af ChaosNavigator
“The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears.”
– Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom of Fear
As vanished Babylon and goodly Tyre** Tyrus var en by i Fønikien, Phoenicia, som var af afgørende betydning for Babylon.
So shall they also vanish
But the wilding rose blows on the broken battlements of Tyre
And moss rends the stones of Babylon
- Cremation of Care fra Bohemian Grove
Den mest omfattende artikel om emnet på dansk (igen - suk - for der er næsten intet i den sovende danske blogosfære om dette emne), og endda er problemet kun skitseret. Emnet er enormt. Tag det som en indføring, hvor usmageligt det end lyder, men bevidstgørelse er ikke til at komme udenom. Der er mange centrale udvalgte begivenheder, nøglepersoner og links angivet for yderligere research, for dem som kan klare det psykisk. Dette er et researchdokument med flere indskudte sidehistorier.
Finansmands Bekendelser - Elitens Menneskeofringer & Pædofili
Roland Bernard (VIDEO forneden) er en finansmand, hvis hårrejsende spritnye interview er yderst radikalt, så spænd sikkerhedsselerne.
NB! Husk på, at du ikke kan bruge din egen kognitive dissonans, uvidenhed, vantro, sjælsuskyldighed eller egen psykologi, som kriterie for at bedømme om følgende er virkeligt eller ej:
'Through his position in this line of work Ronald Bernard got to communicate with these hidden elites. He knows from experience that human life is considered to be worthless trash by this group. Furthermore, he experienced first-hand, how people like him are made susceptible to blackmail and forced to remain silent, by drugging and mind controlling them into committing abominable acts as he explains in the interview. To Ronald, refusing the request to engage in such acts led to a breaking point where he literally ended up physically crashing. After which he found himself in a very dark place, but he managed to recover and survived.
'Pascal Roussel, a fellow insider of the financial world, wrote in 'The Divine Trap', about experiences similar to the ones disclosed by Ronald Bernard in this interview. When Roussel gave a lecture on his book in France, one of the former French presidents was present. Afterwards, this man wrote a letter to Roussel, in which he stated: 'Everything you write in your book, is based on truth' The fact that barely anyone believes this truth, has more to do with the severity of this reality and the successful 'conspiracy' labelling introduced by the CIA*, which makes it very difficult to be taken seriously by mainstream 'sensible' people. Ronald Bernard managed to get out of a world that almost cost him his life and chose humanity and dignity instead.'
- se resten af artiklen: Revelations from a former international financier: "I was training to become a psychopath, and I failed"
VIDEO - Interview med Roland Bernard
Vigtig læsning og overordnet kontekst: The Pedophocracy - Wikispooks
Fandt delvis transcript fra interviewet med Bernard:
INTERVIEWER: Can you tell me the worst thing that has happened that caused the tipping point in your situation?
WHISTLEBLOWER (Roland Bernard): Well, that was the beginning of the end, you get so deep into these circles and you sign a lifetime contract, not with blood or anything, to never disclose names of companies, organizations or people, I think that is why I am still alive. You have to stick to it. If we are talking about the worst things that I have experienced, I just told you about the things that made the freezer glitch, my conscience started to show itself. Let's put it this way, I was trained to become a psychopath and I failed. I did not complete the training and I didn't become a psychopath. My conscience came back and the most difficult part for me was, because I had such a great status there; I was a success, I was trusted with the people playing at this level. To put it carefully, most of these people followed a not very mainstream religion. So you have Catholics, Protestants, all sort of religions. These people, most of them, were Luciferians. And then, you can say religion is a fairy tale, God doesn't exist, none of that is real. Well, for these people, it is truth and reality and they served something immaterial, what they called Lucifer. And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me, they were just clients. So I went to places called Churches of Satan.
INTERVIEWER: So now we are talking about Satanism?
WITNESS: Yes. So I visited these churches, just as a visitor, dropped by, and then they were doing their Holy Mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. And it just amused me. I didn't believe any of this stuff and was far from convinced if any of this was real.
INTERVIEWER: It was just a spectacle to you...
WITNESS: Yes. In my opinion, the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn't make the connection, yet. So I was a quest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see those naked women and other things, it was the good life. But then at some point, I was invited, which is why I'm telling you all this, to participate in sacrifices... abroad. (witness chokes up, tears start to fill his eyes and his voice cracks) That was the breaking point. Children.
INTERVIEWER: Ok... You were asked to do that...?
WITNESS: (Still visibly shaken) Yes. And I couldn't do that.
INTERVIEWER: Would you like to stop for a moment, by the way?
WITNESS: And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. But this is the world I found myself in. And I started to refuse assignments within my job. (Tear rolling down his cheek) I could no longer do it. Which made me a threat.
INTERVIEWER: For them...of course.
WITNESS: I was no longer capable of functioning optimally, my performance started to shake and I had refused tasks, I had not participated... the purpose of the whole thing, eventually, in that world, is that they have everybody in their pocket. You need to be susceptible to blackmail. And blackmailing me looked to be very hard if I look back on it. They wanted to do that through those children and that broke me.... If you google this, you'll find enough worldwide witness accounts to know this isn't a Walt Disney fairy tale. Unfortunately, the truth is, that worldwide, they have been doing this for thousands of years.'
- citat slut
'Of secret services like FBI and CIA, Bernard says, "You think they are there to serve and protect a people, country, et cetera. But they actually turn out to be criminal organizations, in fact heavily so. We're talking about financing wars, creating wars.... Secret services will stop at nothing.... They're trading in drugs, weapons, or for that matter, people.... all of them. All of them."
- Roland Bernard: Witness to Elite Child Murder Rituals
Er Roland Bernard's påstande u-trolige? Er han psykisk syg? Foregår den slags? Er der lignende historier og kilder? Ja, det er der.
Seksuelle perversioner, især pædofili er udbredt i de øverste kredse. Se f.eks. den meget grundige James Corbett rapport om elitens pædofili for dokumentation om dette (video med transkription, fodnoter og links):
Episode 304 – Political Pedophilia: The Corbett Report
6 Case Studies That Point to a Massive Child Pedophile Ring at the Highest Levels of Power
Filmen, Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick) henviser med andre ord til virkeligheden ifl. Bernard - eksistensen af et elitært ekstremt magtfuldt netværk var et af filmens hovedpointer. Men Stanley Kubrick's film er vand sammenlignet med virkeligheden. Dette gælder ikke kun VIP-logers praksis i rituel sex og magtbesættelse - og dersom rituelt-hedonistisk-dekadente swingers sexparties, var alt det, som dette handlede om, var det komplet uinteressant, men kigger vi dybere i 'the rabbit hole' finder vi andre ting, nemlig omfattende VIP secret societies og loger, hvis centrale karakteristika er økonomisk manipulation, pædofili, både i rituel sammenhæng med depraveret-hedonistisk praksis, ritualmord, men ikke mindst afpresning (kameraoptagelser af sex med mindreårige,o.a.) som essentielt kontrolredskab af toppolitikere og businessmænd (Mossad, CIA, etc.), mind control, okkulte ideologier ført ud i mord på børn, narkotikahandel, pengehvidvaskning, sexslaveri, snigmord, organ trafficking, og brugen af efterretningstjenester som prætorianske garder for Deep State aktører, staten i staten, etc. Basalt set er denne VIP babylonisk-psykopatiske elites modus operandi også at finde i mange af disse bullet points: The Darth Vader Empire
Scene fra Eyes Wide Shut - den slags rituelle sexorgier foregår i virkeligheden, bla. i den verdensomspændende og tiltagende populære sex-magiske loge, OTO. Rothschild - angiveligt verdens rigeste familie (og ansvarlig for Danmarks bankpakker) - afholdt et lign. maskebal med venetianske masker. The Black Nobility (som også er kendt som Venetianere (Venetians var tidligere Phoenicians), er bl.a. Aldobrandini familien, som efter sigende er langt mere magtfuld end Rothschild (men usynlige), og havde muligvis tætte forbindelser til Stanley Kubrick, hvor han skulle have bevidnet orgier i et hus tilhørende Aldobrandini, hvorfra han kopierede Eyes Wide Shut. Andre påstår, at handlingen i slottet er taget fra et Rothschild domicil. |
Intermezzo - en detour i okkult symbolik og celebrity debauche
Fra Clinton-klanens top via Wikileaks finder vi f.eks. esoteriske klassiske okkulte symboler: Marina Abramovic er ifl. Time Magazine blandt de 100 mest indflydelsesrige personer i verden; en kendt celebrity kunstner, hvis venskab med Tony Podesta (hvis bror, John Podesta, er formand for Hillary Clinton's valgkampagne) og mange andre celebrities, movers and shakers, har afsløret lidt af et kultfølge med bizarre offentlige ritualer.
