by morton_h, the blogger
When you never meet your opponent
At a certain point in human history, the global ruling class of this world decided, that they did not want to meet their opponents any longer. Either they felt, that it was too harmful to their project of rulership, or they simply did not have the courage to do so knowing, that their opponents had the better cause.
So they created a system, where they would not have to confront opponents any longer. Note: this system was an ideology, that spread like a virus throughout the World persuading millions and millions of people, so that the masses buying into this paradigm likewise did not have to meet their opponents and would be able to live in a state of everlasting consensus and ideological rightiousness, a kind of pre-utopian Utopia of liberal political correctness and bigotry.
The method of not-meeting-your-opponent is never actually listening to your opponent.
The Seven Commandments of Non-Meeting, Non-Listening and Non-Conversation are:
- Do never-ever get into the realm of facts, substance and rationality.
- Use ridicule and character assassinations to distance and discredit your opponent.
- Use emotional arguments instead of rational to avoid actual thinking.
- Introduce guilt, shame and fear whenever possible.
- Use any kind of false argument - logical fallacies - to avoid being hit by your lack of logics.
- Seek only company with people who are willing to scratch your back and who's back you can scratch with pleasure.
- When in company with back-scratching people belonging to your religion (religion or as we say today: ideology, meaning preferring blind belief to actual knowing) seek then opportunities to pour any kind of filth on your opponent in absentia. Not that it necessarily has any direct effect of your opponent, but it is such a pleasure to bathe in a shower of confirmation in the company of back-scratchers and believers.
The ruling class and their millions of ideological sychophants thus created a system of inbred pleasure-making. Unfortunately they also became increasingly stupid. Wisdom needs challenge, and since challenge was eliminated for the sake of pleasure, wisdom declined and stupidity infected the rulers of the world and their pleasure crowd.
Community Gardening
When this idea spreads like it should, BigAgro will hate it and fight it. For sure!
The idea is simpel. A group of local people aggree on lending og buying a piece of land, that is dimensionened to produce enough for their self sustain. It takes a certain start capital for the first year. The earth has to be cleared, ploughed and fertilized, and seeds have to be put into the earth before winter. Another portion of seeds will follow next spring. The can be done by one guy with his machinery.
When the crops start to come up, people take over and spend an hour or two at the most a week removing unwanted weeds and thinning out a bit in the beginning. Automatic watering facilities can easily be installed. Before harvesting an earth storage facilitiy is digged out. In this way everyone can take all the harvest they need - enough for the whole year until next season.
Next step would be to extend the area to include animals like pigs, sheep or goats. Pigs especially deliver high quality fertilizer. If you have problems with snails, hire a bunch of ducks. They will eat them, the snail patrol. Never let the goats and sheep into the area.
A side effect of the project is, that it creates community spirit. While you are at it, why not include an organized buy of larger portions of daily products you don't grow, like grain products. And while you are at it, why not have a shed for all the tools and instruments, that you don't need all the time. Don't the hardware stores just hate the thought, that not every person needs a chain saw, a lawn tractor, a pole drill, you name it. Don't the big-city politicians just hate the thought, since they have tried to destroy village culture for the last half of a century. And don't the globalist politicians from the EU just hate the thought of people breaking the dependance of BigBusiness that bribed them off by their lobbyists?
Watch out, the idea will expand. Next thing is to build a biodome. Actually the whole project could be a dome project, but since the open farming area takes care of most of the crops, the biodome could concentrate on more exotic crops and herbs like tomatoes, grapes, chillies, basils or even more exotic stuff. Eg. you would never grow potatoes here, since they are so easy to grow on open land.
A small geodome. It can be scaled
If you don't know the concept of biodome, it is basically a half football build from hexagons and pentagons and their center points thus forming a pattern of triangles. It will be covered with poly-carbonate or poly-keeter (SolaWrap) letting maximum of light into the dome. Water tanks will cool and absorb the day warmth and release it in the night cold. Some triangles will open when the heat is on to ventilate and regulate temperature and humidity. At the north side the dome is non-transparent.
A structure like this will provide ideal environment and not freeze in the winter. Small solar sells may controll the windows and maybe you will install sensors for earth humidity triggering automatic watering. Earht beds will make a comfortable workspace. If you want you can use the vertical space by hanging structures. You may even have fish swimming in the water tanks (aquaponics).
But this is further developements. Keep it simple.
How to build a boat in two weeks
To build a boat:
- you need good drawings, plywood, 2-component Epoxy resin/glue, glass fiber.
- you need to be able to cut the plywood from the drawings (1:1 templates or lofting manuals)
or you can order a 'kit' from a company that uses CTS-cutting-machines
or you can order a 'kit' from a company that uses CTS-cutting-machines
- you need hammer and nails, straps or soft metal wire.
- you need a drill, sand paper, a hand saw with fine teeth, a thin saw with fine teeth.
- you need a filtered mask to protect your breathing.
- you need glasses to protect your eyes.
- you need latex gloves to protect your hands.
- you need some wooden planks and some screws to build a jig
(a simple supporting platform, see the video).
(a simple supporting platform, see the video).
- you probable also want to have a measure stick or tape, a measure with an angle, a pencil, a random orbit sander, a bunch of c-clamps, a chisel, some despensable medium broad paint brushes and some wooden tongue spatulas (perfect rounded ends for applying glue, if you can't get them, make them from the sticks you get for free in the paint shop).
Then, of course, you need a place for building the boat, a garage, a shed or just a tent.
The following video shows the process, so you can see, that it is not rocket science.
The video has Danish speak, but you will understand ..
To fully understand the process beforehand, you may need to study tutorials and documentations. But having done that - or even having NOT done that - it is all very simple:
- you cut
- you jig
- you stitch
- you glue
- you fair
- you paint
Glue is paint, paint is glue. All in right time, follow the recipe.
Am I describing it more simple, than it really is? Not really, but first time you do it, you have to spend quite some time thinking through the whole process. And there are a lot of small corners and details to consider. What I am saying though is, that it shouldn't keep you from doing it, you have to experience it to realize the simplicity.
