“Yagé (Ayahuasca) is many things, but pleasant is not one of them.”
— Wade Davis
"Ayahuasca completely alters your view of the world, even once is enough, once you have seen this other world, this transdimensional world of Aya the Goddess, Aya the Teacher, it really changes your view of the world, but I also think it changes it for the better because it makes you so much more compassionate."
— Stuart Wilde
Høj på psykedelisk te - Berlingske 2017
'Østre Landsret skal afgøre om det psykedeliske regnskovsstof ayahuasca skal være lovligt i religiøse ceremonier, mens forskere undersøger dets effekt på især depression. »Jeg tror det er på tide, at vi gentænker den måde, vi går til psykedeliske stoffer,« siger dansk hjerneforsker.' »Det er ret vildt, hvad der sker, når man tager psykedeliske stoffer som f.eks. ayahuasca eller svampe. Du kan opleve, at grænsen mellem det ydre og indre opløses. Det kan føles, som om din sjæl forlader kroppen, og at du rejser ind i en åndeverden. Du ser vilde farver, og der er stemmer, der taler til dig. Da jeg tog psykedeliske svampe, oplevede jeg at få personlige indsigter, som jeg skulle have gået flere år hos en psykolog for at få. Det gør noget ved dig, uanset om du er spirituel eller ej,« siger Rane Willerslev, der er professor i antropologi på Aarhus Universitet og har forsket i shamanisme."
NB! Østre Landsret har fastholdt, at det er ulovligt at bruge Ayahusca som religiøs ceremoni i DK.
Da Ayauhuasca, den shamanistiske psykedeliske plante som har taget Vesten med storm, egentlig implicerer en meget kompleks bevidsthedsfænomenologi, verdensbillede, etc. - og dét i en tid, hvor det eksploderer med Ayahuasca retreats, millioner af søgeresulatater på internet, Ayahuasca terapi og turisme, etc. - er det umuligt at yde emnet retfærdighed med blot 10 sider. Alligevel har jeg forsøgt at skrible lidt og copy/paste fra nogle af mine gamle skrifter fra 2010, og samle følgende links, så her er nogle af de bedre 'landkort' om emnet, som jeg har samlet over tid + nye links forneden. Dette bliver igen nogle få hofteskud med nogle sektioner, som kræver forforståelse (derfor; gå ind i links). Igen; emnet er enormt.
Men først en indledende kommentar: De Sydamerikanske shamaner påstår bl.a., at den vestlige verdens elendighed delvist skyldes, at vesten har afskåret sig forbindelsen til det spirituelle, og den psyko-spirituelle sygdom, som det antages at lide af, og som bl.a. Ayahusca kan løse intrapsykisk, terapeutisk, m.m. kaldes Wetiko af Hopi-indianerne.
Catherine Austin Fitts har skrevet forordet og anbefalet en meget rost bog om Wetiko, der omhandler årsagen til den vestlige verdens korruption og konspiration, det som amerikanske indianere kaldte Wetiko - kilden til indre ondskab i den moderne verden, og som måske også kan belyse det Svensk-Danske stockholm-syndromistiske samarbejde med ondskaben, som de tilfredse slaver, der tror sig fri:
There is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. This mind-virus—which Native Americans have called "wetiko"—covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests.
Drawing on insights from Jungian psychology, shamanism, alchemy, spiritual wisdom traditions, and personal experience, author Paul Levy shows us that hidden within the venom of wetiko is its own antidote, which once recognized can help us wake up and bring sanity back to our society.
Her er den yderst interessante artikel-serie om Wetiko af Paul Levy:
"In the first part of this series, we contemplated the idea of a psycho-spiritual disease of the soul that has been wreaking havoc throughout human history that Native Americans call wetiko. In part two, we inquired into how the wetiko bug disrupts and deranges a living system, using the world financial system as our case study. The wetiko virus is like a parasite that literally feeds off, takes over and aberrates the curren(t)cy of the infected system. The wetiko pathogen originally manifests as a disturbance in the field of the collective unconscious of humanity itself, creating the psychic ley lines upon which world events are erected and energized. The origin of this virulent disease is to be discovered within the psyche (please see my article It's All in the Psyche). Because of the psychic nature of wetiko, it serves us to understand the psychological underpinnings of the virus, which is to say, how it affects our day to day relationships and lives. We begin to see' the bug when we are able to get in focus and recognize its' psychological signature in both ourselves and others
- Let's Spread the Word: Wetiko
Tilbage til Ayahuasca: DMT er det aktive stof i Ayahuasca, som også er en naturligt forekommende substans, som alle mennesker i forvejen har i hjernen, og som giver en psykedelisk/terapeutisk/rensende/religiøs virkning hvis indtaget. Ayahuasca er en sydamerikansk drik, der bruges shamanistisk, og som de sidste 10-15 år har spredt sig i USA og Europa. Amerikansk højesteret har taget det op og voteret til fordel for dets legalitet (Ayahuasca), Bush ville forbyde det, selv æggehovedet Ken Wilber blev nødt til at udtale sig om det, Brasilien lovliggjorde det (Politiken-artikel), danske forfattere prøver det på nationalt TV (DR2) stofmisbrugere stopper efter blot én enkelt session med det, m.m.m.
Selvom man har prøvet Ayahusca 30 gange, er det relativt lidt, noget flere siger. For andre er én gang nok. For andre igen er det overflødigt og mange har ikke brug for det heller. Der er ikke et endeligt facit.
Ideelt set skal man have en beviseligt 1) dygtig, 2) erfaren, 3) ærlig vejleder/shaman!
(der er gået Ayahuasca turisme i den i Vesten og Sydamerika, så at alle mulige opportunister, amatører, mindre gode shamaner [dark shamans], ågerpriser, etc. tager bestik af efterspørgslen).
Lad det være klart: Gør din research hvis du skal prøve det. Grundigt! Dette er ikke et rekreativt stof men en total transformerende livsændrende oplevelse - nogle få kan flejne ud på det - og forberelse og uddannelse er et MUST!
Hvis du ikke har balancen, modet, motivationen på plads og/eller ovennævnte forudsætninger på plads, kan selve modstanden mod oplevelsen være afgørende: VIDEO - DR-vært tager på voldsom rejse i underbevidstheden (om DR-værten havde forudsætningerne, om han var svært 'ego-barrikaderet' (se forneden) er svært at vide - tolkning efter en oplevelse er også Alfa & Omega - man kan ikke bruge DR-værtens oplevelse som fællesnævner, idet titusinder andre har meget positive livstransformerende oplevelser efter, at de gennemgik den indre Ayahusca-rejse. I mine øjne er DR-værten prototypen på en møtriks i maskinen, hvis selvforståelse er ulideligt ydrestyret, overfladisk og mainstream).