Radio 24/7 dækkede episoden om nedenstående email, da Iben Thranholm fremsatte vidtløftige påstande om Hillary Clinton og Abramovic.
Se også den verdensberømte journalist Abby Martins eksponering af John Podesta: The Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta
Lad os starte med Abramovic's mail til Tony Podesta og John Podesta. I en mail fra den 28. juli 2015 inviterer hun dem til middag, hvor ordet 'Spirit Cooking' bliver nævnt:
'Spirit Cooking' - Email fra Marina Abramovic til Tony Podesta - Wikileaks. NB! Klik og forstør fotoet. |
“It was just a normal dinner,” Abramovic said, adding that about 10 people attended. “It was actually just a normal menu, which I call spirit cooking. There was no blood, no anything else. We just call things funny names, that’s all.”
- kilde
Marina Abramović Dinner Party Mistaken for Satanic Ritual | artnet News
So far, so good (perhaps not), men hvad er 'Spirit Cooking'?
“Spirit cooking" refererer angiveligt til et sakramente i den sex-magiske Thelema religion (OTO) stiftet af Aleister Crowley’, som var leder af OTO, en sex-magisk okkult international loge (OTO's sexmagiske 'swingers parties' foregår også i KBH) - dette involverer menstruationblod, brystmælk, urin og sperm splattet ud på væggen/et maleri. Ifl. Marina Abramovic selv er det kunst, hvis kunst udføres offentligt i et galleri, men 'okkult magi', hvis det udføres privat. Følgende performance er højst besynderlig Se videoen De tydeligt traditionelle sexmagiske instruktioner hun angiver, er stort set identisk med instruktioner i sexmagi: The Occult World of Marina Abramović - Aristocrats of the Soul
Crowley nævner 'cakes of light', ikke 'spirit cooking', men i hvert fald er kombinationen af sperm og blod, urin, m.m. en vigtig esoterisk komponent i f.eks. Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) og anden magisk praksis, og Abramovic's metoder, symbolik, identisk praksis, etc. - derudover hendes direkte bekendtskab med folk tilhørende OTO - vidner utvetydigt om direkte inspiration, hvis ikke en copy/paste som krypto-OTO'er. Der er ingen tvivl om, at okkulte ordener, kabbalah, specielt OTO - som har stronghold i Schweiz og Californien - er blevet mere og mere mainstream, og har sit virke blandt yuppier, celebriries, berømte musikere,,Hollywood, efterretningscirkler og toppolitikere.
Ordo Templi Orientis - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
"For sacramental purposes, this O.T.O. uses hosts made with honey, meal, and wine–lees called 'Cakes of Light' (which may however contain small quantities of blood or semen.... — According to Crowley these Cakes should include menstrual fluids, but "In my Mass the Host is of excrement" — magically speaking, blood and excrement attracting spirits, sperm keeping them alive."
Kilden er Peter Koenig som var insider, og under-cover agent i OTO - måske den mand som har løftet låget om OTO - sammen med Francis King ( The Secret Rituals of the OTO by Francis King) - mere end nogen anden i moderne tid: O.T.O. Phenomenon (Peter Koenig)
I okkult magisk praksis har blod, sperm, urin, og ekskrementer i visse systemer, altid været en essentiel komponent, som bl.a. potenserer de mål som den enkelte såkaldte magiker/magiske loge intenderer. Dette er et komplekst emne i sig selv, og Crowley er blevet meget misforstået, men uagtet dette, viser det som minimum, at Abramovic - sammen med de velkendte magiske symboler hun bruger (gentagent tema er f.eks. det inverterede pentagram), samt forbindelsen til OTO via Jay Z, m.m. - opererer med termer som er meget nøje beslægtede med 'sort magi', OTO og tantrisk magi, og det man kalder venstrehåndsvejen (poppet kort artikel) i okkultisme.
'Baphomet is an important figure in the Thelema, the mystical system he established at the beginning of the 20th century. In one of his most important works,...The Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, the ecclesiastical arm of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), recites during its Gnostic Mass “And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET.” [13. Helena and Tau Apiron, “The Invisible Basilica: The Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church: An Examination”] Baphomet is considered to be the union of Chaos and Babalon, masculine and feminine energy, the phallus and the womb.
...Anton Lavey’s Church of Satan remains an influential occult order. Founded in 1966, the organization adopted the “Sigil of Baphomet” as its official insignium.
The Sigil of Baphomet was probably heavily inspired by this illustration from Stanislas de Guaita’s La Clef de la Magie Noire (The Key to Black Magic).
- Who is Baphomet? - The Vigilant Citizen
Det er ikke bevist, at Abramovic er medlem af OTO eller anden magisk orden, men lighederne er slående mht. prakis, valg af symboler, tilknytninger til OTO-folk, m.m., hvis ikke identiske på visse punkter.Det virker som elitens offentlige 'avantgarde' showcase af dens rituelle-morbide modus operandi, alt imens de uvidende kvæg af mennesker in the Matrix intet fatter af afspejlingen af, hvad som foregår bag lukkede døre. De fleste ser kun det 'kunstneriske' eller degenerative-dekadente, men ikke den bagvedliggende kannibalist-sataniske virkelighed (Kannibal skulle komme af Kaanan + Baal) :
Lady Gaga og andre ser Abramovic som deres Guru. Jay Z, Will Pharrel, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, James Franco, Debbie Harry, Gwen Stefani og mange flere hænger ud med Abramovic, som fungerer som feteret guru for mange af disse - en 'stor kunstner'.
The Abramovic Method practiced by Lady Gaga - YouTube
Marina Abramovic Quotes
En samling af fotos af Marina Abramovicś performances og kunst:
Hygge for eliten og celebrities? - Debbie Harry og Abramovic |
Til middag med Marina Abramovic - kannbalist eller kabbalistisk kunst eller begge dele? - Se video her |
Lady Gaga og Marina Abramovic |
Beyonce, Clinton, Jay Z - PR-stunt i forsøg på at booste Clinton's præsidentkampagne. |
Se resten den omfattende billedsamling her.
Hillary Clinton's alliance med Jay Z (under valgkampen) er omstændeligt 'vidnesbyrd', men Jay Z er decideret sell-out og OTO-medlem - den sex-magiske loge, som har taget Hollywood og andre VIP-kulturer med storm (Hollywood Falls In Love With Satanic Religious Cult O.T.O ). Podesta-forbindelsen til Abramovic, indikerer en utvetydig forbindelse. Der er mange andre forbindelser.
Man kan så indvende, at disse slutninger er tendentiøse, og er logiske fejltagelser a la guilt by association, og at disse eliter og events blot er post-modernistisk dekadent hedonisme og depraveret rokoko-barokt avantgarde kunst, og promiskuøs gangbanging for elitære kredse, ikrydret eksotiske pop-okkultistiske symboler. Med andre ord; magteliter, milliardærer og celebrities 'skal jo have noget ekstraordinært at lave i deres fritid, og dekadence er ikke specielt, og 'hvad så' siger du ....'nothing new.'
Men det er ikke pointen - pointen er, at de praktiserer sådanne okkulte blodritualer (som Bernard pointerer) ) - og jeg tænker ikke specielt på OTO her, men visse secret societies , og forbindelserne viser det. Og 'hvad så?' spørger du igen.
Well, en praksis som involverer klassiske magiske forskrifter associeret med højtolacerede eliter som begår pædofili, blodritualer, og 'sort magi', ikke ligefrem er betryggende at have ved magten - om okkult magi eksisterer eller ej. Men det er deres ideologiske operating system, som åbenbart er forudsætningen for disse påståede ritualmord på børn (foruden afpresning). Skull and Bones f.eks. er verificerbart en dubiøs og ekstremt magtfuld loge, hvis medlemmer tæller Bush familien (heraf 2 præsidenter), John Kerry, m.fl. CIA er intimt forbundet med Skull & Bones - ét eksempel på, at loger ikke er uden stor (men skjult) magt.
Se i øvrigt en omfattende liste på loger og hemmelige broderskaber i bunden [1]
PS: 3 lidet kendte kuriøse rabbit hole factoids vedr. OTO: Geniet, Jack Parsons, som officielt var absolut afgørende for NASA's tidligere teknologiske udvikling samt stifter af NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab (nogle siger, at det stod for Jack Parsons Lab), var hengiven magisk okkultist og fanatisk leder af OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis), og særdeles tæt på både Aleister Crowley og Ron Hubbard (stifter af Scientology). Parsons blev krediteret på følgende måde af Nazi-Tysklands opfinder af V2-raketten og senere chef for NASA, Wehrner von Braun:
“Werner von Braun claimed it was the self-taught Parsons, not himself, who was the true father of the American space program for his contribution to the development of solid rocket fuel.”