Working with Epoxy and glass fiber can be tricky. How to mix it, how to apply it, how to protect yourself. I found that many people tend to be scared by the thought, since we have learned that it is so dangerous. But this is due to a wreckless industry that used human beings as test rats in the beginning not warning them about and protecting them from the dangers. So they got brain damaged. You shouldn't touch it with your skin or inhale it, for sure! But there are safe ways to avoid that, and professional boat builders use it all the time. We should know, that it is only dangerous while working with it, not afterwards. Once hardened its qualities are beyond comparison. It is strong as steel and still flexible. It fills every hole and crack and makes the boat waterproof (use maritime quality plywood by the way, it is waterproof in it self). You can mix it with saw dust to look like wood. Thickened it is a glue, just mixed it is a furnace. It is pretty 'alive' while hardening, and you have to be around it, so it won't run.
So you don't need to be an expert. You need awareness and non-sloppyness. Doesn't this apply to any task you perform as a non-professional? As skilled amateurs we are often able to match a professional with the final result, but what we can't do is to match his speed and the way, he hits at first shot. He did it a thousand times in all possible ways, and he learned it from a master. But due to the internet, we can somehow go in his footsteps. You might want to consider finding a guild with a mix of experienced and newcomers. Nothing compares to direct skill exchange.
These two guys can teach you quite a lot.
[links to masterbuilder Sam Devlin and ??]
The Sjekte, a surviving Viking boat
Let's follow up on the boat theme. We have just seen, how we can build boats with classic forms using contemporary technics.
Before that - and before the age of the steam engine boats of the 18 hundreds made of steel - boats were build of wood. And boat building is a most sophisticated craft. Boats are floating and sailing architecture, they are the aeroplanes of the oceans, lakes, rivers and fjords. Boats and seamanship did with high probability connect the continents tens of thousands of years ago - contrary to mainstream history - creating the striking similarities and for mainstream history inexplicable syncronicities between the most ancient cultures of the Earth.
This also means connecting places on Earth now under water that used to be above sea level. I guess we have a name for it: Atlantis, the sunken continent. But was it a continent or just a level before the Great Flood? It appears to be global. The Flood, by the way, is the melting of the huge ice cap of the 50 million long Ice Age thus making the mythologies of most of the human story cultures, and not only the Bible, as we tend to think. The ice cap was frozen ocean water, meaning other places were dry land. Remember the Piri Reis map of the continents describing Antarctica below the ice! How could he have known that? He himself claims to have copied a series of maps from the 'old mariners' that are now lost.
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The most impressive of them all: The Oseberg Longship |
What kind of boat would have crossed the oceans in the days of the old mariners? If we say Viking Boat or Long Boat we are not far from the truth. The Vikings did not invent the boat and the technology behind it. They imported boat builders from the Kiev Rus Black Sea area when they needed to. Here we are not far from the former rulers of the oceans, the Phoenetians. And with this mysterious people we are not far from the Ancient Mariners. It is noteworthy and striking, that the Phoenetian trade post, Carthage, was build exactly like the City of Atlantis described by Plato. This concept was later reproduced by the Venetian (Phoenetians/Venetians) outpost of Venice, Amsterdam. The common denominator is concentric circles of land and sea, harbor and channel.
It get's even stranger. This is also the shape and form of a turbine and electric power generator. The old mariners and the old city builders apparently knew what they were doing, and they knew more than we know today.
When the Nordic-Germanic areas were threatened by a conglomerate of Frankish and British Christians and the Neo-Roman Empire of Charlemagne, the Nordic people reacted. First to move were the Danes, then the Norwegians. They needed boats and boat builders, so they imported them via their network.
The Viking Longship
It was a non-compromizing structure.
Every piece of wood was carved out by axe. No sawing. The structure of the wooden planks (mainly oak) was never broken. This gave thin, strong and flexible planks.
The hull of a longship was klinker-build. This means that the planks overlapped each other from above. The planks of a viking ship would be connected by iron nails beaten flat at the point end thus forming a double headed nail.
Not only did this ship structure bend the waves - it ruled the waves.And I am not talking about Britania Rule The Waves, as the later Empire of Envy sings it out. I am talking about the Viking rulers of Britania. The later British Empire most probably learned from this Viking Age naval dominance.
The longship was the king of the oceans and the fjords.
In the high waves of the Atlantic it swam like af whale.
In the high waves of the Atlantic it swam like af whale.
In the fjords and rivers of Normandy, the Themes, and its home place, the Fjord of Roskilde, Denmark, it moved in shallow waters like a seal or a sea lion.
The klinker build boat, the Snekke, survived. We find them today as the Smakke and the Sjekte. They are no longer longships but short boats. They are not meant for carrying 30 or more well armed warriors and a couple of Spelsau sheep, the race with legendary wool for repairing sails and ropes (and eating while crossing the Atlantic). But the principle of combining a boat for rowing and for sailing is the same. Just like the viking long boat is was common to the Danish and the Norwegian fjords, and you can still see them today. Did I forget to mention the beauty? The shape of these boats is probably the most organic and beautiful, you will ever find.
The Limfjords Sjægte was still in use as the common fisherboat in the Limfjord in the 18-hundreds. In those days these waters were still a fjord and not a piece of ocean seperating Thy from the main part of Jutland. But the Vesterhav, the West Sea, the part of the Atlantic between the British Isles and Denmark, broke through, and it ruined the conditions of fresh water fishing and the use of the Sjægte.
But if you look at the standard sea going fishing Cutter with a one cylinder motor - and the Norwegian Sjekte today - they still have the shape of the original boat. They are build aroud a keel and they have a ring deck. And the Limfjord Sjægte still has the old square sail with a ... what's the name?
They were build from oak. The klinker building technique allowed for thin planks making a light boat. This made the Sjægte a popular and fast boat among the fishermen of the Limfjord, because they could escape the boats of the fishing control.
I am living in a house, where the former owner build these kind of boats. My boat shed is dimensioned to produce these wonders. I am obligated to the major Soren. One day I will build a Sjægte in his honor - and for the beauty of it.
