Grof'

Se også:

lørdag den 18. juli 2015

The Power of Play

by morton_h, the blogger

There are basically two ways to overcome or prevent stagnation in this world. Be it in business, in politics, in the social structures, in your mind, in your spirit or in your body.

One way to understand it, is by applying the Hatha Yoga attitude of overcoming pain. This is the practice of molding and shaping your entire being by working on/with your body. Knowing of course, that the body is the access to your mind and spirit.

Since this is NOT a blogpost about Yoga, consider this as an example.

Anyone who has practiced the classic series of Hatha Yoga excercises will know, that there eventually will be a moment of pain where a part of the body reaches its boundary of stagnation, and the response of the body is pain, meaning you are onto something. Since the human psyche is geared to avoid pain, the normal response is to go any other way. Your body remembers and withholds pain and your brain and spinal chord fights or flees any pain.

The Yoga practitioner thinks otherwise and un-chooses beforehand the mental-physical escape route. The pain is where you should linger in order to overcome pain and the courses of pain. But how to linger, that is the question?
  1. The first method is to go into the pain, identify the exact location, intensity and quality of the pain, accept the pain while confronting it. A strange thing will happen: the pain will start to move its position, its intensity and its quality. The pain is on retreat, and eventually it may even dissolve. You have broken the stagnation.

  2. The second method is by breathing and removing the awareness of pain into a sort of pre-release of the pain. You are already beyond pain while still in pain. The breathing is a kind of meditation in motion transcending both pain and physical limitation.

    NB! The second method is NEVER a denial of the pain. This is where the New Age deception comes in. New-Agers deny pain and darkness. New Age is the late-20'th century escapism picking up those who fell out of Christianity.
The Daoists would call the two methods the yang way and the yin way. The masculine and the feminine way (not the male-female way). The way of the warrior and the way of the monk. The methods are not, what some may believe, opposite and contradictory. They are complementary. The warrior and the monk may very well be contained within the same person.

You can either focus on the obstacles or the beyond-obstacles. You can either reveal and release the pain held in darkness, or you can invoke the light hidden from the too-much-darkness.

  • If those, who investigate the darkness are in denial of the light and have fallen in love with the darkness to the extend, that they can no longer act but hold themselves in a state of analytical paralysis, which is one kind of imbalance.
  • If those, who invoke and promote the light are in denial of the darkness, and have fallen in love with the light to the extend, that they can no longer think clearly, but hold themselves in a state of wannabe bliss, which is another kind of imbalance.
We need to avoid the yin-trap and the yang-trap.
We need to maintain our ability to feel, think and act.
We need to learn about the Dao.

There are plenty of well meaning people, thinking and highly skilled analytical people with great concerns for the World of Dystopia caught in translation, tending to fall in almost-love with this World of Dystopia or even their own pain, but unable to act.

There are also plenty of well meaning people, emotional people with great empathy and longings for a World of Release tending to fall in almost-love with an ideological illusion, caught in a World of make-beliefs and self-projections.

In a conversation, these people will most likely try very hard to convince the other, that they have the right attitude and view of any given subject or problem and that the others are wrong.

How to Avoid It
Make sure to test your analyzes within action. The yin needs the yang, since stagnated analyzes is too much yin
Make sure to test your make-beliefs by going back to grammar of thinking (what, where, who and when), since stagnated emotional beliefs and ideology is too much yang.

The yin should be liberated, envigorated and balanced (the Dao) by the presence of yang and vice versa. Some of the stagnation or conflicts we see among people is due to the missing envigoration. An example is the relationships between male and female after the more than half a centure old implantation of Feminism in Western culture, that made it almost impossible for a lot of men and woman to have fruitful and stable relationships - and for children to benefit from that. You see broken marriages, broken families, conflicts, disrespect and destruction of natural polarity and complemtarity all over the Western world, spreading to the East and the South since Western Imperialism and predatory Capitalism has exported the cultural imbalances.