- Jet Propulsion Lab: the occult roots of NASA
'Hubbard, whom Parsons referred to in writing as "Frater H",[135] became an enthusiastic collaborator in the Pasadena OTO. The two men collaborated on the "Babalon Working", a sex magic ritual intended to summon an incarnation of Babalon, the supreme Thelemite Goddess.
- L. Ron Hubbard - Wikipedia
'...his [Parsons] advocacy of space exploration and human spaceflight, and his role in the founding of JPL and Aerojet, Parsons is regarded as among the most important figures in the history of the U.S. space program.'
- Jack Parsons (rocket engineer) - Wikipedia
For videre research ang. Parsons, kan jeg anbefale at gå på kryptonautisk ekspedition hos den exorbitante high strangeness deep-in-the-rabbit-hole blogger, Secret Sun. The Secret Sun: Wizards, Workings and Walk-Ins: Be My Baby(lon)
Rudolf Steiner var involveret med stifteren af OTO, men var aldrig en del af ordenen:
Rudolf Steiner: Never a member of any Ordo Templi Orientis
Rudolf Steiner and the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) - Defending Steiner
"The OTO, the Freemasons, Scientology, Catholic Church, the CIA, the Australian military and many many others are all branches of the same Satanic Pedophilia Network."
- kilde
Re-tour to Hell: Roland Bernard og 'Eyes Wide Shut'
Om den okkulte del 'kun' dækker de psykopatiske eliters virksomhed eller om der er mere, er et godt spørgsmål. Mange mainstream kilder, vidner, researchere, andre kilder, m.m. peger i hvert fald på stærkt degenerative, okkulte, ritualistiske elementer af umenneskelig karakter ført ud i praksis.
Nogle få skeptikere mener, at det såkaldt rituelt-sataniske element er en 'and' - en måde hvorpå, man kunstigt skaber større skepsis i offentligheden ved at associere pædofili med satanisme, så at folk ikke efterforsker sagerne (de finder det rituelle element for langt ude, og smider barnet ud med badevandet). Roland Bernard, og andre kilder mener, at der ikke kun er tale om psykopati, men en lille elites autentiske religiøse esoterik, satanisme - en form for babylonisk mysteriekult.
Indskudt bemærkning: I mindre anekdotisk form er 'magisk tænkning' åbenbart ikke ualmindeligt blandt toppolitiske lag - her blot nogle få eksempler med Hillary Clinton, Tony og Cheerie Blair:
You have to wonder about the sanity of the world when the highly educated, super-ambitious woman tipped to be the first female U.S. President seriously assures an equally bright and determined lawyer that she can protect herself from evil forces by wearing a mystic golden pendant. But in November 1998, Cherie demonstrated her love of magical-power dressing when she was pictured wearing a pendant, apparently bought on the advice of Hillary Clinton
- Hillary Clinton's råd til Cherrie Blair, Daily Mail
Mrs Blair has borrowed a practice from white witchcraft and on a regular basis she casts a circle, a deeply symbolic act in magic, to create "sacred space"... Mr Blair always keeps a grey velvet pouch in his breast pocket. It contains a small piece of red ribbon and a piece of rolled-up paper. Even his closest advisers do not know its significance, but he cannot operate without it. [min fremhævelse]
- Cherie, the guru and Tony's toenail clippings, The Telegraph
Is Cherie Blair misunderstood or bonkers?
by ANNA SEAMAN and DAVID THOMASLast updated at 00:23 04 July 2007
In a documentary to be screened by the BBC tomorrow night, Cherie Blair defiantly announces: "I am not bonkers." But given her husband's track record with the truth, can we believe her?
Femail decided to examine some of the bizarre fads to which Mrs Blair resorted while she was the chatelaine of Downing Street: crystal therapy, clairvoyants and inflatable anticellulite trousers, to name just a few.
Here, ANNA SEAMAN and DAVID THOMAS compile a collection of her most diverting hobbies. We leave it to you, dear reader, to decide whether she's "bonkers" or not.
Do you think a human ear looks like a baby in the womb? No? Well, squint and turn the ear upside down in your mind - any better?
Cherie was certainly convinced, because she pitched up at the 2001 Labour Party Conference in Brighton sporting a small pin, covered by a gauze plaster, in the top part of her right ear.
She'd just undergone auriculotherapy, a form of acupuncture based on the not-remotely-barking notion that points on the ear represent the different body parts of that imaginary ear-baby.
Cherie's needle was in the so-called Shen-men point (as opposed to the Bin-Men or Flowerpot-Men points, perhaps).
This is the master point of ear acupuncture and translates from the Chinese as the "gate to godliness" - not to mention "the gate to gullible women's purses".
Cherie's stud was intended to combat stress and boost energy levels, and could be pressed if she felt particularly anxious or panicky. Or perhaps it would bring Downing Street security swooping to her side?
So did it work? Well, the next year saw the Cheriegate scandal of the Blairs' Bristol flats, bought for them by conman Peter Foster, which ended with Cherie's tearful TV confessional. Press that stud, Cherie, press!
In Mel Gibson's blood-soaked film Apocalypto, the ancient Mayans are obsessed by human sacrifice.
The Blairs, however, preferred a gentler, A-mock-alypto Mayan vibe. Holidaying on the Mexican Riviera in August 2001, they underwent a "rebirthing ritual" in a temazcal - a Mayan steam bath which represents the womb. Herb-infused water was thrown over heated lava rocks to create a cleansing sweat and balance the Blairs' "energy flow", while their therapist, Nancy Aguilar, told the credulous couple to imagine animal-shapes in the steam and explained what such visions meant.
The Prime Minister of Great Britain and his wife, a Crown Court judge, wished for peace on earth, then screamed to signify the pain of rebirth before venturing outside again.
They were offered watermelon and papaya, then told to smear any uneaten fruit over each other's bodies, along with mud from the jungle outside. They then walked hand in hand down the beach to swim in the sea.
Did it work? The 9/11 catastrophe came a month later, followed by six years of global conflict. So not much peace, but plenty of Apocalypto.
Ever-alert for the latest thigh-shrinking technology, Cherie took a break from buying second-hand shoes on eBay and, in October 2004, wore a revolutionary type of trainer - based on the stride of Kenya's Masai warriors - which claimed to be the first footwear that has a positive effect on the entire body.
MBTs (the initials stand for Masai Barefoot Technology, or, say cynics, Must Buy Today) were said to encourage weight-loss, beat cellulite, improve posture and even relieve joint-pain by making middle-aged Caucasian ladies stride with the gait of African herdsmen and lion-hunters.
Worryingly, however, MBT shoes have such a dramatic, disconcerting effect on one's normal stride that they come with an instruction manual, effectively teaching the user how to walk.
Did they work? Well, don't expect to see Mrs Blair herding cows around the savannahs of Connaught Square.
The very first indication that Mrs Blair was, in her heart, less of a Cherie and more of a Moon Unit Fifi Trixibelle type came 18 months after her arrival in Downing Street.
In November 1998, feng shui expert Rosalyn Dexter was invited to numbers 10, 11 and 12 Downing Street to apply the teachings of the then-trendy Chinese art of environmental harmony.
Ms Dexter and her team of fengmeisters concluded that the front door was facing in the wrong direction and should be painted red or yellow, not black.
Tony Blair, born under the Chinese astrological sign of the water snake (hmm), needed a fish tank with three goldfish and two loaches in his study to help him work.
The PM was also advised to sleep with his head pointing to the north-east and his toes to the south-west to get the best rest.
A concave mirror also needed to be installed in the bedroom to deflect evil spirits - although Cherie might have reckoned that a large cannon pointed at her bitter enemy Gordon Brown, next-door at No.11, would be more effective.
Did it work? The door stayed black. And, eight-and-a-half years later, Gordon replaced Tony in No. 10.
In September 2003, still troubled by stubborn extra pounds, in her bank-balance as well as on her body, Cherie tried another revolutionary method of weight loss.
RejuvaSlim, billed as "the world's only guaranteed weight and inch loss programme", involved electrical currents being zapped through her body to eliminate toxins.
At a cost of £695, Cherie visited hairdresser Daniel Galvin's West End salon for 12 sessions, which began with her stomach being photographed to produce special images so that the therapist could examine her digestive process.