The bicycle - worlds best simple technology
I happen to be the father of a son, who is a bicycle mechanic. And a most brilliant and inventive one too. Which makes me a proud father of a brilliant and inventive son!
The two countries, Denmark and Holland, are probably the places on earth with the most bicycles per capita. No wonder, since they are the flattest countries on earth. I don't know whether they have bicycles in the Maldives, but they should have. In New York too, and I have been told, that they have studied bycycling and are now implementing a system of bicycle routes.
A city of bicycles is reducing the car traffic that has become a heavy problem. The cities of Copenhagen and Amsterdam with their narrow medieval and renaissance structures could not have survived without the bicycle culture. The absurd principle of one-man-one-car that you see driving to-and-from and around cities is terrorizing and destroying the environment and the habitat of urban people. Bicycling on the other hand is reducing the problem.
The bicycle is a totally simple solution to the urban problem. The technology of the bicycle is also simple. It is build around a metal frame, two wheels, a steer, a saddle, a chain, two pedals and a crank. That's it!
Then, of course, you can add all sorts of extra equipment: lights, baggage carriers, mudguards, gears, ringing bells, hand brakes. We now see the electrified bicycle with batteries on the street making it possible for even old and weak persons to run a bicycle.
The Acrobat, a Danish Short John.
There are bicycles for all purposes:
- The normal bicycle (whatever that is today)
- the tour bicycle for touring the landscape
- the Short John for transporting heavy stuff
- the Long John for the same purpose but even more stuff
- the Racer for competitions (including a whole range of hi-technologies)
- the Christiania bike with a front load for persons / children
- the taxi-bike for tourists and city-customers - the ChucChuc with pedals
- the Tandem for two persons pedalling
- the 3-wheeled bike for fragile persons and children
- the lying bicycle - giving the biker full advantage of kicking his legs from a fixed shoulder position
- the bicycle with a trailer
- the mountain bike for off-roading
I even heard, that the bicycle-helicopter has been invented. Imagine you pedalling and the divice flying? Apparently it is already existing!
Also existing: the bicycling office table. You are sitting on a chair with pedals running/electrifying a computer.
A Pilgrims Tale
Pilgrimage and road movies are the same. It is a travel out for coming home. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz says: I thought I was going out, but now I know that I was heading home.
But the is a difference. When you go on a pilgrimage, you do it with an inner purpose. It is a deliberate therapeutic act for this very purpose. In the Road Movie you are most likely to be thrown into the journey.
We may think of the pilgrim as a religious phenomenon. But pilgrimage transcends religion as we know it. The pilgrim is a traveller, a wanderer, a seeker, a person in his journey through his life in this world. A pilgrim seeks the purpose of his mere existance on this planet in this time. The purpose of pilgrimage is to fugure out why we are here and what we should do to fulfill this purpose.
It is not just the arrival to the goal of the pilgrimage that counts. It is the way to the goal. You tread a portion of karma into the track. It is not about knowing the path but walking the path.
El Camino seems to pop up in peoples minds when we talk about pilgrimage. But there are nine caminos to Santiago de Compostella alone, the one from Lourdes is just the most famous. They all end up with the pilgrim burning his clothes at Finistére at the Atlantic coast. A karma- or sin-burning ritual.
Santiago refers to Saint Jacob, or James as the English call him. He was the cousin of Jesus and died as the first martyr in Jerusalem. His bones are claimed to have found their way to Santiago. This guy, Jesus, had both brothers and sisters. He was called a rabbi. It was unthinkable for a rabbi not to have a wife. I guess the Catholic church wrote that part out of the narrative. Among other things.
The old medieval pilgrim routes went all the way from Scandinavia down through Denmark and Germany. No doubt these routes predates Christianity. Like the churches were build upon heathen cult sites, the paths connecting them are heathen too. This is the trick of Christianity. This may not be nice to the Christian faith and certain good things can be said about it. But in this regard, Christianity is a form of spiritual vampyrism sucking spiritual energy from the culture that came before. Just like the Romans. Search, plunder and destroy. Christianity was never about the co-existing of beliefs but about the eradicating of beliefs and cultures. Pilgrimage and crusade has a common history. If people happened to object to being cristened, they would have to die. By killing muslims and jews - or by being killed himself - the medieval crusader was promised redemption for his sins. On the other side, the muslims were promised the same for killing the unfaithful invaders.
Organized and institutionalized pilgrimage is a big energy machine. In that sense nowadays globalism is a genuine Roman-Catholic concept. EU is a Roman-Catholic project. This is probably the dark side of Christian pilgrimage. Thousands of feet carrying energy like arteries and veins of blood sucked towards the same two centers, Rome and Santiago. Three actually, if we include Canterbury in England. This reminds us of another piece of the narrative, that the Christians redacted. When the newly christened Roman soldiers came to Brittany, the locals were already Christians! How on earth did that happen? Does it have to do with this this shady figure known as Saint Paul? Formerly knows as Saul. Later known as Joseph of Aramathea. Who's name was Josephus Flavius, when he was hired by the Roman Empirial family, the Flavians, that together with the immensely rich Jews of Alexandria (Philo and others) were the authors of the Bible, the New Testament and the designer religion, we know as Christianity. The British-Roman-Jewish-Alexandrian connection. Even the Old Testament was flawed, since Josephus was handed over the original Torah Scroll after the burning down of the Temple in Jerusalem. These scrolls have never been seen again, though rumors will know, that they are in the Vatican Library together with the immense pillage and plunder and burning down of not only the Great Library of Alexandria, but dozen by dozens of Libraries holding all kinds of wisdom and technology from the oldest civilisation.
Thus began the Age of Pisces - we could call it the Age of Darkness or the Age of Stupidity. Or the Age of Amnesia.
Pilgrimage in England leads us to Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, a medieval masterpiece. Here we follow a group of pilgrims from Southwark in London to Canterbury. It is all about walking the path. Chaucer uses the pilgrimage as a frame for storytelling. When the pilgrims rest in the evening at the hostels, they play a sort of game, a competition of who can tell the best story.