Lidt om DMT (det aktive stof i Ayahuasca): 'DMT: The Spirit Molecule' er en bog af Dr. Rick Strassman, som beskriver sine forsøg med frivillige forsøgspersoner og deres oplevelser med det psykedeliske stof DMT (Dimethyltryptamin). DMT - The Spirit Molecule er måske den definitive film om DMT- VIDEO som er udkommet ( i vrimlen af dokumentarer om det).Der er ca. 40 professorer, Ph. D'er, etc. som bliver interviewet, og der er fantastiske animationer med. Check de interview klip som ikke er med i selve filmen, f.eks. Stan Grof, den psykedeliske bevidsthedspioner (mærkeligt at de har valgt at skære så meget bort): Se om filmen her. Den er blevet vist på Netflix.
Ayahuasca - Dokumentarer og interviews:
Top 7 Ayahuasca Documentaries - Free and Complete Films 2017
Stepping Into The Fire - Ayahuasca documentary
The film follows the true story of three successful individuals brought together by an ancestral medicine from South America that has become legendary for its miraculous and profound effects. Ayahuasca -- as the Amazonian brew is known -- is well known for its mental, physical and energetic healing properties. Stepping Into the Fire closely examines the life-changing effects Ayahuasca can have and illustrates why environment and health are so crucial to human success on a global scale.
Manifesting the Mind: Footprints of the Shaman (2009) [Full Documentary]
"Manifesting The Mind, a documentary on Psychedelics & Shamanism from 'Bouncing Bear Films' featuring interviews with renowned experts such as Daniel Pinchbeck, John Major Jenkins, Dennis McKenna, Nick Herbert, Alex Grey & Dr. Rick Strassman to name a few. This is the first release from Bouncing Bear Films which comprises of Andrew & Jennifer Rutajit and all other folks from Bouncing Bear Botanicals. 'Manifesting The Mind' gives us a broad perspective on psychedelics, how we can benefit from them and why is the use of psychedelics suppressed by the mainstream media and governments of the world."
Ekstrakter fra Graham Hancock and the Sacred Vine (Video Interview):
Fingerprints of the Gods" author Graham Hancock explains why all politicians should drink Ayahuasca 10 times
"You said that all politicians should be required to drink Ayahuasca 10 times before taking office." - Brian (00:46)
"All across the world we have a venal class of dishonest, self-serving bureaucrats who are using the power we give them to oppose themselves upon us." - Graham (01:52)
"You have to understand that we've had more than 40 years now of massively financed propaganda called the 'War on Drugs'." - Graham (03:10)
"In a way it's a very Orwellian world where language is being used against us. It's almost impossible to approach the issue of 'drugs' without immediately linking it to the notion of 'abuse.'" - Graham (04:47)
"Do we as adults have the right to make decisions about what we put in our own bodies and what we experience with our own consciousness without reference to the powers of the state or must we seek permission from the state in order to explore our own consciousness?" - Graham (05:17)
"I find again and again you get these instant knee-jerk reactions. 'Oh they're talking about a drug, this isn't be for me. They must be dirty people.'" - Graham (08:37)
"I don't believe I would have written that book if I hadn't had this nudge from this curious plant ally called cannabis." - Graham (13:37)
"I don't do things by half-measures. I was smoking a very great deal of cannabis for 24 years." - Graham (14:10)
"During those Ayahuasca sessions whatever intelligence spoke to me directly and made it very clear to me that my journey with Cannabis had come to an end." - Graham (15:33)
Ayahuasca - My Heart of Darkness:
Nic Gabriel returns from his Ayahuasca retreat in the jungles of Peru to discuss his experiences at El Purguero under the supervision of Shaman Ron Wheelock, the terrifying images and life lessons gained from his 4 ceremonies, his uncomfortable afternoon with the plant medicine San Pedro, and why he feels that the "Old Nic" died in that jungle.
"I am so incredibly well and bursting with love."- Nic 0:04:56
"I'm going to do my best to use the power of speech to convey what happened to me in that jungle, but a lot of it is beyond the kingdom of words..." - Nic 0:05:00
"We were all very scared." 0:21:09
"I will take you to hell...but I will bring you back to the light." - Nic 0:16:10
"Ron's job is to dig into your soul and find the darkness and bring it out." - Nic 0:33:32
"I was shown just how insane I was...how many fears I had...how many neuroses I had..." - Nic0:40:03
"This is intense to listen to. I'm sure people watching can tell that you're reliving it." - Brian 0:54:45
"I felt a lot of my ego had been taken off me - a lot of the pressure of the ego had been relieved." - Nic 0:57:53
"And at this point I had started to freak out a little bit." - Nic 1:05:09
"When I'd look at someone I could only see their ego on their face. I couldn't see their heart, only their ego." - Nic 1:10:32
"This human experience is just a game, it's just an amazing game we're all playing." - Nic 1:18:10
"I saw myself as a holy man underneath a tree, just laughing at the enourmous gift that life is." - Nic 1:20:29
"I was someone who was having to think his way through the world as opposed to someone who was feeling his way through the world." - Nic 1:22:20
"The truth is hidden in plain sight." - Nic 1:27:28
"I started thrashing around in the dirt like a possessed animal." - Nic 1:35:30
"Nic died in that jungle and whatever I am now was born in that jungle." - Nic 1:36:40
"The relief combined with the dmt combined with the rite of passage we'd just been through...massive buzz." - Nic 1:41:54
"Their fear of Ayahuasca belongs to them. It's not my fear [about his parents and family] ." - Nic1:44:19
"I find that the reason I go back to Ayahuasca is the way it changes my life afterwards." - Brian1:45:35
"And I would say to anyone listening to this: Go to the jungle and find out who you are." - Nic 1:47:18
Graham Hancock: Elves, Aliens, Angels and Ayahuasca
Wilber, det amerikanske æggehoved har ikke prøvet det, alligevel paster jeg hans postulater - VIDEO:
Ken Wilber - Ayahuasca Part 1
Ken Wilber - Ayahuasca Part 2
Short Tips for Ayahuasca Journeys
Gabe Mate er verdensberømt pioner.
Why Addiction Expert Dr. Gabor Maté Treats His Patients with Ayahuasca
Gabor Mate Answers Questions About Ayahuasca - YouTube
Renowned Doctor Gabor Mate on Psychedelics and Unlocking the Unconscious, From Cancer to Addiction
Israeli Scholar Says Moses Was Under the Influence by anayahuasca-like concoction.