Much of the imbalance and distorsion is, as many have realized, here by design and purpose, as was Feminism. As was any ideology. Certain destructive forces with great power and ill intent have used and almost perfected imbalance as a means of self-empowerment on behalf of other. But since that long and winding road is not the subject today - the subject is examining possible ways to regain balance and dissolve distorsion - and since we are looking at just one field of distorsion, the actual recognition and thorough analyzis of the source and course of distorsion is one way. Or should we say: one important component of any way.

What Fenimism was all about

We May Ask
  1. Should we concentrate on the recognition of the present distorsion forming the future - and maybe as a side kick trace back, what came before?
  2. Should we even forget of what came before, because only present and future matters?
  3. Should we forget about the present and know everything about what came before to ever be able to trace forward from the past and thereby recognize the present and the future?
The answer is - of course - that it is highly complementary. May we be reminded of the Orwellian frase (here refrased):
Manipulation of history is a way to control the future by the present

If people are highly confused about their origins, their past, their history, their culture, their traditions, their people, their nation, their gender, their race, all that came before, all primordial - and being confused is a present matter - they will never be able to influence their future.
Meaning then:
If some minority would want to confuse the majority, they would need to steal the history of the majority, their past, their-all-that-came-before and replace it with something else, a construct, a perversion.


This is why, I would not recommend any of the statement above: forget about the past, forget about the present. If you want to forget about the future, be my guest. It will arive anyway. But if you want to forget about your past and your present, you and we will have a problem.

A Fourth Statement
  • We need to know enough about our past, knowing that knowledge will evolve and unfold as we recognize the consequenses of past into present.
  • We need to look at the present with the optics of 'presented' past, the consequenses of past arrived at the present. We are a product of decisions made by our forefathers - and those who pulled their legs.
  • We need to visualize a future based on actual dreams of a future, not based on pro-grosis, machine statistics, grand-scale planners or fictive escatological / apocalyptical scenarios. 
    We Need
    • People that are dedicated and therefore becoming skilled at trawling through the Labyrinth of History with all its falsifications, 'noble' lies, omissions, re-arrangements, re-makes and what-not's.
      Looking back.
    • People that are dedicated and therefore becoming skilled at spotting and describing the imbalances of our time.
      Looking into.
    • People that are dedicated and therefore becoming skilled at visualizing and realizing.
      Looking forward.
    • We need thinkers and developers and people willing and able to act while thinking.
    • We need visionaries and true dreamers (not escapists).
    • We need the passionate and the couragious.
    • And: We need to play!
    What we do not need is infighting among those, who are qualified in either of those directions. We need conversations. We may disagree, we may be at different stages of knowledge, we may have chosen different angles or fields of mental expansion and developement. We do not need to have others shut up. Which is what the socalled thinking segment of mainly Liberal academics with their political correctivism spend all their energy on.

    The Power of Play
    Did I say: We need to play? Did I say why?
    Maybe go back to former blogpost Imagine and Play. But I will further suggest, that Play is the flow of Nature, the Universe. By playing we overcome stagnation and by playing imballance with dissolve itself. The Play is the Dao, the Dao is The Play.

    Someone asked me: But how to play, if I forgot it?

    No you didn't, is my first answer. You are always playing, when you forget not to play. Didn't you play with your children? Don't you enjoy helping them to maintain their ability to learn by play? And I hope you play, when you have sex and don't regard it as a routine, a duty or piece of hard work ;-)

    It's like musicality. Someone would say: Oh, but I am not a musical person, but I love good music.How can that person not be a musical person? It takes the equal amount of musicality to perceive music as to perform music, since music is neither the compostion / the score, the performer, the media nor the sound. Music is an event, a resonance where the created is re-created within the receiver. If you are not creative, you cannot recreate. What the person meant, of course, was: Oh, but I am not a performing musician, and that is different. But if the audience did not have the equal amout of musicality, the musician or the composer would perform in vain. The event, music, would not occour.