A tale is a travel. A travel is a tale. Life is a travel and a tale told while travelling.
Pilgrimage is not a Christian phenomenon. The muslims have their own pilgrimage to Mekka. Here again the goal of the pilgrimage predates Islam. The Kaaba stone is an ancient object build into the square shrine. I is probably a black, magnetic piece of stone that once fell from the sky and has been venerated for maybe 10.000's of years. And was Abraham not a Sumerian wise man known to Jews via their socalled Babylonian captivity? Jews and Muslims today hate each other - that is: Jews hate Muslims and treat them with utmost despice waging constant wars on them leaving the Muslims and the Arabs no other choice than to hate them back.
Indians have their traditions of pilgrimage. Reflecting the many facetted concept of Hinduism it is not one holy place but many. Be it Varanasi or Rishikesh. The River seems to be a common denominator. Indians regard India as their mother. The Ganges is a mother. The Abrahamic religions always talk about a father god. Only the Virgin Mary survived the Judaeic patriarchal cultism.
And several indigenous cultures have their concept of pilgrimage. It gets further and further from All Roads Lead to Rome. Bruce Chatwin's famous book Songlines describes the mysterious tracks and paths, the invisible ways only visible to the intuitition of the aboriginies of Australia. They are walking people, and the only way - according to their own accounts - they are able to find their way across this huge continent is by 'dreaming'.
It gets curioser and curioser. Quoting Alice in Wonderland, of course, this book being another road movie about the travel that brings you home.
And several indigenous cultures have their concept of pilgrimage. It gets further and further from All Roads Lead to Rome. Bruce Chatwin's famous book Songlines describes the mysterious tracks and paths, the invisible ways only visible to the intuitition of the aboriginies of Australia. They are walking people, and the only way - according to their own accounts - they are able to find their way across this huge continent is by 'dreaming'.
It gets curioser and curioser. Quoting Alice in Wonderland, of course, this book being another road movie about the travel that brings you home.
Peter Kingsleys book A Story Waiting To Pierce You is a most strange book. Abaris, the Skywalker, is a mysterious wanderer, an ancient pilgrim from Mongolia mentioned by Pythagoras and his contemporaries. He walked all the way from Hypoboria, somewhere in the Mongolian plains. Mongolian Shamanism was the origin of Tibetan Buddhism, which is accepted by most scholars, though not to its full extend. And certainly not by Tibetan Buddhists themselves, not even the 14th Dalai Lama. Like in the Catholic Church there are plenty of denials and omitments in Buddhism.
How did this person, Abaris, manage to walk these immense distances? By holding an arrow. He was trained for more than twenty years in a now forgotten (?) technicke of walking in extacy. The arrow carrier never rested for more that two days in one place. His purpose was to clean the landscape from natural catastrophies. At a certain point of their perpetual speed travel he was supposed to hand over the golden arrow to a person, that would bring culture to the next level in time, space and essence. Abaris chose Pythogoras.
A fanciful fantasy story? Mongolia connecting Ancient Greece?! Problem here is, that Peter Kingsley is one of the most highly estimated and prizewinning scholars in the field of mythology, oriental history, comparative religion and culture.
Go read it for yourself.
The Art of the Fugue, the Rule of the Canon
The Renaissance developed the concept, the Baroque elaborated on it. The ultimate climax was reached by J.S. Bach. Later periods of European classical music learned from it and took it to other places.
What is a fugue? The term is Baroque, but the principle is Renaissance. In the 14 hundreds the wealth and the money was in Italy. The artful skills however were in Burgundy and the Netherlands. So the Fleemish artists and the artists of Burgundy were imported to Italy to serve Italian nobilities and the Roman church, both in posession of immense wealth and a great wish for portraying and glorifying their wealth and position.
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Josquin Desprez, the Mozart of the Renaissance |
We see names the artists written in plates in churches, chapels and castellos. And we still have their artworks delivered from hand written scores. Musical scores are not as easy to transfer to the printing press, since they do not consist of 28 basic symbols. Their names of the musical masters are such as Guiliaume Dufay, Guilliame de Machaut, Iohannes Ockeghem, Iohannes Obrecht, Josquin Desprez, Heinrich Isaac, Orlando di Lasso, Giovanni de Palestrina, Hans Leo Hassler, just to name a few. Only one of them is Italian (Palestrina), the rest are Fleemish-Burgundian-German. All were they Renaissance Men. Di Lasso spoke all major languages fluently, including Latin as a sort of artificial church and science language.
Sorry, I didn't answer my own question: what is a fugue? It all started with the old guys whose names have now been mentioned. They invented a vocal polyphonic style of imitation, where all parts/voices have the same theme. The same melody would be sung in different pitches at different times. And it would all fit together in the end as an intricate puzzle forming a stunning set of harmonies, a self-sustaining, self-accompagnying polyphonic web of melodic patterns, where each voice would imitate and accompany the others.
This concept is very interesting. It consists of individuality and collectivity in a way, where individuality does not command collectivity, and collectivity does not suppress individuality. There is a build-in intention of perfect ballance. There is individuality because every part and voice performs the main theme and is thus a kind of soloist. But the other parts and voices are doing the same at almost the same time.
Other cultures have highly sophisticated and advanced styles. Oriental styles as the Indian features amazing rhytmic and melodic elegance. Their performers are true masters. All major cultures have their classical music, and their performers are as highly educated as any Western conservatory educated performer. Japan, Persia, Turkey, the Arabic world, Mali, ... But nowhere in the world you will find a similar concept as in the European classical tradition: melodic polyphony and advanced harmony progressions. I Africa you will find stunning rhytmic polyphony and some place a kind of vocal polyphony mimicking the instrumental. I studied and played a style from Southern Africa, and I did find some similarities between the European classical concepts and definitely the concept of individuality in collective.