Some 32 electrodes were then attached to Cherie's body with sticky suction pads, wired up to a machine emitting electrical currents to tap away at the "intestinal plaque" lining the colon and other intestines. According to the company behind RejuvaSlim, it eliminated "toxic waste", thereby the need to calorie-count or exercise.
Did it work? Mrs Blair claimed to have dropped from size 14 to 12 on the lower half of her body. Mr Galvin, however, gained almost £700.
Any forty-something mum will sympathise with the trouble Cherie had in getting back in shape after giving birth to Leo in May 2000.
But it wasn't enough for Cherie just to lay off the crisps and exercise occasionally.
No, she turned to the fashionable French diet guru Elizabeth Gray Gibaud, who also helped actress Kate Winslet to shed four stone through her "facial analysis diet".
Charging £88 for her first appointment and £64 for follow-ups, Ms Gibaud studied Cherie's pores, wrinkles and under-eye puffiness, to determine which minerals and salts the mother-of-four was missing.
She then devised a diet calling for Cherie to bake her own oat biscuits to a special recipe. For breakfast, she ate them lightly spread with unsalted butter and topped with cucumber.
For lunch, she was allowed only raw vegetables. Dinner consisted of a jacket potato or green vegetables with fish or chicken.
Alcohol, tea and coffee were strictly forbidden. Instead, Mrs Blair drank a glass of warm water with lemon.
Fruit was also banned because, according to the therapist, it turned to sugar. Cheeseburgers, full English breakfasts, Danish pastries and clotted cream were also, presumably, no-nos.
Did it work? Well, Cherie lost an impressive stone in just two weeks.
But you don't need facial analysis to do that. Just go on the "eat-less" diet. Cost? Not a penny.
You have to wonder about the sanity of the world when the highly educated, super-ambitious woman tipped to be the first female U.S. President seriously assures an equally bright and determined lawyer that she can protect herself from evil forces by wearing a mystic golden pendant.
But in November 1998, Cherie demonstrated her love of magical-power dressing when she was pictured wearing a pendant, apparently bought on the advice of Hillary Clinton, America's First Lady at the time, which used the ancient art of crystal healing to create a "bio-electric shield".
Femail decided to examine some of the bizarre fads to which Mrs Blair resorted while she was the chatelaine of Downing Street: crystal therapy, clairvoyants and inflatable anticellulite trousers, to name just a few.
Here, ANNA SEAMAN and DAVID THOMAS compile a collection of her most diverting hobbies. We leave it to you, dear reader, to decide whether she's "bonkers" or not.
Do you think a human ear looks like a baby in the womb? No? Well, squint and turn the ear upside down in your mind - any better?
Cherie was certainly convinced, because she pitched up at the 2001 Labour Party Conference in Brighton sporting a small pin, covered by a gauze plaster, in the top part of her right ear.
She'd just undergone auriculotherapy, a form of acupuncture based on the not-remotely-barking notion that points on the ear represent the different body parts of that imaginary ear-baby.
Cherie's needle was in the so-called Shen-men point (as opposed to the Bin-Men or Flowerpot-Men points, perhaps).
Cherie's stud was intended to combat stress and boost energy levels, and could be pressed if she felt particularly anxious or panicky. Or perhaps it would bring Downing Street security swooping to her side?
So did it work? Well, the next year saw the Cheriegate scandal of the Blairs' Bristol flats, bought for them by conman Peter Foster, which ended with Cherie's tearful TV confessional. Press that stud, Cherie, press!
In Mel Gibson's blood-soaked film Apocalypto, the ancient Mayans are obsessed by human sacrifice.
The Blairs, however, preferred a gentler, A-mock-alypto Mayan vibe. Holidaying on the Mexican Riviera in August 2001, they underwent a "rebirthing ritual" in a temazcal - a Mayan steam bath which represents the womb. Herb-infused water was thrown over heated lava rocks to create a cleansing sweat and balance the Blairs' "energy flow", while their therapist, Nancy Aguilar, told the credulous couple to imagine animal-shapes in the steam and explained what such visions meant.
The Prime Minister of Great Britain and his wife, a Crown Court judge, wished for peace on earth, then screamed to signify the pain of rebirth before venturing outside again.
They were offered watermelon and papaya, then told to smear any uneaten fruit over each other's bodies, along with mud from the jungle outside. They then walked hand in hand down the beach to swim in the sea.
Did it work? The 9/11 catastrophe came a month later, followed by six years of global conflict. So not much peace, but plenty of Apocalypto.
Ever-alert for the latest thigh-shrinking technology, Cherie took a break from buying second-hand shoes on eBay and, in October 2004, wore a revolutionary type of trainer - based on the stride of Kenya's Masai warriors - which claimed to be the first footwear that has a positive effect on the entire body.
MBTs (the initials stand for Masai Barefoot Technology, or, say cynics, Must Buy Today) were said to encourage weight-loss, beat cellulite, improve posture and even relieve joint-pain by making middle-aged Caucasian ladies stride with the gait of African herdsmen and lion-hunters.
Worryingly, however, MBT shoes have such a dramatic, disconcerting effect on one's normal stride that they come with an instruction manual, effectively teaching the user how to walk.
Did they work? Well, don't expect to see Mrs Blair herding cows around the savannahs of Connaught Square.
The very first indication that Mrs Blair was, in her heart, less of a Cherie and more of a Moon Unit Fifi Trixibelle type came 18 months after her arrival in Downing Street.
In November 1998, feng shui expert Rosalyn Dexter was invited to numbers 10, 11 and 12 Downing Street to apply the teachings of the then-trendy Chinese art of environmental harmony.
Ms Dexter and her team of fengmeisters concluded that the front door was facing in the wrong direction and should be painted red or yellow, not black.
Tony Blair, born under the Chinese astrological sign of the water snake (hmm), needed a fish tank with three goldfish and two loaches in his study to help him work.
The PM was also advised to sleep with his head pointing to the north-east and his toes to the south-west to get the best rest.
A concave mirror also needed to be installed in the bedroom to deflect evil spirits - although Cherie might have reckoned that a large cannon pointed at her bitter enemy Gordon Brown, next-door at No.11, would be more effective.
Did it work? The door stayed black. And, eight-and-a-half years later, Gordon replaced Tony in No. 10.
RejuvaSlim, billed as "the world's only guaranteed weight and inch loss programme", involved electrical currents being zapped through her body to eliminate toxins.
At a cost of £695, Cherie visited hairdresser Daniel Galvin's West End salon for 12 sessions, which began with her stomach being photographed to produce special images so that the therapist could examine her digestive process.
Some 32 electrodes were then attached to Cherie's body with sticky suction pads, wired up to a machine emitting electrical currents to tap away at the "intestinal plaque" lining the colon and other intestines. According to the company behind RejuvaSlim, it eliminated "toxic waste", thereby the need to calorie-count or exercise.
Did it work? Mrs Blair claimed to have dropped from size 14 to 12 on the lower half of her body. Mr Galvin, however, gained almost £700.
Any forty-something mum will sympathise with the trouble Cherie had in getting back in shape after giving birth to Leo in May 2000.
But it wasn't enough for Cherie just to lay off the crisps and exercise occasionally.
Charging £88 for her first appointment and £64 for follow-ups, Ms Gibaud studied Cherie's pores, wrinkles and under-eye puffiness, to determine which minerals and salts the mother-of-four was missing.
She then devised a diet calling for Cherie to bake her own oat biscuits to a special recipe. For breakfast, she ate them lightly spread with unsalted butter and topped with cucumber.
For lunch, she was allowed only raw vegetables. Dinner consisted of a jacket potato or green vegetables with fish or chicken.
Alcohol, tea and coffee were strictly forbidden. Instead, Mrs Blair drank a glass of warm water with lemon.
Fruit was also banned because, according to the therapist, it turned to sugar. Cheeseburgers, full English breakfasts, Danish pastries and clotted cream were also, presumably, no-nos.
Did it work? Well, Cherie lost an impressive stone in just two weeks.
But you don't need facial analysis to do that. Just go on the "eat-less" diet. Cost? Not a penny.
You have to wonder about the sanity of the world when the highly educated, super-ambitious woman tipped to be the first female U.S. President seriously assures an equally bright and determined lawyer that she can protect herself from evil forces by wearing a mystic golden pendant.
But in November 1998, Cherie demonstrated her love of magical-power dressing when she was pictured wearing a pendant, apparently bought on the advice of Hillary Clinton, America's First Lady at the time, which used the ancient art of crystal healing to create a "bio-electric shield".