Psychospiritual Integration of an Ayahuasca Retreat Experience - Deborah Quevedo, R.N., Ph.D
The Ayahuasca Experience
Excerpted from The Psychotropic Mind: The World according to Ayahuasca, Iboga, and Shamanism by anthropologist Jeremy Narby, filmmaker Jan Kounen, and writer/filmmaker Vincent Ravalec
Hancocks bog om Aya er med på listen (beskrivelse i artiklen), og der er mange artikler på reality sandwich, et eklektisk website for psychonaut connoisseurs:
20 Essential Books on the Mysterious Power of Ayahuasca
Facing Fear: A Conversation with an Ayahuasquero
Ayahuasca and the Miracle of Transformation | Stuart Wilde
David Icke - Ayahuasca (DMT) - YouTube
David Icke: Secret of the Universe & DMT
Down and Out on Ayahuasca
Konspiranautisk Kontrovers - Deep State som Pusher - Den Psykedeliske Revolution som CIA implantat VS Shamanistisk Healing
Med nye afslørringer via Jan Irwin, McGowan, et al. får vi den ufortalte side om oprøret i 60'erne, den psykedeliske revolution, m.m. som et kollektivt CIA-implantat, endda, at en af fortaleren for den nyere psykedeliske revolution, Terrence McKenna, angiveligt var et aktiv for CIA, noget som Graham Hancock og andre mener er en ekstrem mistolkning af én kommentar, som McKenna engang fremsatte.
Jan Irwin et al:
1) R. Gordon Wasson: The Man, the Legend, the Myth. Beginning a New History of Magic Mushrooms, Ethnomycology,and the Psychedelic Revolution. By Jan Irvin, May 13, 2012
2) How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions – and began one of the largest mind control operations in history. Some brief notes. By Jan Irvin, August 28, 2012
3) Manufacturing the Deadhead: A Product of Social Engineering, by Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin, May 13, 2013
4) Entheogens: What’s in a Name? The Untold History of Psychedelic Spirituality, Social Control, and the CIA, by Jan Irvin, November 11, 2014
5) Spies in Academic Clothing: The Untold History of MKULTRA and the Counterculture – And How the Intelligence Community Misleads the 99%, by Jan Irvin, May 13, 2015
“Hippies came out of no where and sort of co opted it, I think it was quite deliberate…they wanted to give the anti-war movement a face that would be completely unacceptable to mainstream America…I mean everything about them was offensive to mainstream America, to middle America, the hairstyles, the clothing styles, the open drug use, the music, everything about them was designed to repel mainstream America and prevent the anti-war movement from gaining any additional speed by putting this face on it… I think the whole hippy flower child thing was a creation of the Intelligence community to take the steam out of the anti-war movements and various other movements….The battle cry of the hippy movement was turn on, tune in, drop out…telling people don’t worry about it, get high.“
– from “Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippy Dream” by Dave McGowan
6) Laurel Canyon by McGowan (om musikindustrien i 60'erne og deres forbindelse til efterretningstjenester).
San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco's leading newspaper), April 1, 2016: When the CIA ran a LSD sex-house in San Francisco - WantToKnow.info
The Legacy of the CIA's Secret LSD Experiments on America | TIME.com
'Hippies were invented by the CIA? Not really, although this is one of the main disinfo memes being worked at the highest levels of counterintelligence propaganda today. But that doesn’t mean the CIA didn’t play a huge role in the Psychedelic Revolution. Of course they did...But all this activity at the highest levels of the psychedelic revolution by the CIA does not mean the agency was driving the zeitgeist. They were not'
The CIA and the Psychedelic Revolution – The Tin Whistle
At LSD blev spredt af CIA som eksperiment og brugt i mind control eksperimenter, er ingen hemmelighed mere. At man har brugt psykedeliske substanser i forsøg som en social ingeniør operation på befolkningsgrupper i 60'erne, har dog udviklet sig til en 'universel forståelse' blandt mange Deep Politics researchere, således, at disse psykedeliske substanser er blevet negative i sig selv....er konklusionen.
Ikke engang Jan Irvin tænker, at psykedeliske stoffer er dårlige i sig selv ('Psychedelics, like steaknives are useful to those who know how to safely use them. For those who do not they can be quite dangerous.' - Jan Irvin) men dette er blevet et enten/eller skisme for nogle.
Well, shamanerne og Indianerne i ældgamle kulturer brugte psykedeliske substanser med stor succes og til healing, selvforståelse, etc. før morderiske efterretningstjenester overhovedet blev opfundet. At folk er blevet dybt traumatiserede af LSD på Frederiksberg Hospital (blevet efterladt til sig selv under LSD-forsøg), i USA med mind control forsøg og eksperimenter, er ikke ensbetydende med, at LSD og psykedeliske stoffer ikke har haft ekstremt helbredende psykologiske effekter på andre (frivilligt, ikke under tvang), specielt under terapeutiske forhold. LSD f.eks. er ikke for enhver, og min holdning er, at hvis det skal bruges i højdosis, så er det i en spirituel eller terapeutisk kontekst under supervisering, medmindre man er en relativt erfaren psykonaut.
Forsvar for Terrence McKenna af Graham Hancock, som mener, at Jan Irvin groft fejllæser McKenna som CIA:
'Over the past few months I've become aware of an insidious hate campaign being waged against Terence across the internet, a campaign based on rumour and disinformation suggesting that he was a CIA/FBI agent. I've noticed that many on the net simply accept the untruths at the heart of this campaign as though they were tried and tested facts without applying critical thinking to what it being said, and then go on to multiply and propagate them further......
But what are we to make of Jan irvins revelation that he was employed in deep background public relations for the CIA?
.......Far from it being "absolutely clear", that Terence is admitting to be an FBI agent here it is transparently obvious to anyone who knows his work that he is joking about being "the alien ambassador".... Only those lacking in any sense of humour, and of an obtusely literal and paranoid frame of mind, could put any interpretation on the Esalen clip other than that Terence is talking about being recruited first in "deep background positions" later in "public relations" by the alien intelligence behind the mushrooms. There is no justification whatsoever in blowing this up into a huge conspiratorial farrago aimed at discrediting one of the greatest liberation thinkers of the past hundred years.
Mind you, I could come up with an alternative conspiracy theory. Terence McKenna's disembodied voice living on on the internet has become such a powerful force for free thinking, such an effective instrument for de-conditioning and liberating those brainwashed by "the system" that "the system" has responded with this viral disinformation campaign to discredit him through rumours that he was an agent of the system itself. What more effective way could be imagined to neutralise the force and the power and the light that is Terence? I can only hope that those who've been reached by his message will see through the nonsense and continue to honour Terence's name and learn the vital lessons he has to teach.