In this kind of music there is not one way of listening. The music is multi layered. There is the surface which is the result of the voices interweaving, constructing an ocean like wave pattern. There are the single waves underneath. There are the interaction between two voices. The human ear and mind is able to identify the single parts in up to three part polyphony, beyond that the mind forms gestalts, it simplifies complexity. Like an ocean you can dive in and out between the surface, the waves and the substreams. Remember: music is not an object or a one-way message. It is an envent, where the listening ear and mind is re-creating it in a pocket of time.
The baroque masters, J.S. Bach as the universal all time master, took the old vocal polyphony and made it instrumental. He knew all styles from the European tradition. There were distinct German, English, French and Italian styles. Many of these styles are fairly easy to listen to, but due to the build in complexity you never get tired of listening. There is always something new to be found.
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J.S. Bach |
So the music can be conceived intuitively for the attentive ear. Making the music, composing it, is much more demanding. At the peak of their skills, of course, it would seem to be an intuitive process. And yes, they knew their own style so intimate, that they were able to improvise. J.S. Bach was famous for his improvisations, and he could match any master jazz pianist of today - in his style of course. Even a fugue he could improvise, which would seem almost impossible considering the strickt inner set of rules. This is what tricks many people. They believe that improvised music is a sort of free flowing, non structered phenomenon. Not true at all! But due to the structure of vocal or instrumental polyphony for more than one performer, it could not be improvised in a collective. It had to be written down.
And yes, you do actually know what a fugue is. At least in principle and in its basic form. If you ever as a child sang Frére Jasquesor Row, row, row your boat, you have a delayed, self accompagnying, polyphone piece of music. We call it a Canon, from the Arabic word qan'un, meaning law or rule. The rule is: one voice starts, anothers sing the same, x-amount of beats later. The two children canons, like all canons, have an underlying harmonic pattern, and the melody does not contradict the pattern. Therefore the next, the third and the fourth part not contradicting the pattern do not contradict themselves but together recreates the pattern.
The Renaicance of the Celtic Harp
We actually don't know how old polyphony of that kind is. The druids and the Vikings may have sung it, but they did not write it down. Or did they? I remember once reading an academic study about Welsh 'signature music'. Wales is famous for its ancient harp tradition. The bards of the Druidic culture were important and famous. There is a series of stone carvings with what seems to be decorative patterns. But when you apply a certain grid you get what can be described as a score, it becomes music! Sceptics would say, that it is a coincidence. Mostly due to the paradigm of academic history understanding, that no ancient culture could come up with advanced stuff, since they were primitive, and we are the peak of all civilisations ever to have existed. Social Darwinism has penetrated deep into our understanding of ourselves.
Let's go nerd for a paragraph. The oldest formally written down canon is from the early Middle Ages, Sumer Is Icumen In. Written down, that is! Like all tales from the far past they were written down at some point in time. So the Sumer Canon may be from the early Middles Ages, but it may also be older. It can be sung by at least four voices. It is actually a double canon. Two parts repeat 4 bars (a bar consisting here of six fast beats) with a delay of two bars. This forms two harmonies like this: a..b..|a.....| a..b..|a..... Strangely enough these harmonies are identical to those in the old Welsh harp style! The other parts will sing the melody with either two or four bars delay. It could be 2+8 part or even 2+16 part polyphony. But restricted to 2+4 parts makes it less 'messy', since to two harmonies underneath is more like four-toned and not simple triads. It gives more harmonic clashes, at least for the modern ear. It sounds a little jazzy.
500 years later the canon as a priciple is still around, the fugue being an advanced canon. One part, the dux / the leader, takes it out, another, the comes / the follower takes it back. When the theme is finished, a part will make counterpoint. So a fugue evolves like a polite conversation between learned and attentive persons that either talk or listen while commenting. I mean a real conversation, not a shut up and listen now kind-of lecture or preach. Sometimes you will even hear several voices speaking and several listening/commenting. Women do that a lot, which tends to confuses men. Generally speaking, women are able to think while they speak, men think before they speak. Both styles, I guess, have advantages and pitfalls. In a fugue, you will hear all kinds of human conversation represented.
In his large organ fugues, some of them play for up till 15 minutes, J.S. Bach is able to bring about the framework, the conditions for transcending time and space. All depending of course of a perfect, organically flowing performance re-created or should we say co-created by a listener with the ability to let go and ride the waves. This must be due to the strict form where all material is out of one idea and turned, bend and modulated in all possible ways. Just like a tree, that consists of fractal structures (leafs and branches are trees in themselves). And there is a lot of structuring going on. Just like a Gothic cathedral is filled with geometry, these musical cathedrals are too. Another academic study used a certain vocal mass of Iohannes Obrecht, one of the Fleemish early Renaissance masters mentioned above and disects it. Musicologists love to disect and analyze. It is a sort of reverse ingeneering without the ingeneering. Anyway, a huge phd-study with hundreds of pages documented, that every single little frase as well as larger gestalts in this hour long polyphonic mass could be referred to pi, phi, the golden mean and what is sometimes called sacred geometry. So highly structured and filled with esoteric knowledge.
Now why on heaven and earth would anyone think of doing that? Can it be heard and experienced? Maybe a brain scientist would claim that to be impossible. Maybe not, since any good and honest brain scientist is willing to admit how little they actually know about the brain. We have to get spiritual to understand it. I would then claim, that real science is spiritual and true spirituality is science. So again: can it be experienced?
The old masters actually have the answer themselves. They would say: God hears it! That is enough for me. J.S. Bach wrote in some of his scores 'Soli Deo Gloria', solely in the honor of God. Yeah right, they were into the god-stuff in those days, so they would of course say such nonsense, you may say. But think about it this way. What is listening? Some part of you, whether we reduce it to the senses and the brain hears EVERYTHING. The human ear itself is a miracle. We are able to distinquish not only millions of combinations of tones by pitch and color - color referring to the brains ability to analyze the overtones, the harmonics in a split of a splitsecond. The brain or rather the consciousness stores it and clears the way for new sounds to come. The storage capacity is infinite, and I mean infinite. This by the way proves, that consciousness is a non-local phenomenon.