Et separat spørgsmål er så, om det 'virker', om der er 'supernatural forces' på spil. Hvis VIP eliterne fuldt og fast selv er overbeviste om de okkult-magiske elementer som virkningsfulde, reducerer det dog stadig ikke den fysiske pointe; at ritualmord og pædofili finder sted på de højeste niveauer. Andre kilder, såsom Rudolf Steiner, sagde for 100 år siden (ca. 1917), at Britisk politik var kuppet af infiltrerende loger som benyttede sort magi. Han talte om, at deres metoder var 'rituel magi' og 'politiske henrettelser' for at opnå deres mål. Roger Morneau påstod sensationelt for flere årtier siden, noget lign. som Roland Bernard, men Bernards narrativ er mere omfattende, detaljeret, og han virker mere langt troværdig end Morneau.
Dr. Phil har for nogle uger siden bragt denne historie ud i offentlighedens lys, som essentielt overlapper med Bernards og andre kilders udsagn:
Skeptikeren må spørge sig selv; når aktører i regeringer udfører massemorderisk false flag terrorisme (officielt deklassificerede regeringsdokumenter beviser dette) og højtorganiserede, ekstremt velhavende grupper i alle lande organiserer international sextrafficking, pædofili, organ trafficking (dokumenteret), m.m. af den værste umenneskelige karakter - hvorfor skulle elitære aktører i hemmelige organisationer med lysky forbindelser til kongehuse og regeringer, ikke kunne begå rituelle sexmord, pædofili, afpresninger af den værste umenneskelige karakter? Hvis man kun accepterer det første, og afviser det sidste som værende en umulighed, er det slet og ret irrationelt, inkongruens, en (u)logisk modsigelse,Dr. Phil emphasized that her story had been corroborated prior to putting her on the show. “I can tell you that a very reliable source has confirmed to us that Kendall has in fact been trafficked, raped, molested, and severely abused by a very large, very dangerous organization,” Dr. Phil said. Indeed, as The New American and numerous other media sources have documented, her story is hardly unique, and there does appear to be a pattern linking many “elites” to unspeakable crimes perpetrated in the shadows.
- Dr. Phil Interview Exposes Global Elite Pedophiles New American Thursday, 30 March 2017
'Vestens elite betragter flere og flere mennesker som affald . Verdens befolkning bliver i stigende grad opdelt i ’de uundværlige’ og ’de overflødige’. Også folk i Vesten, der lever på overførsler, er overflødige'
-, 2017
Ny dokumentar 2017
Jimmy Saville - Überpædofilen - Pædofili blandt toppolitikere
Sir Jimmy Saville var storpædofil, arbejdede for BBC, og var tæt på Prince Charles, Tony Blair og det engelske kongehus. Danmarks Radio har dækket Saville skandalen med mindst 5 programmer.
Kendt BBC-vært misbrugte over 1000 børn -BT
FAKTA: Jimmy Savile misbrugte både børn og voksne - TV 2
Stjerne-dj beskyldes for sataniske sexovergreb | BT Udland -
Børne-sexskandalen ruller videre i England: Over 200 kendte briter efterforskes
The perverted star wore a hooded robe and mask as he abused the terrified victim in a candle-lit basement. He also chanted “Hail Satan” in Latin as other paedophile devil worshippers joined in and assaulted the girl
- 'Jimmy Savile was part of satanic ring'- Express UK
Prince Charles forbindelse til Jimmy Saville er mainstream velkendt.
Jimmy Saville og Prince Charles. som ofte spurgte Saville til råds som sin mentor
Saville og Princes Diana |
Thatcher og Saville |
Kongehuse er indblandet, specielt det Britiske og Belgiske.
De sidste 5-6 år er skandalerne i UK eksploderet i mainstream pressen, men man får stadigvæk kun toppen af 'Eyes Wide Shut: Censored Vs. Uncensored', dvs. toppen af isbjerget, selvom afsløringerne i mainstream har været horrible, så hvis man har is i maven, skal man selvfølgelig dykke ned i vandet for at finde mere sandhed om dette, dvs. lede på alternative websites, som ikke er bange for at tage bladet fra munden.
Fx var Margaret Thatchers regering indblandet. En af ministrene blev anklaget, men det blev fejet under gulvtæppet.
How Thatcher's Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring - The Daily Beast
Tony Blair var indblandet. Han var gode venner med Jimmy Saville, der forgreb sig på hundredevis af børn.
Jimmy Saville med Tony Blair
I UK (såvel som i USA og Belgien) er der tilsyneladende altid et eller flere pædofile netværk aktive i regeringen eller parlamentet.Det er næsten altid umuligt at få nogen dømt for deres forbrydelser. Operation Midland, et forsøg på at retsforfølge et antal højtstående pædofile i UK løber ud i sandet. En række unge mænd fortæller at de som drenge er blevet misbrugt af højtstående personer. Sagen handler mest om perioden 1975-1985. Misbruget har fundet sted mange steder, bl. a. på en række militære institutioner, i Carlton Club og i en lejlighed på Dolphin Square i gå-afstand fra parlamentet. Og i hotellet Elm Guest House i Richmond, London. 3 unge drenge er blevet dræbt i forbindelse med det pædofile misbrug. 22 politikere, heraf 6 nuværende medlemmer af underhuset parlamentet og 3 medlemmer af overhuset er anklaget (disse tal er formentlig underestimerede og outdatede).
Leon Brittan (død 2015), tidligere Home Minister var anklaget, men døde belejligt før han kunne tale over sig.
Lord Bramall, krigshelt, tidligere forsvarschef er anklaget,
Sir Samuel Brittan, broder til den tidligere indenrigsminister er anklaget.
Harvey Proctor tidligere parlamentsmedlem er anklaget. Han skal personligt have stranguleret en 12-årig dreng under sex. Han er i øvrigt i anden sammenhæng dømt for et antal seksualforbrydelser mod drenge. Proctor blev anklaget for at have deltaget i to mord på drenge, og hjulpet til et tredie mord. Et af mordene var formentligt på den 15-årige Martin Allen, som forsvandt i November 1979. Ingen af ligene er blevet fundet.
Nogle få af Saville's BBC kolleger Savile and Freeman showed me no pity, says victim abused by BBC |
Sir Edward Heath, tidligere premierminister blev anklaget
Lord Janner tidligere medlem af parlamentet blev anklaget
Sir Maurice Oldfield tidligere chef for MI6 blev anklaget
Sir Michael Manley, tidligere chef for MI5 blev anklaget
Man taler om et Westminster/No 10 pædofil netværk,
Ejeren af Elm Guest House fortalte at børn blev hentet på det nærliggende børnehjem Grafton Close og brugt til sex. Ejeren havde fotografier af en tidligere minister sammen med en dreng, begge nøgne. Ejeren af Elm Guest House døde efter at have vidnet, formodentligt myrdet.Cyril Smith var en af de faste gæster i Elm Guest House. Mindst 3 af de andre faste gæster i Elm Guest House blev siden dømt for adskillige sexforbrydelser hver. Proctor og Lord Brittan var gæster på Elm Guest House.
Edward Heath - Premierminister for de Konservative. Police chief '120 per cent convinced' Edward Heath was a paedophile - The Sun Edward Heath child abuse investigation 'not a witch-hunt' - The Guardian
Chefen for MI6 1973-1978, Maurice Oldfield, var kendt som homoseksuel og pædofil. Han var inspirationen til romanfiguren George Smiley i John Le Carre's spionromaner, og til figuren "M" i James Bond bøgerne. Sekretærerne i MI6 var som regel rige overklassepiger interesseret i at score et af de interessante mandfolk der kom på kontorerne. En dag tog Maurice Oldfield sin sekretær med i byen. Turen gik til en kirke, hvor de blev gift, hvilket var en stor overraskelse for sekretæren, da han ikke havde friet eller udvist interesse for hende. Maurice havde brug for at skjule sin homoseksualitet, derfor giftede han sig. Sekretæren blev seksuelt frustreret, og inspiration til romanfiguren Miss Moneypenny, der er seksuelt frustreret og konstant lægger an på James Bond.Som pædofil benyttede han sig bl. a. af drengene på børnehjemmet Kincora Children's Home i Nordirland.(Lord Mountbatten linked to Kincora child abuse ring - Indymedia Ireland)
Han delte efter sigende drenge med den russiske spion Sir Anthony Blunt, forfatteren Noel Coward, flere biskopper og en ærkebiskop. Prince George fra kongehuset, som også var homoseksuel, og kæreste med den russiske spion Blunt, blev i øvrigt en gang arresteret vistnok under en seksual-akt med Maurice Oldfield på en gade. Politimanden der arresterede dem mente at de var berusede trækker-drenge, men det viste sig at de var lidt mere end det. Der forlyder ikke noget om at politimanden blev fyret.