    Furthermore musicality is not limited to music. I would suggest, that a true conversation - meaning not a monologue, a lecture - is a human piece of music. Some of the most perfect classical music is composed by J.S. Bach. A musical form, which he mastered to ultimate perfection, was the fugueconsisting of two or more parts actually performing the same theme, but never simultanious. When a part, a voice, an instrument doesn't perform the fugal theme, it performs a complementary counterpart. This musical form once was characterized as an exquisite conversation among learned people, which is exactly what it is. A second part may even start the fugal theme before the first has finished. It sounds like chaos, but is highly organized and total balanced. Listen to women having conversations. It may sound like a chicken den to men, but these chicks are able to talk and listen at the same time.

    The Musical Offering
    A strange phenomenon arrives by both performing and listening to a good performance of this music. Time is bended and even dissolved. Infinity seems to be build into it. Don't we all know that phenomenon? When we are not bored - when we in fact are playing - time is kind of infinite. It flies until we realize it, and then it lands again. It went so quickly, we say, when we in fact mean the opposite: it wasn't there. When we are bored or stressed, it is very finite. It sticks to the no-fly-zone. It feels so long, we say, when we in fact mean that the density is heavy.

    Time is Cronos eating its own children. Which could refer to an actual celestial event where the planet Saturn became de-ignated or un-loaded as the former sun of our solar system whereby the planet Helios became ignited / loaded, or should we say positively charged. Cronos / Saturn swallowed a certain amount of celestial objects, that became its rings.
    See The Thunderbolts Project

    Cronos as Goya saw him

    Astrologers would say, that Saturn is the controller of time. The satanic / saturnian quality is therefore the prison of time. The rings are the chains. Someone even mentioned, that the meaning of the Lord of the Rings or Richard Wagners The Ring (four huge operas) is the struggle for the un-casting of the Saturnian power. I will suggest, just a theory, that it is Saturn / Cronos itself, that is in chains, in rings, and that it is the enslavement of the Saturnian force, that produces the time prison. Saturn may be the local second sun of the Solar system, whereas the star Sirius is the real second sun in the Galactic scale. Who knows? Maybe Saturn wil re-ignite and be 'liberated' with the return of Sirius, that started appr. 400 years ago where Sirius shifted from being a red star to a blue star (according to the rule of starlight called the red shift, where objects removing themselves from our place is red and objects approaching is blue). And then we are not talking about immense amounts of time, but just a cycle of 24.000 years. The story of Cronos and all the other myths of anthropomorphic celestial objects or Gods and Godesses, meaning the birth of the Archetypes is not in some undefined past but within human memory! And that would, of course, include certain catastrophic events, that seems to have traumatized the human race(s).

    This is the Great Play of the Universe / the Galaxy / the Solar system. We could go the other way in scaling: the cell, the molcule, the atom. And just in the middle of this scaling is the dimensions of the human being. Or is that just because we happen to be so? Hard to tell. By the way, if you have come to believe, that the Earth has become flat again like in the Catholic Middle Ages - and there is a meme flying around right now, believe it or not - all this is total bunkum. We are living on a pancake, and the Universe is a projection inside a giant dome. Be my guest ...

    But how to regain the power of play, the flow of the Universe? C'mon tell me!

    Sorry, there is no single recipe. And why would I know it, I am no enlightened guru or expert? But I seldom get bored, except when I have to do something I didn't chose myself, that is repetetive and not challenging. And if we sell our working ablities to someone else to make a living, we will eventually run into that. Apart from that, I always find some new playground.

    What I can say is what I actually do, when going into or am in the middle of the play / the creative process. Whether I would be the right to do it, is questionable. Much has been said and written about creativity. Some bogus also, but that is probably due to the fact, that human consciousness is hard to describe. A fish doesn't know what water is before it is pulled out of the water. We can't see what we are made all up of.