So what or maybe who is listening? Let us call it your higher self or your non-local consciousness that is not confined to you brain or your body. But wait a minute, isn't that exactly what the old guys called God? Then the answer to the question: why would they have this immense trouble building secret structures into music that can't be heard? Because the question is wrong asuming, that it can't be heard. It is heard by the everpresent and infinite consciousness of the Universe, that they called God, and that we can call whatever we want.
The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, there was a concept of the Harmony of the Spheres. We know of course, that for a period in history they regarded Earth to the the center of the solar system. And why not, since this is from where we perceive the universe. Then we can talk about the sun as a center, which is also inadequate, since there may be two suns (Sirius being the other), which is then inadequate, since the center of the galaxy is the nexus, which again ... and so on. Relatively seen, the Earth is our center, and the spheres are the planets and the stars. There are seven spheres, seven planets visible to man, there are seven colors, seven vortices in our energy body, seven tones in an octave, if we don't count semitones - and in the Middle ages they never did. Therefore we find seven scales or modi in all gregorian chant (in theory, but they never used the seventh) that form the melodic base for all church music. Or five tones, which also would be a sacred (secret) number making pentatonic scales as in Celtic or Japanese music. Or 12 tones, also a sacred number, forming the basis for J.S. Bach's music. He was actually the inventor of the Well Tempered Piano, a tuning that allows you to modulate to any tonality. The title of his most famous work thefore is that name, which is 24 Preludes and Fugues, one for each tonality (both major and minor). Actually 48, since he wrote two volumes.
And the fugue survived the Baroque. In the beginning of last century, the Russian composer Dmitri Sjostakowitch did the same, without just sounding like Bach. Listen to one of the most brilliant recordings, performed by, surprise!, none other than Keith Jarrett, the jazz guy.
But the Spheres, cmon, they don't make music, this is Medieval nonsense! Science is beyond that rubbish!
Sorry, again we are in for a surprise. Science - and I am not talking about standard mainstream physics but cutting edge physics - is now after having forced a sort of amnesia, a self inflicted blindness or one-eyedness onto itself for more that 400 years reintroducing alchemy and cosmology based upon Pythagorean principles. Consciousness is being reintroduced as the missing component in the understanding of the Universe. If so, we are in for a soon to come reintroduction of astrology, since it is mere astronomy with consciousness. C.G. Jung already re-introduced both outcast sciences in his in-depth understanding of the human psyche when he discovered, that alchemy already had invented a terminology for the human subconscious and what he calls the archetypes.
So Harmony of the Spheres, absolutely? You may never have heard of Hartmut Müller, proton resonance, global scaling and the standing wave of the Universe. As a young physics scientist he was granted professorship as the youngest ever at the Academi of Sciences in Russia. Russian science has been held away from Western science in the whole period of Communism and Cold War. Many surprises are to be found here. When he returned to Germany in the late 90's, he had to sign a contract of not revealing any of the results of his and their research for 10 years. Which he did, but afterwards he opened a Pandoras box of cosmology, that is totally sidekicking standard cosmology. And as he says: 'It is no longer a theory. We are making applications based on verified facts'.
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Prof. Hartmut Müller |
We can no longer talk about A Science. We have to talk about Sciences, since what should be, and what used to be a single science of physics is now several physics. They can no longer communicate and their research field has branched out into several strings. One day they will, of course, but not before the Jewish-dysfunctional, bad mathematics-Einstein-entropic Universe has fallen apart and all the missing elements that were banned and excluded in the socalled Age of Enlightenment (turning out to be a new Dark Age) have returned.
The thing is with science, that we believe it to be free in the 'free' West. We are deluding ourselves. Science is as far from being free as the West itself, since big corporations and governments pay for science. If the research and the results don't pleace those who pay for it, the scientists will very soon be looking for jobs as taxidrivers and floor cleanes ... for the rest of their life. No money for not-pleasing science. In Russia, even under a totalitarian regime, science and research was actually free. But there was no money. The scientists were not wealthy people, but the best scientist were idealists anyway, and they decided what to work with. This reversed truth is a great paradox that few Western scientists are aware of. A parallel is the false concept of a 'free' press in the West. It is less free that the yellow press in the socialist countries behind the Iron Carpet. People there knew, that they were being lied to. People in the West today gobble it up believing it to be true!
So a group of Russian and German scientists today have re-invented and re-introduced a hitech version of the Pythagorean cosmology. The Universe has a standing wave based upon - hold on to your butt - the diatonic scale! This means that the Cosmos is organized by do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do. And the chamber tone that we call A or La in Solfege is not 440, but 417. Prof. Müller says: Matter without spirit, and spirit without matter does not exist in Cosmos.
Then a penny drops, as we remind ourselves of how they regarded music as the next highest science in the Quadrivium. Mathematics is the science of numbers, Geometry is the science of number in space, Music is the science of numbers in time, and Astronomy is the science of numbers in space and time. It means then, that music is not a piece of entertainment in this concept. It is Chronometry, the science of time. It is the science of frequecies, harmonies/harmonics, resonances, intervals, syncronicities and cycles.
In the beginning was: The Sound.
In the beginning was: The Sound.
This is the Art of The Fugue.
PS. The name of the next most famous piece of music by J.S. Bach is 'Die Kunst der Fuge'. A legendary piece of art. The last fugue, a huge quadrupel-fugue ends before it could be completed. The old master died.
PS. The scientists ridiculed and rejected Velikovsky when he predicted, that the planets made sounds. When the spacetraveller Voyager in 19xx? passed Jupiter, it recorded its sound! Scientists never apologized to mr. Velikovsky, since they never admit being wrong. Instead they pretend, that they discovered it.
The Tianjin harbor bombing - yet another start of WW3?
Recently China experienced what is described as the largest explosion in the World. It took place in one of the largest harbors in China, in the city of Tianjin. 100's of people were blown to pieces.