- Graham Hancock, link
Jan Irvin får også slag af Dennis McKenna, Terrence McKenna's bror, for at have fejltolket Terrence McKenna groft, også at det er vanvid at tro, at enhver som havde med Esalen Institute at gøre var impliceret i efterretningstjenester, selvom nogle blev infilterede, var nyttige idioter eller direkte CIA-aktiver:
Were Terence and Dennis McKenna CIA Agents? (5 min)
Se også Hancock's bandlyste TED talk: In the talk, Hancock discusses the Ayahuasca experience and how the psychedelic brew enhances creativity, helps terminate drug addictions, and how Ayahuasca helped him kick a cannabis habit. Hancock calls current drug laws a ‘war on consciousness’ and hypocritical as many legal pharmaceutical drugs and alcohol are significantly more toxic and dangerous for users than the illegal psychedelic medicines.
Graham Hancock - The War on Consciousness BANNED TED TALK
En anonym kommentator fremsætter derfor en anden teori om Jan Irvin på dette ene punkt, selvom dette også er uholdbart:
"Is Jan Irvin CIA? That's the real question. McKenna never wavered from his anti-establishment rants. Culture is not your friend. Irvin , on the other hand was a psychedelic advocate and user for years! Then he does a 180 and all of his former heroes are now government agents??? One theory is Irvin flipped to stay out of jail, became an agent himself! He is the one who acts like it, not McKenna."
Healing og Statens tyranniske forbud - Deep State som pusher
Ny research dokumenterer, at psykedeliske substanser er fremragende til helbredelse, terapi, afvænning af narkotiske stoffer, alkohol, heroin, selverkendelse, etc. (NB! Afhængighed af stoffer, som Big Pharma medicinalindustrien og den materialistiske psykiatri intet kan stille op imod - de lever desuden af de narkotiske stoffer i uhellig tandem med The Deep State black budgets.).
MDMA (det rene ecstasy) kan helbrede veteraner med forkrøblende PTSD (22 amerikanske veteraner om dagen begår selvmord), PTSD-ofre, depression, m.m. med et procenttal på over 80% - en helbredelsesrate som Big Pharma og Psykiatriens pille og mind control industri overhovedet ikke kan hamle op med. Derudover, at Psilocybin (svampe) har stor effekt på visse psykiske lidelser.
Ayahuasca og andre psykedeliske stoffer har positiv transformerende virkning på mange mennesker, og psykedeliske stoffer har afvænnende effekt på stofafhængighed, etc. etc....basalt set; at psykedeliske substanser gennemgår en forbløffende succesfuld reformation i vor tid i terapeutisk øjemed.
Professor i neuropsykofarmakologi ved Imperial College London, David Nutt, har igennem en årrække været den britiske regerings særlige narkotikarådgiver og har grundlagt afdelingen for neuropsykofarmakologi og molekylær billeddannelse på Imperial College London. Forskningsenheden har bl.a. produceret opsigtsvækkende resultater om det aktive stof i 'magiske svampe', og dets potentiale i behandlingen af depression med opsigtsvækkende resultater, der er med til at bane vejen for en ny global stofpolitikreform. Nutt har bl.a. via forskningsenheden på Imperial College leveret opsigtsvækkende resultater I behandlingen af depression. Han har også afsløret LSDs påvirkning på hjernen gennem banebrydende hjernescanningsbilleder, og forskningsenheden er en af verdens fremmeste på det psykedeliske forskningsområde. David Nutt har lige været i København.
VIDEO - How can illegal drugs help our brains | David Nutt | TEDxBrussels 2017
VIDEO - David Nutt: The New Psychedelic Revolution in Psychiatric Medicine
VIDEO - David Nutt: Psychedelic Research, From Brain Imaging to Policy Reform 2017
Professor David Nutt
Graham Hancock (og mange andre) siger i øvrigt, at Alkohol synes at være elitens foretrukne soma, deres dumbing-down drug til befolkningerne (Graham Hancock - Society - Alcohol) men ikke de mindst skadelige; de forbudte psykedeliske stoffer.
'Se listen over de farligste rusmidler - Alkohol er det farligste rusmiddel og mere skadeligt end blandt andet heroin og kokain, tobak gør mere skade end hash, og LSD er nærmest harmløst. Det er blot nogle af de resultater, som en britisk undersøgelse fra 2010 slår fast. ...Listen bygger på en rapport offentliggjort i det britiske medicinske tidsskrift' 'The Lancet'.
- link
Mens Staten har 'kognitivt bevidsthedmonopol' - alkohol som det foretrukne - på hvilke bevidsthedsændrende substanser, som det enkelte individ kan blive straffet for/ikke straffet for ved besiddelse eller indtagelse af (cannabis f.eks, som aldrig har slået nogen ihjel), dør folk af alkohol og heroin, m.m. hver eneste dag, sygdom, etc. At cannabis så også kan misbruges - dog uden de samme destruktive fysiske virkninger - er så at sige overflødigt at nævne (Cannabis misbrug har en tendens til at svække ens lever Yang, dvs. ens udfarende kraft, vilje, handling, etc. - set fra et kinesisk akupunktur/energetisk perspektiv, men at det kan helbrede Cancer og andre sygdomme, er der absolut ingen tvivl om).
Derudover opererer CIA, the Deep State og deres billiondollar Black budgets ad bagdøren i årtier som de største facilitatorer og importører af heroin og kokain (se f.eks: The CIA Drug ConnectionIs as Old as the Agency - NYTimes.com og The Contras, Cocaine, and U.S. Covert Operations og Deep History and the Global Drug Connection, Part 5: CIA In Latin America og Politics of Heroin - Organized Crime Research - 99% af befolkningerne er ubevidste om dette, mens vi render rundt som små møtrikker i den store upersonlige maskine vi kalder samfundet).
![]() |
Læg mærke til, hvad som skete i 2001, da Taleban ødelagde al opium/heroin produktion på ét år. Belejligt, at 11. september indtraf, for se hvor det går efter NATO/CIA invaderede Afghanistan. |
9-11 and the Afghan Opium Connection
Et skisme har udviklet sig det sidste årti; research viser, at efterretningstjenester har brugt psykedeliske substanser som sociale ingeniører, i eksperimenter, MK Ultra mind control, mens psykedeliske researchere har vist at psykedeliske substanser har enormt terapeutisk potentiale for debilliterende forkrøblende psykiske lidelser. Læg i øvrigt mærke til, at psykedeliske non-patenterbare substanser står i modsætning til Big Pharma - medicinal-døds-industriens patenterede syntetiske ineffektive substanser, en billiondollar industri - fordi psykedeliske planter og substanser ikke kan patenteres, og der er derfor ikke penge at tjene. Læg endvidere mærke til, at de psykedeliske stoffer er forbudte, har fantastisk heling potentiale, men blevet rangeret som de mindst skadelige af alle stoffer på top 20 listen i den grundigste undersøgelse nogensinde, noget som academia og etablissmentet ikke bryder sig om (Professor David Nutt blev fyret, selvom han påviste dette ud fra mange parametre: Sacked – for telling the truth about drugs | The Independent) - se også Professor David Nutt Is Still Fighting Against the UK's 'Moronic' Drugs)
What's wrong with that picture? En hel del - det er åbenlyst!