Når Maurice Oldfield er anklaget i Operation Midlands for pædofili, så er det ikke nogen overraskelse....
De kontrollerede massemedier, der styres af en anden magtgruppe, der er knyttet til pædofili, mørklægger arrestationerne og nævner dem ikke.
Der kan også være falske beskyldninger som røgslør, som politisk våben, efterretningstjenesters klassiske teknik med skjult kamera, hvor indflydelsesrige personers sex med børn filmes, så at de efterfølgende kan afpresses og bruges som aktiver politisk, etc. Dette synes at være et obligatorisk afgørende element til kontrol (Mossad har specialiseret sig i dette).
Pedophilia and murder in VERY high places - Sott
Værdifuld ressource om elite pædofili med mange mainstreamkilder
Jimmy Saville blev adlet af den engelske dronning efter pres fra Margaret Thatcher, men han blev også adlet af Vatikanet -Jimmy Savile - Wikipedia
Dæmonisk Deroute
Det er ofte dommere, bankfolk, præsidenter, militærfolk, industrifolk og tænketanke, der er indblandet. Amerikanske præsidenter er indblandet. Den gamle præsident Bush var hovedaktør i Franklin skandalen, hvor man hentede børn på et børnehjem, brugte dem pædofilt bl.a. I det Hvide Hus, og siden antageligt myrdede dem.
The Franklin Coverup Scandal The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan White House
Pedophile rings are enormous and pervasive among the world's elites
Den amerikanske højesteretsdommer Scalia blev for nyligt myrdet ved et jagtselskab, hvor en del af jægerne, muligvis alle, var pædofile. Officielt var de på jagt efter fasaner, men man kan gætte på, at det var noget andet. Værten var den notoriske Deep State-insider, John Poindexter (Iran-Contra skandalen, og i spidsen for Total Information Awareness, forløberen for Facebook).
Vigtigt: 'Document: How do Pedophiles get away with it?' - Wikispooks
Der har også været arrestationer i Norge, Sverige,
An Internet pedophile ring with up to 70,000 members — thought to be the world's largest —has been uncovered by police, a security official said Wednesday.
- NBC, Massive pedophile ring busted; 230 kids saved
Global paedophile ring smashed - The Daily Mail
'An Open Secret' Unedited - dokumentar om Hollywood's Pædofili
Pædofili er et konstant stort problem i Hollywood: ABC interview med skuespilleren Corey Feldman:
Corey Feldman: Pedophilia Is Hollywood's Biggest Problem - You Tube
Corey Feldman |
Elijah Wood ('Frodo' fra Ringenes Herre) har også råbt vagt i gevær om Hollywood's pædofili:
Elijah Wood Hollywood pedophile ring - Business Insider
The Ultimate Exposure of Pedophile Rings in London, Hollywood, and More
Nylig eksplosiv sensation om sexslaveri fra fødslen i elitære kredse kom frem via den verdensberømte Dr. Phil:
2017: Dr. Phil Exposes FBI & Politicians' Involvement In Elite Pedophile Ring
Dr. Phil Interview Exposes Global Elite Pedophiles - The New American
'60 minutes', det verdensanerkendte journalistiske koncept, bragte historien om et verdensomfattende elitært satanisk netværk af pædofile - følgende første klip nævner dog ikke det rituelle element:
60 Minutes Australia Exposes Worldwide Pedophile Network (where is the original video?)
Fiona Barnett at Press Conference
"Fiona, a former victim of Satanic ritual abuse and part of an international VIP pedophile ring, not only exposed the existence of the Satanic pedophilia network and its international child trafficking ring, but actually named 3 former Australian Prime Ministers and 1 former US President as perpetrators.
She reveals that this network, composed of famous actors, celebrities, judges, politicians and other high-flyers, has infiltrated all the key organizations and institutions in Australia – just as it has in the US and Britain.
Warning: what follows is graphic and requires a great deal of maturity to swallow, but if you’re interested in the real truth of what’s going on in the world, read on.
Fiona saw it all – Satanic ritual, rape, torture and murder – but actually says “the way I’ve been treated for reporting the crimes I’ve witnessed and experienced has been far worse than my original abuse experiences.”
That speaks volumes about people’s collective denial and amnesia, doesn’t it?
..In this video, Barnett talks about being present at a real Satanic ritual with some of Australia’s famous people – Kim Beazley (later to become Australian Labour Party and Opposition leader) and Richie Benaud (famous Australian cricket captain and sports commentator).
She reveals how Beazley and Benaud started the ritual by worshipping their Satanic gods, chanting “Baal”, “Lucifer”, “Satan”, “Son of the Morning” and other such appellations.
Fiona Barnett exposing the Satanic Pedophilia Network and horrific ritual at Bathurst.
She then witnessed them ceremoniously killing a pregnant mother (a “breeder” to the Satanists) in the center of the circle.
After that, they pulled out the unborn child, chopped it up with a knife, put it on a gold platter, and proceed to do a type of dark communion or Eucharist.
(Barnett mentions here that the Catholic Church communion is based on this older Satanic version of a communion – in line with my article Are Parts of Organized Religion Satanic?)
After that, she states that several hypnotized children came forward like robots, who were probably mind controlled or completely dazed. Benaud came forward with a samurai sword and sliced off the head of each child.
Then, the entire crowd of Satanists, who were sexually aroused by everything that had just taken place, broke out into a bloody orgy. They had whipped everyone up into a frenzy, and then they drunk the adrenalized blood of the woman and child. (Satanists are addicted to and get high from adrenaline in human blood.)
Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed in Australia — It Starts at the TOP, Just Like in the USA and UK
Den katolske kirke og Vatikanet har jævnligt skandaler med pædofili, forsvundne børn, massegrave, etc.
Massegrav for små børn fundet i Irland - TV 2
Washington Post, 2017: Mass grave of up to 800 children found underground at a former home for unmarried mothers and their babies in Ireland
BBC: Irelands Hidden Bodies Hidden Secrets - You Tube
Det at børnenes kroppe angiveligt var smadret i mindre stykker, og/eller skåret i småstykker, er i hvert fald i pagt med retningslinjer visse former for nedrig okkult praksis (med fare for confirmation bias), hvorvidt man tror på den slags eller ej (det afgørende er, at udøverne selv tror på det). Ej heller bør man undervurdere, at der findes mennesker som rummer patologisk psykopatisk sadisme in extremis, derudover iskolde typer som rent praktisk kan udføre den slags 'arbejde'.
Situationen forekommer dog at være langt værre, hvis man tager følgende for pålydende:
The atrocity of close to 800 emaciated childrens’ bodies buried in a Irish Nuns’ septic tank represented the 34th child mass grave site linked this week to the Catholic Church. Pope Francis was being prosecuted by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels for allegedly trafficking 300,000 children of political prisoners through Vatican Catholic Charities during Argentine’s Dirty War. According to witness testimony last week some of those orphans ended up in a child mass grave site in Spain. Last year’s ICLCJ prosecution concerned 50,000 missing native Canadian children. There have been 32 child mass grave sites uncovered so far in Canada, most of them on Catholic-run native residential school grounds.
- Catholic mass grave sites of 350,800 missing children found in Ireland, Spain, Canada
Mainstream medier rapporterer kun politisk pædofili sparsomt, mord på børn endnu mere sparsomt, og kun når det er toppen af isbjerget - de rapporterer det, når det ikke kan skjules. Meget få højtstående bliver dømt. Politiet kan oftest ikke undersøge det, sigtelser frafalder, vidner trues, folk forsvinder, og det er velkendt at sorte operationer med efterretningstjenester er involverede.
Der går mange rygter om at Belgien og det belgiske kongehus er i centrum for pædofili og andet snuff , bl.a. I jagtselskaber, hvor man jager børn, dræber børnene, misbruger dem seksuelt. Nekrofili er heller ikke et ukendt fænomen.
Dommere er indblandet. Dutroux-sagen i Belgien var en af de mest berygtede, og afslørede aktører på højt regeringsplan.
De højtstående mennesker er hyppigt medlemmer af hemmelige selskaber som Sankt Hubertus Ordenen, en hemmelig verdensomspændende pædofil organisation der bl. a. har organiseret indsmugling af børn fra flygtningeområder, fx i Nordafrika. De højtstående mennesker der dyrker pædofili, dyrker hyppigt også berigelsesforbrydelser, og de er ofte stinkende rige.