'The largest' explosion probably excludes nuclear explosions in history. 40.000 people were massacred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And it most certainly excludes explosions due to cosmic impacts hitting the Earth down through the history of the planet. A certain area of the Egyptian desert has strange glass lying around, that can only relate to a very large object exploding. Probably the one, that destroyed the Khemt pre-dynastic culture, that build the pyramids. And what about the one that hit the earth at the end of the Ice Age destroying the Clovis culture of North America? And what about the one that hit the Yucatan peninsula suppusedly destroying the dinosaurs?
Anyway, China was hit by a strange explosion that due to mainstream media is supposed to be some accident. The Chinese, to my knowledge - correct me, if I am wrong - have been silent about the cause of it. Others have suggested a close connection to the Chinese devaluation of the Yuan.
In OpenSource investigations and -information we must always seek for patterns. What happened before-under-and-after? Who benefits? Follow the money. What does it look like? Have we any similar events before?
An explosion like this does not happen by itself. When the Chinese announced, that they were going to devaluate, the Pentagon yelled out, that this was to be regarded as 'an act of war'. Although we should not jump to conclusions, knowing how the war mongerers and war criminals of Pentagon think, accusing others of aggression is alwaysa sure warning of a coming aggession from their side. It is a standard British-American-Zionist stragegy to create an offerrole portraying themselves as the victims and their aggressions and defending themselves. They manage to turn reality upside down. Anyone who denies that aggression-pattern is a complete idiot! No-one attacks the Worlds largest military power, or else they would be complete idiots themselves!
The mere linking from Pentagon between national economy and acts of war shows with utmost clarity the close relationship between finance/economy and war. For every single war starting anywhere on this haunted planet there is a banking interest! Bankers like we know like to dwell in the realms of Empires. And yes, there are quite a few Jews in the global banking industry, but there are other players too. If we say CIA and the shadow banking system, we may not be totally wrong. If we say the Jesuits or the Vatican, there goes another 'bingo'. But no doubt, we have to mention the name of the Khazar-Jewish banking family, the Rothschilds [pronounced Rot-sjilt, the Red Shield, get it today anglo-nitwits!] owning more that half of the planet through their immense business-syndicats, -cartels and -corporations.
So were the Chinese hit by a Roth-Schild space weapon as were the Japanese in Fukushima with a sea-and-space weapon? The thing is with these exotic weapons, that they are very hard to track. This, of course, is why they are now being used. The people using these technologies are very cautious. They know, that they themselves one day will be hit bigtime by the same technologies, since their enimies have them too. The Americans were reminded of that, when a big war ship entered the Black Sea and was 'shut down' by an old school Russian Tupolev fighter, apparent carrying or being backed up by a very advanced technology making every device on the ship useless.
The OpenSource demand for pattern recognition will make us see the similarity between a certain phenomena in both the 9/11- and the Tianjin-event. The burning cars! There are absolutely no reason for cars to burn or melt down in a certain radius from an explosion. We are talking about cars placed several streets and blocks away from the explosion with intact houses before them. No reason, exceptfor an electro-magnetic pulse-weapon hitting from the skies. Cars have rubber wheels that insulate them from the ground. They are de-grounded. They cannot de-load when hit by an EMF-pulse. In New York at 9/11 you would see highly inflamable trees totally totally intact just a couple of meters from a burned out car. The trees were grounded.
The Third World War is not like its two predecessors. I say is and not will be. It has already started. WW3 is a liquid war. I runs forever. It has no beginning, no middle and no end. It is the Total War ('Totaler Krieg', war apparently being masculinum, we can discuss another day how women wage war). It is a war, that uses all means of war known to mankind: financial, ecological, informational, electrical, by ressources, chemical, nuclear, conventional, social, ethnical (mass immigration as a cultural weapon of mass destructon) psychological, political, scientific, technological, medical, nutritional, mental, physical, genetical, ideological, cultural, spiritual, by terror, by lies, by hypocracy ... did I forget something? Probably a whole lot.
A week later another explosion hit the Shandong province of Eastern China. Again a chemical plant, and again American blames on the Chinese for being careless about chemicals. Next an explosion at an American military base near Tokyo Airport? Are the Chinese answering to the attacks? Russia and China doing big military exercises in the South China Sea. 55 North Korean submarines are out of their harbor. 150 billion $ disappeared in Asia due to the confusion on the stockmarkets caused by the explosions. The Americans banksters never miss a chance for plunder when they wage wars or a catastrophe is at hand. Remember the Museum of Baghdad where 10.000 priceless artifacts disappeared the moment the Americans arrived? Remember the billions of $ for rebuilding Iraq that disappeared into nowhere? Remember the 2.3 trillion! $ that Donald Rumsfeld couldn't find in the Pentagon budget? Remember the bank accounts of Haity transferred with the aid of Bill Clinton to the Dominican Republic? Ever heard about the Clinton Foundation? Remember the Libyan gold reserves that disappeared? Remember the Ukrainian gold reserves that disappeared recently? Remember Cyprus that was plundered by the ECB and the IMF?
If you have never heard of these and many similar incidents, you will of course not remember them.
There is war and plunder all over. The Middle East is in chaos. The Syrians are defending their own lives. They are getting help from the Iranians and Russian MIG-31 fighters. Heavy S-300 missiles are on their way.
The Kurds/PKK are fighting in their usual stubborn way against the Ottoman Empire 2.0, Erdogans Tyrkey - and here comes a build-in CVitch-Report. They are in fights in the Eastern Tyrkey supported by Iranians and Syrians. Their commando center is now situated in Iran. Mr. Erdogan seems to be in deep trouble and has arranged a new election that he probably won't win. He counts on killing as many Kurds as possible before the election.
ISIS terrorists are being trained in the huge subterrainian NATO-facility in Kosovo. Most people in the West have absolutely no clue of who these guys are, and who have created them.
It is sickening to see, what the Americans and their Zionist parasitical 'friends' (actualy the worst enimy ever had and ever will have) is doing to the fragile world peace/stability these days.