    I'll try anyway.

    Thoughts on Creative Methodology and Attitude
    You need an offspring, an ignition. Some would call it inspiration. The Greek called in amusement, since the Muses were the 'goddesses' or the personified forces of the arts. It may even be a musical partner, a Muse - here we go again, and remember we are talking about musicality in the broader sense. Anyone can be a Muse, and it goes beyond gender. As a composer I was amused by my English friend who is a great poet and former playwright. He would send me a bunch of poems to read, and one or more would resonnate with me. It would make me curious and I would start to develop a very vague overall feeling of the may-be-coming piece of music.

    So the offspring already contains a structure. Language already contains rhytms = series of stresses and un-stresses = a metrum. Words contain meanings and emotions. But before going into the details, I would have this audible vision of a finished piece sort of coming from a distance, a sort of creative dream. So find your ignition, find your muse.

    Another method needs more luck and can go wrong - though it may actually work and succeed. Just start somewhere in total blindness and ignorance not knowing where you will end. I once wrote a novel that way, and it can be great fun. Start somewhere, introduce a character, place it in a situation, create a dilemma or a riddle, take it from there, surprise yourself, amuse yourself.

    Painters may do the same. They are 'in process'. Take a look at the documentary 'Vinterbillede' released by the Danish Film Institute (taken off YouTube now, but you can order it for borrow at any serious library), where the internationally known master painter, Per Kirkeby, does something like 10 different paintings on top of each other, each a brilliant painting in itself, but since he didn't stop his process, he just painted over and over till he was satisfied. Which by the way makes the film an artwork in itself.

    The man at work - or is he at play?

    He just started, and then amused himself. You go into a dialogue with yourself and the material, you produce. You make a kind of split brain or inner distance. In music you become your own audience, appreciating, experiencing, suggesting where to go next. You play with your self ... that didn't come out well ;-) ... but in fact the creative process has a certain element of intermediary narcissism. I would rather call it self-love, self-nurture and inner dialogue.

    The Artists Way
    Which leads to another important aspect of the creative process, the process of play. You must un-learn and avoid being dominated by self-censorship. Don't censor youself too soon, get it out, so you can see it / sense it. Then critizise, never before.

    You may want to check out Julia Cameron and her book The Artists Way. As a spiritual person - which you may find appealing or not appealing according to your personal view - she describes creativity as God's gift to Us and using that creativity as Our gift back to God. Or the Universe or the Great Nature, if you got stuck with the angry Jahwe-figure with a long beard.

    Julia Cameron also points out, that artists seldom are loners but create in communities. So find your playmates, let them provoke and invoke you. Let them amuse you.
    Take a look at some of her tools:
    The Morning Pages
    This is a kind of therapy for artists - and actually for others than artists too. You wake up in the morning and write down all your thoughts without censoring or trying to be artful. If you wake of grumpy with all your morning hatred, they will be your Mourning Pages. It cleans your mind so that all your negative thoughts will not be in you way for the rest of the day. Grump them out by writing them down. Or if you wake up with crazy thoughts or in the middle of an unfinished dream, write it down. Anything goes. Three pages only. Then your day-brain starts to take over.

    So: avoid self censorship, but also avoid spontanious refusal of other people's ideas and avoid creative obstruction. There will be a place for killing you darlings, or whatever they call it in the film industry, but the morning is not a place for that.

    The Artist Date
    With her own words: Once a week, go on a solo date with youself alone for the purpose of enchanting yourself and wooingyour consciousness like a lover. People are reluctant to go play, they would rather go work. But all creativity is drawing from an inner well, and if you work too hard, you are fishing from that well, and the well will eventually run dry unless you fill it up.

    So if you get stuck, don't try too hard. Do something completely different. Many artists have two personalities, the civil person and the artist, that will fill the other up with energy. An artist date, therefore, is a deliberate refill of you consciousness.