NB! Jeg advokerer ikke for LSD generelt, ej heller andre stoffer (tager ikke psykedeliske stoffer, ryger ikke engang cannabis - se også Justitsmord på Claus), men perspektiverne foroven belyser proportionalitet, årsager og virkninger, som de fleste ikke er bevidste om, for de fleste er indoktrinerede til at være forargede over 'stoffer', mens vi bliver proppet af de mest skadelige stoffer via Staten og døds-medicinal-industrien, Big Pharma - for ikke at nævne, at vestlige efterretningstjenester under radaren tjener billioner af dollars på drugs trafficking ind i EU og USA. Grotesk og uvidende verden!
"The reason drugs are illegal and suppressed, and bla bla, is because you can make a shitload of money off them in that context. It’s a money issue. Do you think a loving government is trying to keep you from jumping out of third-floor windows and that’s why LSD is illegal?! – I mean, give me a break! – for crying out loud, if this government felt strongly enough about certain issues, all of us between 18 and 26 would be sent off to die for that policy decision; so the government is not interested in your health. The government is artificially interested in inflating the prices of certain substances [heroin, kokain, m.v] in order to create a focus for clandestine money that is used then to destabilise unfriendly governments, murder labour union leaders, kill and blackmail the editors of left-wing newspapers, so forth and so on. Drugs are enormous big business. But NOT the psychedelic drugs. Psychedelic drugs – the only one that ever amounted to anything as a financial enterprise was cannabis. And cannabis is many things besides psychedelic. The deep, dramatic psychedelics, which are all Schedule 1, the most repressed Schedule – don’t produce great amounts of money at all. What they do produce is questioning minds. They cause people to ask questions. They cause people to ask for clarification. They cause people to challenge cultural values, because they decondition you."
- Terrence McKenna
Dette ovennævnte udsagn - omend det sidste om dekonditionering ikke nødvendigvis gælder - lyder ikke som en CIA-agent overhovedet, og ej heller som en apolitisk new age advokat for subjektiv navlepillende afvisning af den dybere politiske virkelighed. McKenna havde nogle gode pointer, og nogle som var langt ude, men at han var bevidst CIA-spook køber jeg ikke - dér tager Jan Irvin fejl. Flere har lyttet til det 5 timer lange foredrag som McKenna holder, hvor han flere gange omtaler 'They' i konteksten af High Strangeness, ikke CIA, og derfor er det ikke utvetydigt tydeligt, at 'They' er nogen agency. Ét usandt præmis i en argumentation, og konklusionen bliver fejlagtig!
Jan Irvin har selv - efter eget udsagn - taget psykedeliske svampe, stoffer og substanser over 1000 gange: 'by the end of college about 200 times… by my mid to late 30s, easily 600+ and that’s just mushrooms. But all substances total – easily over 1000.' - Jan Irvin
Richard Feynmann, Kerry Mullis, DNA-opdageren, Francis Crick (alle vandt Nobelprisen), og mange andre genier krediterede LSD for deres kreativitet, og nogle af deres største opdagelser.
Det siges, at LSD kan gøre auraen skæv, uafbalanceret, men ligeså kan alkohol, andre substanser, stress, endda forkert appliceret meditation (kilde: Jes Bertelsen). Javist, nogle er røget på bad trip med psykedeliske substanser, og aldrig kommet hjem igen, andre er blevet healede - proportionalitetsmæssigt er alkohol, heroin, etc. dødeligst på førstepladsen mens LSD er blandt de mindst skadelige. Det skadelige ved LSD ligger snarere i det energetiske, uagtet at man kan fungere fint i det ydre, men det okkulte og energetiske tror flertallet ikke på anyway....
The legendary molecular biologist Francis Crick had told his Cambridge fellow, Dick Kemp, that he surprisingly had “perceived the double-helix shape DNA while on LSD.”
Det Libertarianske-Anarkistiske perspektiv fungerer i praksis
I modsætning til den statsligt indoktrinerede overtro; at det bliver et helvede ved afkriminalisering af stoffer, viser praksis det modsatte; legaliser stoffer, og alle samfundsmæssige negative omkostninger ved stoffer falder markant, antallet af brugere stiger ikke, kriminaliteten falder, etc. Dette er praksis, ikke teori:
Portugal som eksempel:
'Portugal undlader at straffe folk, der bruger cannabis, kokain og lignende. 15 år efter afkriminaliseringen er færre på stoffer, og Portugal bliver rost til skyerne....
I Danmark er frygten blandt modstandere af legalisering, at flere bruger cannabis og stoffer, hvis de ikke længere er ulovlige. Samme frygt havde modstandere af afkriminaliseringen i Portugal. Erfaringen er dog den stik modsatte."
- Afkriminalisering af stoffer er en stor succes i Portugal | Videnskab.dk
What Happened When Portugal Decriminalized Drugs? (VIDEO - 3 min)
Gammel kommentar: "Beskæmmende er det i øvrigt at se udtalelser om Ecstasy i dagspressen fra en mindre hær af “stofmisbrugseksperter”, herunder psykiatere, der for flertallets vedkommende tydeligvis ikke aner, hvad det er, de taler om." "Senere i annoncen får vi med grotesk overdrivelse - så selv den mindst kvikke kan fatte det - følgende at vide: “Så FUCK kærligheden, vennerne, familien, din uddannelse og din fremtid - ingen og intet vil nogensinde kunne gøre dig lykkeligere end E. FUCK heroin, coke, svampe og LSD, det er det rene vand ved siden af E.” Som om det var almindeligt at ecstasy-brugere generelt tænkte på denne måde". Forfærdelig og misvisende indoktrinerings-stråmand fordi ingen ecstasybrugere tænker sådan, stort set.
En Esoterisk note & Hvorfor Ayahuasca er svært at integrere i Vesten?
Bernard Günther om den underbelyste side - et kritisk, alsidigt og dybtgående syn på Ayahuasca, Ayahuasca turisme, medicinsk cannabis, dets healende potentiale men også misbrug, CIA, COINTEL, og den psykedeliske bevægelse (meget lang, nuanceret, og esoterisk artikel) i spirituel kontekst - citater fra Laura Knight-Jadczyk, m.fl. - denne artikel er et MUST for dybe tænkere;
Reflections on Ayahuasca, Psychedelics, Marijuana and a critical look at the Psychedelic Movement
'Anyone who looks into the information presented here sincerely in more depth and unbiased can clearly see the COINTELPRO and Mind Control aspect throughout the history of the psychedelic movement. ....Psychedelics and marijuana may help certain people in certain circumstances at one point in their lives, but they can also be detrimental and steer people away from truth and healing. I have seen it in myself. It’s all about context and depends on the individual.'