China on the other hand, and very contrary to what the common propaganda that tend to come out of hour mounths in the West, are the one that together with Russia is building the infrastructures that point in a peaceful and stable direction. China and Russia are now moving into Africa building infrastructure. Are they just plundering Africa like the Americans (the yankies of course would yell about that), but the Africans don't seem to agree. Unlike Western colonial plunder and Imperialism we see investments, infrastructures, aggrements. The president of xx, mr. xx have now asked the Americans to move out of the last American military base in Africa in Djibouti and has made a deal with China instead. USA had to move its Africom base to Souther Spain.
Europe is surely a part of the liquid WW3-scenario happening this very moment. Television-addicts in Europe of course have no clue. The Americans have now bases in Poland, Rumania and the Baltics. Why? Do they feel threatened? Russia does not perform aggession towards their neighbours. Crimea - and the whole of Ukraine is Russia, but people in the West have no grasp of history any longer. As professor Darrell Hamamoto recently said: 'The story about the First and the Secon World war has not been written yet!He is totally right, because all we have seen about the two mega-events is the British-American-Zionist diary about their achievements.
In these (far from ) 'Great' wars one strategy is the underlying (now drawing on Joseph P. Farrells analysis in News and Views from the Nefarium, he himself quoting the official Chinese news agency, Qing Hua). The Western Empire - which was England back then to be taken over by the Americans - used Poland to seperate Germany from Russia. Today they are using Poland, the Baltics and Romania to do the same, only now it is not just Germany but the whole of Europe. Again-again we see the clear connection between finance / banking and war strategy. It is all about obstructing Europe from connecting with Russia and Asia. Once the Eurasian Continuum that is the very old and very 'natural' is established, United States and their Era is definitively over. We should say re-established, because is is no less than the thousands of years old Silk Route.
So what does China do? The Polish - again the weak outpost of Main Europe - are selling out. Some years ago their foreign minister, Sikorsky, had American military bases installed. The present government now admits, that it has not been good for Poland. And lo-and-behold Poland and China are strengthening their ties (Poland and Russia still have a problem with each other, as we know) even in form of military coorporation - certainly not good for the agression pact NATO! And not for the American strangulation grasp on the throat of the whole EU.
And even more disturbing for the Americans would be, that England is now the 4th largest trade partner of China. And the first European country to join the Asian Developement Bank. Finally the former glorious Empire-never-to-come-back may have realized, that United States is not their friend (no-one is the friend of a psychopat, since such monsters do hot have friends) and will now have to find a way out of this parasitical non-friendship. So what can they do? Instead they can re-boost the idea of Commonwealth in order not to throw away their opportunities for the sake of bad friendship.
Are the British any better? Probably not. They will befriend you one day, and the other one they will stab you in the back. All history shows this pattern. The thing is, that they are not in a position to dictate or threaten powers like China any more, so they will have to behave. And disturbing to the EU they once again are considering leaving the EU-zone. Maybe realizing that the EU is nothing but a puppet for American economic interests. And part of the Commonwealth concept was splendid isolation and ties to the former colonies at the same time.
The King of Beans
The fava bean rules the kingdom of beans. Right now it has turned up in my garden where its big pods are pointing freshly to the sky. In Denmark we call them horse beans. They used to be very common both for feeding people and animals, horses among others.
When you open them, there will be fresh green or light brown fully grown big beans encapsulated in the silk soft inner skin of the pod. You can dry them or use them as they are. You can use the pods too, but they are a bit acidious. Your horse will eat it, though. I don't have a horse, but there is a beautiful, gigantic Welsh male goat roaming behind my garden fence. He loves them. Or maybe better: compost them so they will recycle for next year.
The fava bean is known many places in the world. In Egypt it is the Foule, and it gives name to the delicious Egyptian national dish that everyone rich and poor eats morning, midday and evening. It has this creamyness that is so delicious. And healthy too, filled with protein.
If you want a really good hommos, use foule instead of chick peas. Or mix them. If you don't grow them in your garden, buy them dried for no money and water them out for 24 hours. Boil them for 40 minutes or so, blend with Tahini (sesamy paste), oil, lemon, garlic, chilli, cummin and parseley + salt. You may need some water. Never make too big portions and eat it within a couple of days.
The Arabs will pick it up with a piece of flat bread baked without yeast. In Cairo the foule is street food, so the bread just came out of an oven.
Fava beans goes well into a French or Italian style Casserole. I don't have a recipe at hand, so I invent one here in my fantasy:
- fry a piece of finely cut bacon, for instance Italian panchetta
(if you are a vegetarian, don't - it works brilliantly without) - add some garlic
- add finely chopped tomatoes - canned tomatoes from the Mediteranian are actually not a bad substitute for a Nothern European, since they have grown with plenty of sun
- add maybe some stripes of eggplants that you have watered out with salt
- add the fava beans - use fresh ones
- add maybe a couple of potatoes in smaller pieces
- add sal$t, pepper and your favorite hearb (mine is Thyme, directly from the garden)
It is done, when it is done - try a bean or a piece of egg plant. Actually consider letting the egg plant cook 15 minutes before adding the beans. Finally serve with a bit of parseley on the top. Eat with bread.
The thing with these peasant style dishes is, that you use whatever you have that day as a variant. If you have a carot floating around, use it. A charlotte onion could work. A little selleri leaflet will give an Italian taste.
And although the fava bean is the king - and this is my opinion - we should not forget the lima bean, the black bean, the red chilli bean, the giant green flat bean (good for a Tagine), the haricot verte, the butter bean, the white spring bean and the asian bean sprouts. And a hundred more.
Warning: avoid the soya bean! Yes, you got it right. It is poisonous and very harmful to your organism. It is a huge misunderstanding by vegetarians to fill themselves with soya products. The only eatable kind of soya is the Japanese 5 years on wooden barrels fermented soya, the Miso. Here the poison is totally broken down so it it harmless and even healthy - it tastes real good too.
What did Hannibal Lechter say in The Silence of the Lambs: 'I eat his liver with some fava beans and a good Chianti'. Sorry, couldn't help it.
But did you ever taste lamb liver by the way? Best liver you will ever get! Totally clean and grass fed (not like industrial pigs filled with GMO, pesticides and anti-biotics). With some fava beans and a good Chianti if you so please.
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