    The Lady has written 40 books on art and creativity!
    Get Rid of the Vacuum
    Next: set some rules. Nothing is more frightening that unlimited possibilites. You will be paralyzed with no limits. Limits are your best friend. Horror Vacui (fear of empty spaces) may be you worst nightmare.

    This is why my relationship with poetry in making music making was a perfect trampoline. The limitations and the stepping stones were already there.

    There are many stepping stones. The painters and the composers of the Middle Ages and Renaissance knew the Palimpsest and the Parody. The palimpsest is the paint-over, like Per Kirkeby doing an auto-palimpsest as a process of painting. The Parody is 'stealing' or samling a preexisting piece of music, it may be from someone else or from yourself, and using it as a starting point. You take the ownership and bring it onto you own ship in your own direction. There was no silly, paranoid copyrights in the Middle Ages, art was not corporatized, and the genious self-centered artist of the Romantic era did not exist. You could steal any idea and concept, because everything in art was kind of Open Source. That is why you often don't find the signature of an artist on the Medieval artwork. We do not know the name of the master builders of the Gothic cathedrals. And the Farao Keops, for sure, did not order the building the pyramid of that name, because he was not born in that age in time - but that's another story of Empires cultural theft.

    What I am talking about here, is not like the Romans being so jealous of other people and cultures, that they had to steal their cultural achievements and then destroy these cultures. I am talking about the harmless and benevolent 'theft' of ideas, shapes, forms, structures thus making them you own. The thing is, that having stolen and played / worked with it, it will transform and morph into something else, and should it eventually return to the 'victim' of theft, it will be experienced as a fresh new structure. It would be the phenomenon, Julia Cameron calls community creativity.

    It Can't Go Wrong
    Especially in storytelling, be it in book form or in spoken og visualized form, the archetypes are magnificent creative forces, like small nuclear bombs of dynamics. It is the story of Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces, the never ending story of gaining selfhood. These dynamics were true for our ancient forefathers as for us as they will be for our descendants. Knowing that there is nothing new under the Sun, we may drop our anciety of not being so damn original. And moreover, knowing that the same story will end up being fresh and new and different all the time, makes it even less frightful to create. It can't go wrong! Say to yourself: It can't go wrong, It can't go wrong ... make it you benevolent mantra and just do it.

    The Must-Read of books

    And make your mistakes. For Gods .. and your own sake make a hell of a lot of mistakes! Be shameless of your mistakes and even showing them to others. Afterwards admit them, laugh of them, learn from them. But without mistakes there is no progress. My estimate is, that some of the most stunning inventions of this World and in human history are made by shere mistake. Which is why It cant go wrong. You know what I mean! Of course it can go awfully wrong and you can end up killing someone or yourself in dangerous creativity. But I am not talking about irresponsible experiments. The world is filled with psychopaths doing just that on the expense of everyone else but themselves, and don't get me started here.

    What I am talking about is the playful, self forgiving (the most difficult person to forgive is yourself), humorous, and bat-out-of-hell'ish attitude, that will make any play and any creation totally possible. With that in mind, it will become impossible to indulge youself with the fear of your own inadequacy. Your low self esteme has no place on earth. And you cannot suffer any longer from destructive perfectionism - uhuh, it has to be so-and-so perfect, before ...! I see this shit all around me, and it pisses me off, pardon my French! I mean, instead of two regular writers on this blog, I reckon there could be at least seven or more. You guys know who I am talking about, and you may want to reexamine your petty excuses for not making your knowledge available, since the world needs this knowledge now, for Gods sake NOW!

    And again, this does not mean, that you should let any old unfinished and sloppy piece of work out. What I am saying is, that you should practice the delay of self critique to where it belongs: The Finish. Or even better: In Wave-Form. Make it a cycle: Let it out - do your critique - let it out ... aso. This is the split brain I was talking about. Be your own audience, your own reader, your own viewer, but don't punish and suppress yourself by doing creative obstructions onto yourself. Also remember: what you do to yourself, you will do to others. If you censor yourself, you are a part of the censorship of the global call for censorship. Is that what you want?