Psykedeliske stoffer kan i Steiner'sk kontekst klassificeres som ego-opløsende, udvidende, varme, etc. mens andre stoffer kan klassificeres som ego-forhærdende, sammentrækkende, kolde, etc.
I nogle former for moderne terapi skelnes der mellem afdækkende og strukturopbyggende terapi. Mennesker der i forvejen er 'afdækkede', dvs. har en svag jegstruktur med for store 'huller' til det personligt ubevidste, kollektive ubevidste, svag assertionskraft, evt. prædisponerede for psykoser, etc. skal ikke have afdækkende terapi, de skal have strukturopbyggende terapi - mens mennesker hvis jegstruktur er barrikaderet fra deres dybere sjælelige baggrunde, det personligt ubevidste, skal have afdækkende terapi.
Hvis egoet ikke har kontakt med sjælen eller de spirituelle lag, bruger man slet og ret sin vilje forkert eller i modstrid med de dybere baggrunde i ens væsen (det typiske i Vesten) - dette vil (i den grove ende) være pansrede, hærdebredde tonsetunge egoer med meget stærk vilje, men ingen kontakt med intuitionen/higher virtue/sjælen/selvet/visdommen, etc. (Ahrimansk). Har hørt, at det er mennesker som ultimativt styrer mod krank skæbne, sygdom, etc, da de er fraspaltede kontakten med den indre stemme/sjælen/selvet, eller de navne man nu vil bruge. I denne sammenhæng introduceres Ayahusca til Vesten for at katalysere en re-connection. Kriteriet for en korrekt shamanistisk rejse er, at man kommer tilbage endnu mere integreret end før, mere samlet, men samtidig ses den vestlige patologi for, hvad den er; patologisk....ideelt set. Hvorfor er Ayahuasca svært at integrere i Vesten! Det korte svar - mit bud:
Fordi 'Det ikke er et mål for sundhed at være godt tilpasset til et dybt sygt samfund'
- Krishnamurti
How Do We Integrate Our Ayahuasca Experiences - YouTube
"After experiencing Ayahuasca you sometimes wake to discover your old paradigms have shattered into a million pieces, and there’s no way of putting them back together and nor do you even want to. And then suddenly you realise that the world you were part of is even more screwed up than you thought . Oh, but wait, now you have to go back and live there again! Ouch!.....Everything is too fast and out of whack, and people are rude and stressed out and complaining all the time. Yet they won’t listen to your kind words of advice on how to relax and trust in spirit..... In fact, they talk to you like you’re the one who’s gone completely raving mad!
“What’s wrong with these stupid people!? Why don’t they get it!? Help! Get me out of here!” is a common cry from people who have returned home to the madness that is western civilisation.
Ayahuasca Integration - Avoiding the Feelings of Alienation After an Ayahuasca Retreat
Af samme grund bør terapi eller nogen som helst substans ikke tilpasse mennesket som apatisk lydige mennesker til et dybt sygt system, hvor den enkelte forventes at individualisere alle problemer, hvoraf en meget stor del, er eksogent fremkaldt af de ydre sindssyge systemer.
Meget tyder på, at Ayahuasca oplevelser giver det hjemvendende individ en opfattelse af Vesten som syg og intolerabel, ikke at mange 'naturligt oplyste' behøver at tage Ayahuasca for at se, at vesten er dybt syg. Omvendt også; mange prøver Ayahuasca fordi de i forvejen ønsker en dybere forståelse af sig selv, som de ved, at Vesten's paradigme ikke kan give dem. Den materialistiske 'videnskab' og psykiatri rummer ikke en diskurs for det spirituelle, som det anser for at være ikke-eksisterende og patologisk. Egoet er den højeste Gud. Man skal hen i afdelingen for kættere [pionerer], såsom transpersonlig psykologi a la Stan Grof, C.G. Jung, Roberto Assagioli, A. H. Almaas, McKenna, m.fl.. for at forstå det som ligger hinsides den konventionelle videnskabs fejltolkning af menneskets indre.
At 90% af New Age er pop, blevet manipuleret, dårligt forstået, etc. er ikke ensbetydende med, at det spirituelle i mennesket er ikke-eksisterende (hvis man tror det sidste, er det tilsvarende en sejr for materialistiske kræfter, som at tro det modsat fejlagtige; at man kun skal ændre sig selv for at ændre verden).
Tips how to integrate (fra DMT-Nexus Wiki:Health and Safety)
Okkulte aspekter ved alkohol og stoffer:
"By consuming alcohol....allowing the body to be more susceptible to neighboring entities most of which are of low frequencies ..That is why people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol often black out, not remembering what happened. .... a dark entity takes the body for a joy ride around the block, often in a hedonistic and self-serving illogical rampage. Our bodies are cars for spirits. If one leaves, another can take the car for a ride. Essentially when someone goes dark after drinking alcohol or polluting themselves in many other ways, their body often becomes possessed by another entity.....
....Years later, while reading a book called Mans Eternal Quest, by Paramahansa Yogananda, this spiritual master clearly explained the exact same thing as I was shown in the vision. I began to look back over my life and remember situations where I saw dark spirits hanging around people who had become very drunk. Let me elaborate a bit when I say I saw these entities … I have had the abilities of clairvoyance (the ability to perceive things beyond the natural range of the senses … which can include: ESP, extrasensory perception, sixth sense, psychic powers, second sight; telepathy, and more) , clairaudience ( the ability to perceive sounds or words from outside sources in the spirit world), and the experience of being a spiritual intuitive and empath since childhood. I have the ability to see energies and spiritual manifestations that most people don’t see. As I looked back over my life I could remember many incidents of encountering non-benevolent spirits in the presence of intoxicated individuals. I also have had experiences of looking into the eyes of a few people who were surely “possessed” by dark energies that were not their own."
- The Spiritual Consequences of Alcohol Consumption
Der er dog faktorer som modificerer dette - hvilket bevidsthedsniveau er den alkoholiserede (eller stofpåvirkede) person på i forvejen, graden af astral og æterisk beskyttelse, mængden af indtaget, hyppighed, etc. Den topclairvoyante dørmand i KBH, XXXX, har i årevis set lignende ubehagelige entiteter svæve rundt omkring folk på visse stoffer udenfor diskotekerne i KBH, hvor de 'suttede' på alkohol/stof-påvirkede folk.
I Tibetansk Buddhisme kan man kalde den klasse af energi-vampyristiske entiteter som parasiterer på de levendes rus, sultne spøgelser, tilhørende 'The Realm of The Hungry Ghosts', hvilket skyldes, at det æteriske felt kan blive svækket - eller der åbnes op til det astrale via andre kanaler - så at der åbnes op for allehånde lave astrale indflydelser.