Militærkredse er ikke undtaget heller: General-Løjtnant Michael Aquino, officelt satanist, stifter af Temple of Set, tidligere Church of Satan, var indblandet i pædofili (Aquino er notorisk kendt i deep politics-research, officielt erklæret satanist, psykologisk warfare specialist, skrev det berygtede og højt skattede blueprint for CIA/Pentagon psykologisk krigsførelse, 'Mindwar'var torturbøddel, og en mastermind i det afskyelige Project Phoenix, Aquino var Church of Satan-medlem, og meget tæt på Anton Zandor Lavey, m.m.)
- kilde
Se Aquino, Satan and the U.S. military
Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (left), Max Spiers (middle), Marina Abramovic (right) - Marina Abramovic er i øvrigt tæt forbundet med Clinton's topfolk og elitære kredse. - Investigator Found Dead After Exposing New Details On Elite Pedophile Ring |
British conspiracy theorist who was found dead on a sofa in Poland was 'investigating an alleged US Army pedophilia ring' just before his death
- Daily Mail, 17 Oktober 2016
Secrets of the CIA’s Global Sex Slave Industry by Sue Arrigo MD
Exclusive: Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State
David Icke har i årtier talt om depraveret okkult satanisme og morderisk pædofili, og hans påstande om pædofile nøglepersoner blandt eliterne viste sig at være korrekte. Man kan mene, hvad man vil om David Icke, men faktuelt får han på dette punkt (og mange andre punkter) mere og mere genoprejsning, som fremadskuende whistleblower.
Satanists & Pedophiles Run The World - David Icke - YouTube
What David Icke has said since 1998 about paedophile and child killing Prime Minister Ted Heath
Clinton-klanen går heller ikke fri i denne verdensomspændende 'hobby' for eliterne, og Clinton-klanens forbindelser til pædofile er velkendt:
NBC News Report: Hillary Clinton 'Covered Up' Elite Pedophile Ring
In virtually every major pedophile bust, in every major country in the world, top politicians, judges, celebrities, billionaires and other members of the Establishment, are always connected. Conspiracy theory? OK. Lets take a look....Why did Bill Clinton take at least 26 trips on the Lolita Express, Epstein's jet, ditching his secret service details for five of those trips?
- Pedophiles Rule the World (Transcript/Sourced)
The elite one-percent's 'Orgy Island' exposed... you won't believe this!
MSNBC & RT : Hillary and Bill Clinton involved in pedophilia scandalMossad, ej at forglemme:
Your secret government uses child abuse rings in order to control key judges, police officers, journalists, politicians, church leaders, doctors and all the other people who help to run your country. Some people have not yet noticed that 'the police and the media protect the top child abusers such as Jimmy Savile and Jeffrey Epstein.'
Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey
Sexual Deviant Jeffrey Epstein and the Mossad High Roller Pedophile
Bohemian Grove - Babylon Revisited
Bohemian Grove |
I Californien i USA ligger Bohemian Grove. Det er hvert år samlingsted for magteliten. Her har diverse amerikanske præsidenter deltaget, som bl.a. Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan og Bush´erne.
Wikipedia er kendt for at være Deep State-affilieret, ekstremt redigeret og censureret, så lad os gå videre til the real deal:
Bohemian Grove - Wikispooks
The Bohemian Grove: Symbolism Behind the Owl and Cremation of Care
Alex Jones, den kontroversielle amerikanske radiovært og konspirationsteoretiker, infiltrerede for nogle år siden Bohemian Grove med skjult kamera og optog denne babylonisk/sataniske ceremoni, hvor de bl.a. tilbeder en ugle og muligvis også ofrer et menneske - sidstnævnte er dog svært at se præcist på denne video, måsk et skin-ritual: Igen er det mildest talt besynderligt, at verdens magtelite år efter år, overværer dette ritual.Cremation of Care - Wikipedia
Washington Post og andre har bekræftet seancen/videoen som autentisk:
Bohemian Grove (Human Sacrifice) caught on tape
Colin Powell's Hacked Emails Reveal Insider Details of Secretive Bohemian Grove Summit for World's Elite:
'One email from July 28 reveals this year’s show included a cast of world leaders, billionaires and former dignitaries, including Powell, Henry Kissinger, Michael Bloomberg, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Jimmy Buffet, and Juan Carlos, the former King of Spain.
That email relates:And what star studded cast we had in the show: His Majesty King Carlos, General Powell and Dr. Kissinger .. Mayor Bloomberg, Senator Simpson, Prime Minister Harper, Jimmy Buffett, and Steve Wariner....And a special shout out to Will Fratt and Philip Adkins for arranging His Majesty King Carlos to be a spear carrier in our show. And thank you to Andrew Saxton (fellow Pelican and former member of the Canadian Parliament) writing and assisting me in getting Prime Minister Harper to be in our show. Thank you to Chip Wiser in arranging Warren, I mean Jimmy, Buffett to be in our show....Another speaker was General Joseph Ralston, former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former Supreme Allied Commander for NATO in Europe. ..Other high profile guests and speakers at Grove events mentioned in the Powell emails have included General Keith Alexander, former NSA Director; and Supreme Court Justice Tony Kennedy...Powell sarcastically writes the attendees amounted for “half the nation’s GDP,”
- Colin Powell's Hacked Emails Reveal Insider Details of Secretive Bohemian Grove Summit for World's Elite
I 1908 blev ofret en ca. 10 årig sort dreng på Bohemian Grove...
Re-Discovered Photos Emphasize Bohemian Grove Sacrifice Obsession
Øjenvidneberetning fra en mand, der hævder at have overværet rituelle mord på børn på Bohemian Grove, begået af magteliten: 'Eye Witness to Murder at Bohemian Grove Americas Satanic HellFire'
WikiLeaks: Emails Show Hillary Clinton Has Link To Bohemian Grove
The Secret Sun: Another History of the Knights Templar, Part 7
The Biggest Secret
The Babylonian Brotherhood
Panel: World Pedophile/child sacrifice network based on Babylonian System
Bottomline: Planeten Jorden har åbenbart et pædofilt og 'satanisk' netværk, med okkulte rødder i Babylon, Phoenicians = Venetians = Black Nobility, og andre organisationer, som har infiltreret de øverste ledende samfundslag i mange nationer. Pædofili, mord på børn, ritualmord, snigmord, sex trafficking, child trafficking, drugs, organ trafficking, okkult ideologi, hvidvaskning, afpresning, false flags, cover-ups, mind control, etc. og alt andet godt fra havet, man kan forestille sig, er deres Modus Operandi.
På det mere almene og personlige plan er det bedste man kan gøre - som det bedste udgangspunkt - for at gardere sig mod psykopati at studere det:
En fåret, fedtmulet, Fætter Guf robot-automatisk afvisning af alt dette, som 'vås' tjener elitens patologi godt - for de kan således fortsætte deres sorte psykopatiske 'praksis' uantastet. Ja, det er surrealistisk svimlende at pædofile ritualmord og grotesk umenneskelighed eksisterer, men vores automatafvisninger og vantro er medvirkende til at det fortsætter.
Du kan ikke bruge dit eget sind som sammenligning, og det er selve grunden til, at de færreste kan forholde sig. Der er ingen referencer. Stockhomsyndromister forudsætter en opførsel, hos andre som er 'normal' baseret på reference til dem selv, deres egen psykologi, men dette er den evige skæbnesvangre fejlbedømmelse. Psykopater er ekstremt glatte, kan kopiere empati til fingerspidserne, og selv hærdede psykiatere kan bedrages. Godheden i menneskers hjerte kan ikke forestille sig denne sorthed. Sådanne psykopater er ligeså indbydende som Sauron's Mund, hvis man så dem for hvad de var: umenneskelige. Ikke en mund man ville kysse, men qua kamouflagen kysser vi dem ufvidende på munden og i røven hver dag.
'Sauron's Mund' .
'Når psykopater er dem der tegner de politiske linjer og generaldirektørerne for de store firmaer, så bliver den måde de tænker og rationaliserer på - deres 'moral'- også den gængse kultur og 'moral' i den brede befolkning over hvem de råder. Når det sker, så bliver sindet i befolkningen inficeret på samme måde, som et patogen inficerer den fysiske krop. Den eneste måde at beskytte os selv på overfor denne patologiske tankegang er at vaccinere os selv imod den, og det er gjort ved at lære så meget som muligt om psykopati og dens indflydelse på os. Sagens kerne er at denne "sygdom" trives i et samfund, hvor dens eksistens er benægtet, og denne benægtelse er planlagt og bevidst'
- Psykopatens trick: At få os til at tro at det onde kommer et andet sted fra
Vi er tilbage i Babylonisk Molok-Baal ofring i nutiden.