    Keep it Tight - and Don't Keep it Tight
    Same-same but totally different. I am talking about two things. When you have an idea, when you conceive a new project, don't go out and tell it to the world. And why not? Because it will destroy your idea and your project.

    This is a piece of psychology rarely talked about. Haven't you noticed from yourself and others, that we often brague about our New Year's resolutions? We tell it loud and clear, that we hereby have declared the solemn decision for the new year to become a better person by starting so-and-so. And what happens? After two-three weeks you fall into you old habbits. And why is that so?

    It is due to a strange program in the brain being activated by prematurely announcing what is not yet a reality. The brain then thinks, that it is already a reality and therefore shuts off the initial energy needed for the bringing about.

    What you should do instead, is keep it in your heart like a hen on the egg untill the chicken jumps out and begins to squeek. Even then you should be careful as a responsible and a caring chicken mother not to let it all hang out and run open. There a predators / destructive forces out there - and more important: in there - that can kill a yellow fluffy chicken.

    On the other hand, when your creation has grown to a certain extend, and when you know that it already is an inevitable reality, do not keep it tight! Make it available, make it open source, make it mutual fruitful to others. Let it all hang out. What happens then, is that you will receive more that you have provided. An effect of synergy will emerge.

    I see a lot of angst and paranoia in that phase of creation.
    • What if others should steal my creation/idea and profit from it?
    • What if I don't get recognized and payed for my creation/idea?
    • What if my creation is not ready for exposure because it is not strong enough?
    You have probably heard about the Law of Jante. This is the mental auto-immune-defect version of the Law of Jante.

    One example from the applied field of holding tight (to the body) creations, that by now could have been a beneficial reality for the whole of humanity. It is the field of Pure Energy Systems (PES). I prefer this term instead of Free Energyor Alternative Energy, since nothing in the Universe is free, and since 'alternative' is much to un-ambitious just meaning wind mills and solar cells that are totally unsustainable when you figure out the total costs. These are already obsolete technologies.

    Pure Energy Systems are right now the best kept secrets, since no one knows about them, since no media tells about them and since no politician (being stupid anyway) are told about them.

    With the exception of mr. Pure Energy System himself, Nicola Tesla, later genious inventors all kept their technologies for themselves. Or - I don't want to do these important people injustice - were kept for themselves by certain predators, like Tesla himself.

    The Inventor par Excelence

    What I am talking about here, is the keeping too close of inventions while being un-aware of the enormous benefits they - and the rest of the world - could have had with a proper open-source attitude. Get it out and make it real! What the inventors did instead was to keep it a potential business secret, thinking that this invention could make them rich and succesful. What they didn't recognize was, that certain groups of watchers, observers, sharks-in-the-ocean did not play by the rules. Result: one day they had their inventions stolen, then destroyed (after being stolen, that is - and do we know that from studying the Roman strategy of cultural/technological theft-and-destruction?) and themselves being character-destroyed, professionally destroyed or even physically destroyed.

    Had these brilliant genious'es and inventor-nerds been as brilliant in strategy as in science, we would all have benefitted from their inventions, and the World as we know it would have been totally different. They should have spread their blueprints like a virus, so that enyone with a brain and an urge could have copied and realized it. AND - they would have been rich and famous by doing just that!
    Forgive them, for they knew not what they did (semi-quote from mr. Jesus).

    Let me hereby round up this blog by saying:
    Dear Friends!
    Protect your good stuff while in creation.
    Be responsible to you creation and yourself.
    Make it become real.
    Expose your good stuff while created.
    Be responsible to the rest of the world and to generations to come.
    Make a real thing real.

    You may want to read: Imagine And Play