Lægen og forfatteren George Ritchie fortæller i bogen, 'Tilbage fra Imorgen', at han som ung lægeassistent blev sendt med et lægehold til Frankrig lige efter anden verdenskrig. De blev stationeret i en koncentrationslejr i Wuppertal, hvor han døde og kom tilbage igen efter en utrolig ud-af-kroppen oplevelse - et uddrag om hans oplevelse (mens han var ude af kroppen) på en bar, hvor der blev drukket alkohol excessivt:
'They then traveled to a bar somewhere on Earth which was filled with sailors drinking heavily. Spirits surrounded the sailors as they tried desperately, and in vain, to grasp the shot glasses to get a drink. Other spirits tried to control the sailors' alcoholic behavior. Ritchie learns these are the spirits of people who died still having a severe alcoholic addiction which went beyond the physical. He is bewildered as he observes one of the sailors passing out causing the sailor's protective aura surrounding him to crack open. When it does, it allows a spirit to scramble into the sailor's unconscious body. This scene was repeated over and over.
Fra George Ricties ud-af-kroppen oplevelse, hvor han var klinisk død - her med hans egne ord (NB! Om en lysende kærlig guide i form af enten Jesus, Buddha, eller anden skikkelse leder en, er oftest bestemt ved den religiøse kultur som den enkelte person har i ud-af-kroppen oplevelser, selvom de kristne selvfølgelig tager alle jesus-skikkelser eller kristne skikkelser oplevet i ud-af-kroppen oplevelser, som bevis for deres tro, uagtet at det er kulturbestemt om det man møder er østlige eller vestlige skikkelser):
'Why do they keep talking to people who can't hear them?'
Then from the Light beside me came the thought: 'They are suicides, chained to every consequence of their act.'
Gradually I began to notice something else. All of the living people we were watching were surrounded by a faint luminous glow, almost like an electrical field over the surface of their bodies. This luminosity moved as they moved, like a second skin made out of pale, scarcely visible light.
At first I thought it must be reflected brightness from the Person at my side. But the buildings we entered gave off no reflection, neither did inanimate objects. And then I realized that the non-physical beings didn't either. My own unsolid body, I now saw, was without this glowing sheath.
At this point the Light drew me inside a dingy bar and grill near what looked like a large naval base. A crowd of people, many of them sailors, lined the bar three deep, while others jammed wooden booths along the wall. Though a few were drinking beer, most of them seemed to be belting whiskies as fast as the two perspiring bartenders could pour them.
Then I noticed a striking thing. A number of the men standing at the bar seemed unable to lift their drinks to their lips. Over and over I watched them clutch at their shot glasses, hands passing through the solid tumblers, through the heavy wooden counter top, through the very arms and bodies of the drinkers around them.
And these men, every one of them, lacked the aureole of light that surrounded the others.
Then, the cocoon of light must be a property of physical bodies only. The dead, we who had lost our solidness, had lost this 'second skin' as well.
And it was obvious that these living people, the light-surrounded ones, the ones actually drinking, talking, jostling each other, could neither see the desperately thirsty disembodied beings among them, nor feel their frantic pushing to get at those glasses. (Though it was also clear to me, watching, that the non-solid people could both see and hear each other. Furious quarrels were constantly breaking out among them over glasses that none could actually get to his lips.)
I thought I had seen heavy drinking at fraternity parties in Richmond, but the way civilians and servicemen at this bar were going at it beat everything. I watched one young sailor rise unsteadily from a stool, take two or three steps, and sag heavily to the floor. Two of his buddies stooped down and started dragging him away from the crush.
But that was not what I was looking at. I was staring in amazement as the bright cocoon around the unconscious sailor simply opened up. It parted at the very crown of his head and began peeling away from his head, his shoulders. Instantly, quicker than I'd ever seen anyone move, one of the insubstantial beings who had been standing near him at the bar was on top of him. He had been hovering like a thirsty shadow at the sailor's side, greedily following every swallow the young man made. Now he seemed to spring at him like a beast of prey.
In the next instant, to my utter mystification, the springing figure had vanished. It all happened even before the two men had dragged their unconscious load from under the feet of those at the bar. One minute I'd distinctly seen two individuals; by the time they propped the sailor against the wall, there was only one.
Twice more, as I stared, stupefied, the identical scene was repeated. A man passed out, a crack swiftly opened in the aureole round him, one of the non-solid people vanished as he hurled himself at that opening, almost as if he had scrambled inside the other man.
Was that covering of light some kind of shield, then? Was it a protection [det æteriske og astrale felt i auraen] against ... against disembodied beings like myself? Presumably these substance-less creatures had once had solid bodies, as I myself had had. Suppose that when they had been in these bodies they had developed a dependence on alcohol that went beyond the physical. That became mental. Spiritual, even. Then when they lost that body, except when they could briefly take possession of another one, they would be cut off for all eternity from the thing they could never stop craving'
- Heaven and hell - Dr Richies Near Death Experience
NB! Psykedeliske stoffer har fænomenal succes ved afvænning af heroin, alkohol, etc.
"Because of how psychedelics have been portrayed in the media and lumped in with addictive drugs by law enforcement, it can seem paradoxical to most people that you could use psychedelics to treat addiction. But they are remarkably effective. The power that psychedelics have to heal alcoholism and narcotic addiction is well established and was one of earliest focuses of psychedelic research. A recently published meta-analysis of randomized trials concluded, "A single dose of LSD, in the context of various alcoholism treatment programs, is associated with a decrease in alcohol misuse."
- How to Treat Alcoholism and Addiction with Psychedelics
Angående disse 'machine elves' som McKenna kaldte dem, åbenbart en oplevelse der går igen for en del folk, som prøver DMT og Ayahuasca:
"At about minute one or two of a DMT trip, according to McKenna, one may burst through a chrysanthemum-like mandala, and find: There's a whole bunch of entities waiting on the other side, saying "How wonderful that you're here! You come so rarely! We're so delighted to see you!" They're like jewelled self-dribbling basketballs and there are many of them and they come pounding toward you and they will stop in front of you and vibrate, but then they do a very disconcerting thing, which is they jump into your body and then they jump back out again and the whole thing is going on in a high-speed mode where you're being presented with thousands of details per second and you can't get a hold on [them ...] and these things are saying "Don't give in to astonishment", which is exactly what you want to do. You want to go nuts with how crazy this is, and they say "Don't do that. Pay attention to what we're doing".