'Morpheus: You've been living in a dream world, Neo.'
- The Matrix
Jeg ved godt, at alle mennesker er i kognitiv dissonans, når det gælder åbenhed overfor ovennævnte samt følgende beskrivelser, men det følgende - taget fra Gordon Thomas' bog, Seeds of Fire - siger lidt om ondskabens natur. Gordon Thomas er i øvrigt anerkendt mainstream bestseller forfatter, og skrevet den mest autoritative bog om Mossad, samt disse bøger; Secrets & Lies: A History of CIA Mind Control & germ Warfare, Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse:
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- fra Seeds of Fire, Gordon Thomas
Som sidebemærkning angående okkult symbolik; selv mainstream journalister har undret sig over den usminkede og bizarre symbolik i den officielle åbning af CERN tunnellen : SHOCKING 2017 CERN TUNNEL OPENING RITUAL DELETED SCENES - You Tube
Nyere klip: Human Sacrifice Ritual at CERN - Caught on Tape - Mark Dice
Som sidebemærkning angående okkult symbolik; selv mainstream journalister har undret sig over den usminkede og bizarre symbolik i den officielle åbning af CERN tunnellen : SHOCKING 2017 CERN TUNNEL OPENING RITUAL DELETED SCENES - You Tube
Nyere klip: Human Sacrifice Ritual at CERN - Caught on Tape - Mark Dice
'Researchers have pointed out the heavy presence of occult symbolismss .....Why would such an analysis be important? Because in the final analysis, without knowing the culture of one's opponent or overseers, one can never know their mind and possible motivations.
Using the firsthand knowledge available to him, Steiner takes us behind the scenes of events in outer history and contemporary culture to reveal a dark world of secret elitist brotherhoods that are attempting to control the masses through the forces of economics, technology, and political assassinations. These hidden groups, he explains, seek power through the use of ritual magic and suggestion........Consider this: We, citizens of the West, see this escalation to dominate and control power utilities and strategic key regions in the world coming out of America now. Those of us under forty will surely live under its legislative, executive and judiciary authority and control. .... Steiner has no doubt these secret brotherhoods are anti-Christ and says so plainly and without ado.......the truth is most people will not believe what’s happening today on the political horizon. The forces that are at work behind the scenes are as old as the battle between good and evil themselves.'
- omtale af Secret Brotherhoods af Rudolf Steiner
'I do not like to talk about such things since we have often been attacked even without them. Imagine what people would say if they heard that we say there are people who are not human beings. Nevertheless, these are facts. Our culture would not be in such a decline if people felt more strongly that a number of people are going around who, because they are completely ruthless, have become something that is not human, but instead are demons in human form.'
- Rudolf Steiner (Faculty Meetings With Rudolf Steiner Vol. 2, 3 July 1923, p. 649-650) - kilde
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paradigmet: Den sataniske verdensorden
paradigmet: From Saturn to Babylon and Beyond
Nogle få links, research, etc. om pædofili, sataniske ritualmord, barnemord og arrestationer:
Sexual abuse/historic sexual abuse
Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 1}
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Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 4} Disney, Hollywood & Music
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* The Council of 13
* The Council of 33
* Secret Chiefs / Great White Brotherhood
* Order of the Quest
* Mothers of Darkness
* Moriah Conquering Wind
* Supreme World Council
* The Committee of 300 / The Olympians
* Old (Venetian) Black Nobility
* S∴S∴ / Third Order of the Silver Star / the Abyss
* The Bilderberg Group / Committee of 500
* A.A. / the Arcana Arcanorum
* the R∴C∴ / Order of the Rosy Cross
* Order of Palladium / New and Reformed Palladian Rite
* Skull & Bones Society / The Order / Brotherhood of Death / Chapter 322
* A∴A∴ / Arcanum Arcanorum / ‘Argenteum Astrum’ / Astron Argon
* A.P.R.M.M. / Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm
* The Round Table / Rhodes-Milner Round Table / The Group
* Palladian Order of Skull and Bones / Chapter 592
* the G∴D∴ / Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
* Fraternitas Saturni / Brotherhood of Saturn
* Order of the Trapezoid
* Grand Orient de France
* The Red Brotherhood
* Hell Fire Club(s)
* The Council of 33
* Secret Chiefs / Great White Brotherhood
* Order of the Quest
* Mothers of Darkness
* Moriah Conquering Wind
* Supreme World Council
* The Committee of 300 / The Olympians
* Old (Venetian) Black Nobility
* S∴S∴ / Third Order of the Silver Star / the Abyss
* The Bilderberg Group / Committee of 500
* A.A. / the Arcana Arcanorum
* the R∴C∴ / Order of the Rosy Cross
* Order of Palladium / New and Reformed Palladian Rite
* Skull & Bones Society / The Order / Brotherhood of Death / Chapter 322
* A∴A∴ / Arcanum Arcanorum / ‘Argenteum Astrum’ / Astron Argon
* A.P.R.M.M. / Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm
* The Round Table / Rhodes-Milner Round Table / The Group
* Palladian Order of Skull and Bones / Chapter 592
* the G∴D∴ / Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
* Fraternitas Saturni / Brotherhood of Saturn
* Order of the Trapezoid
* Grand Orient de France
* The Red Brotherhood
* Hell Fire Club(s)
* Frankfurt School
* The Pilgrims Society
* Le Cercle / The Circle
* Supreme Council / Mother Council of the World
* O.T.O. / Ordo Templi Orientis / Order of Oriental Templars
* S.M.O.M. / Order of St. John / Sovereign Military Order of Malta
* The Shrine / Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
* S.R.I.A. / Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
* Scottish Rite Freemasons
* York Rite Freemasons
* Order of the Garter
* The Temple of Set
* The Bohemian Club
* Order of The Hammer
* Order of Nine Angles
* The Black Brotherhood
* Scroll and Key Society
* Illuminates of Thanateros
* B’nai B’rith / B’nai Ha’Nephilim
* Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
* Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica / Gnostic Catholic Church
* Royal Institute of International Affairs
* Council on Foreign Relations
* Trilateral Commission
* U.S. Mafia Council
* The 1001 Club
* Club of Rome
* JASON Group
* Quill & Dagger
* RAND Corporation
* Lucis Trust / Lucifer Trust
* The MITRE Corporation
* British Royal Society
* Knights of Columbus
* Share International
* Societas Rosicruciana
* The Bridge to Freedom
* Phi Beta Kappa Society
* Tavistock Institute For Human Relations
* Le Cercle / The Circle
* Supreme Council / Mother Council of the World
* O.T.O. / Ordo Templi Orientis / Order of Oriental Templars
* S.M.O.M. / Order of St. John / Sovereign Military Order of Malta
* The Shrine / Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
* S.R.I.A. / Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
* Scottish Rite Freemasons
* York Rite Freemasons
* Order of the Garter
* The Temple of Set
* The Bohemian Club
* Order of The Hammer
* Order of Nine Angles
* The Black Brotherhood
* Scroll and Key Society
* Illuminates of Thanateros
* B’nai B’rith / B’nai Ha’Nephilim
* Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
* Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica / Gnostic Catholic Church
* Royal Institute of International Affairs
* Council on Foreign Relations
* Trilateral Commission
* U.S. Mafia Council
* The 1001 Club
* Club of Rome
* JASON Group
* Quill & Dagger
* RAND Corporation
* Lucis Trust / Lucifer Trust
* The MITRE Corporation
* British Royal Society
* Knights of Columbus
* Share International
* Societas Rosicruciana
* The Bridge to Freedom
* Phi Beta Kappa Society
* Tavistock Institute For Human Relations
* Muslim Brotherhood
* The Fraternity of The Rose Cross
* The Vrill
* Thule Society
* The Babylonian Brotherhood
* The Black Order
* The Brotherhood of Life and Death
* The Council of 10
* Order of The Green Dragon
* Ordo Lapsit Exillis
* Black Hand
* Shriners
* Opus Dei
* Order of the Garter
* Order of the Golden Dawn
* The Most Ancient and Most Noble
* Order of the Thistle Knight
* The Most Honourable Order of the Bath Knight/Dame Grand Cross
* The Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Order St-Michael St-George
* The Distinguished Service Order Companion
* The Royal Victorian Order
* The Order of Merit Member
* The Imperial Service Order
* The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Knight/Dame Grand Cross
* The Order of the Companions of Honour
* Order of Hospitallers
* Order of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
* Alfalfa Club
* Highlands Forum
* Prior of Scion
* Teutonic Knights
* Order of the Golden Fleece
* Fabian Society
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