What they're doing is making objects with their voices, singing structures into existence. They offer things to you, saying "Look at this! Look at this!" and as your attention goes towards these objects you realise that what you're being shown is impossible. It's not simply intricate, beautiful and hard to manufacture, it's impossible to make these things. The nearest analogy would be the Fabergé eggs, but these things are like the toys that are scattered around the nursery inside a U.F.O., celestial toys, and the toys themselves appear to be somehow alive and can sing other objects into existence, so what's happening is this proliferation of elf gifts, which are moving around singing, and they are saying "Do what we are doing" and they are very insistent, and they say "Do it! Do it! Do it!" and you feel like a bubble inside your body beginning to move up toward your mouth, and when it comes out it isn't sound, it's vision. You discover that you can pump "stuff" out of your mouth by singing, and they're urging you to do this.
They say "That's it! That's it! Keep doing it!". We're now at minute 4.5 [of the trip] and you speak in a kind of glossolalia. There is a spontaneous outpouring of syntax unaccompanied by what is normally called "meaning". After a minute or so of this the whole thing begins to collapse in on itself and they begin to physically move away from you.
- Machine Elf - Non-alien Creatures Wiki
Og mere:
"There are forces friendly to our struggle to birth ourselves as an intelligent species."..In fact, these elfin beings are a construct of a greater picture. Terence makes it clear the "speaking entity" of the tryptamine realm is an interior manifestation of the Logos, the ultimate source of all knowledge. The machine elves act as a sort of ambassadorship for the Logos, the collective
unconscious, Oversoul, or Gaian Mind. It is from this place that Terence
received the knowledge of his time wave theory:
- Machine Elves 101, or Why Terence McKenna Matters
Jeg slutter af med 2 links, idet disse dybere high strangeness aspekter ved DMT og Ayahuasca er for vidtgående at komme ind på her:
DMT, Aliens, and Reality—Part 1 | Psychology Today
Alien Abduction and DMT Experiences: The Birth Trauma Hypothesis
PS: En gammel rant om emnet på engelsk:
While there are clear pitfalls, hedonistic overuse or abuse of psychedelics (or any serotonin-changing activity like internet surfing - with one's head in the cloud of positive ions/ head close-up to the computerscreen, alcohol, sex, TV, cigarettes, etc) it is NOTHING compared to the real narcotics (actually the narcotic group is opiates, heroin, morphin, etc. but somehow the terminology got confused to include drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine, etc. which actually belong to the group of central nerve system-stimulating drugs).
So scientifically speaking, according to UN and WHO, speed, cocaine are not narcotics but CNS-stimulating drugs but in the mainstream media (zombie 'education') these are also called narcotics. Psychedelic substances got mingled with that confusing terminology also but are not narcotics. There are 3 main groups; narcotics, CNS-stimulating substances (both groups highly addictive) and psychedelic drugs (non-addictive) not to mention the 'non-recreational' group of ubiquitous 'decent' medicine (horrifying).
Not ONE documented case of LSD-toxicity resulting in death exists fx. (or perhaps ONLY one) - compare that to alcohol and cigarettes...duh.
There are PSYCHOLOGICAL dangers with psychedelics and physical when there are unpure drugs, mixing drugs, alcohol, etc.
We have been lied to.
Let me be very careful here; I am NOT advocating psychedelic substances as such, I am NOT an apologist for abuse.
Let me repeat that: I am even NOT advocating that people should do psychedelic drugs like another Timothy Leary or someone else, since there are dangers for the unstructured ego-personality types!
What I AM doing here is putting things in perspective because of disproportionate idiotic LIES by POWER and profit structures to the unspecting obedient goofy victims (patients and clients = sheople). And the real reasons for why power structures do as they do? It is quite easy to see this (without any psychedelics:-) once you see the contrast, the numbers, etc. and I would challenge ANYONE publicly in a debate who believes that the medical establishment 'cares about your health' and the official reasons why psychedelic drugs are illegal!! It is NONSENSE and ANY enlightened professor (I talked to at least 7 in person) knows this, although some are more outspoken than others.
Fx. In the world of substances the greatest problem is the medical system itself and it's zombie protagonists
Things which are relatively harmless are illegal while substances which kill millions are legal. THAT is why I write this; to decondition oneself from lies - whether substances, fluoride, aspartame, GM, mercury, sugar, medicine, weapons, sexuality, control, etc. It could be ANYTHING that is a collective emperor's clothes-lie! (forget about the name 'Illuminati', it is just a word for inhumane power and profit drives): http://www.whale.to/w/haz.html
"The pharmaceutical industry is deliberately letting people die for financial gain" - Linus Pauling (Pauling is one of only four individuals to have won multiple Nobel Prizes, one of only two people awarded two Nobel Prizes in different fields and the only person awarded two unshared prizes)
BUT AGAIN: this is NOT an apologism or recommendation - dangers of psychedelic substances are clearly there but this rant serves to put things in perspective due to ignorance and myths, due to distortion and EXTREME disproportion of what 'you know' (what most people think they know = brainwash) - in this rant psychedelics is in focus (could be any other subject which is the emperor's new clothes in the collective hive mind of lies).
There are therapeutic VERY succesful treatments both for physical AND psychological diseases with herbal medicine, plants, but there is NO money in it for the pharmacartels since many of these natural compunds can NOT be copied/patented (and only what can be patented is of profit interest to the pharmamafia) They can put bones together, etc. but OVERALL the medicine is doing much more harm than good. It must be an enoumous slap in the face to the multibillion dollar medical academia that natural (non-patented) compounds can be so effective in treating psychological problems VS their trillion-dollar ineffective medical killing machine (this last statement is just as valid as a polemical statement as a matter-of-factly statement):
If sugar, alcohol and cigarettes were invented today, they would be immediately banned, whereas MDMA fx. would NOT fall into the same category, Bionaid ionic silver would NOT (just got banned in Denmark last week), MMS would NOT (banned in US last week), etc...the list is endless (if it weren't for the existence of consolidated iatrogenic medical profit structures waging wars against natural non-patentable medicine these would be welcomes happily - the world is as usual upside-down).
In regard to patents VS effective cures - Just check this out fx: VIDEO (short newsclip) Cancer Cured in Canada? Big Pharma Says NO WAY! University of Alberta Researcher Dr. Evangelos Michelakis has developed an effective drug which can be used to treat cancer. The project of this inexpensive drug does not fit the plans of the Pharmaceutical industry. Se også Cancer kan helbredes - Cancerkure undertrykt gennem årtier
We have a medical industry which is responsible for causing more deaths than ANYTHING in the world; The American Medical System (not much different in Europe) Is The Leading Cause Of Death And Injury In The United States "The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million. (4) The total number of iatrogenic [induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures] deaths is 783,936." http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1011615-overview All enlightened doctors and people know this open secret!!!!
George Carlin at his best:
"They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests. That’s right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fuckin’ years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it."
- George Carlin
"Psychedelics are not illegal because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out the first story window, Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve phonic structures and culturally layed down novels of behavior and information processing, they open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong."
- McKenna
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