onsdag den 4. februar 2015

Je suis - et je ne suis pas!

by morton_h, the blogger

Je suis:
The Kobani, which was abandoned by the hypocrite US State and had had to fight for its survival with YPJ Syrian-Kurdistan resistance groups. None of these would I dare to meet on a dark street, if I was one of the fools who had traveled from Europe to JihadiStan to take part in a quick-fix neo crusade winning fast and easy fame (read: fask and easy money)

Ask just whether you gain respect among islamophile hirelings if you are beaten up by a group of YPJ-dedicated Kurdish chicks with Kalashnikovs? - Their worst nightmare ever!
Je suis ...

[scroll ned for at læse på dansk]

Syrian refugee Mohammad Hassan

Je suis:
The Iraq that was smashed by CIA-state, head of the snake, accused of weapons of mass destruction, that they no longer had, that they once had and been CIA State to kille Kurds and Iranians, and that then in their absence was a pretext to create a new Balkan = a rural area with no head and tail.

The same Iraq was declared the Sunni-Shia battle zone, though Sunni and Shia not before had hated and fought against each other.

The same Iraq was robbed of its historical treasures, as American special forces plundered the National Museum, they had promised to protect. 10,000 priceless artefacts disappeared without a trace.

In the same Iraq disappeared billions of $, which was allocated for rebuilding and 'democratization' of the country.

In the same Iraq the police and military were trained to be inept, so an attack by a NATO and CIA-funded terrorist army of mercenaries (ISIL) later could devastate at will and without meeting qualified resistance.

In the same Iraq right now thousands of inhabitants are dying of cancer in areas where US and NATO played with smart bombs pumped with depleted uranium.

 Je suis ...
Je suis:
The Libya that once was North Africa's most prosperous and well-functioning state with the highest standard of living in all Arabic-speaking countries.

The Libya, which had a production of the world's cleanest oil.

The Libya that developed the magnificent Man Made Project with waterways from the Libyan desert to the coast.

The Libya, whose currency was backed by formidable gold reserves - unlike the bankrupt Western nation, whose currencies are backed by poisonous papers and ficticious promises now falling apart.

The Libya, whose leader allowed himself to confront terrorist state Saudi Arabia, when they allowed the United States to attack a member of the Arab League (Iraq), whose leader was creating an African dinar based on Libyan gold reserves, whose leader would give its amazing water project its neighbors, whose leader was gathering Africa via the African National Congress, and whose leader did not lick the boots of the UK, USA, France, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The Libya that 900,000 people have been forced to flee, which no Western media have had the courage to describe. Could it be, that the same media is only interested in Libya, while they were busy sending NATO propaganda against the country's president?
Je suis ...
Je suis:
The Syria, where 15 religious communities have been able to live in peaceful coexistence and mutual respect for millennia.

The Syria, whose capital city was one of the world's most beautiful until the uglyness materialized.

The Syria, whose legitimate democratic opposition was the coup of satanic forces outside, and now ravaged by hordes of decapitators, cannibals, rapists, pyromancers, and a selection of the Empire prefer boys in uniform funded-trained-hired by Saudi Arabia, Israel, USA, England, Turkey CIA and NATO.
Je suis ...
Je suis:
The Greece that was corrupted by a corrupt upper class consisting of 10 families back in the happy days of the Greek Junta (1967-74). The upper class retired to his cloak and international network of scumbags, the same network that corrupted the post-fascist upper class elite in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay ... and the EU. The 10 families who returned and invited Goldman Sachs in the large self-service board. Is it not funny that once again they use the 'junta' within the EU?

But Greece has now made a bold jerk that has made the EU junta a bit nervous. Who will follow the initiative? - scary perspectivs for the junta-minded.
Je suis ...
Je suis:
The post-communist, post-KGB, post-USA's-wet-dream-of-a-unilateral-world Russia, which is now being attacked by the entire compilation of Western propaganda, financial terror campaign, vilification, demonization, (self-destructive!) sanctions policy, trade war, proxy wars of NATO terrorist cells, oil-warfare, opium war against the Russian population with dope from Afghanistan.

The post-communist Russia has set itself on its hind legs, the bear has awakened from his sleep in the cave, the old national soul has once again mobilized. New alliances are on the way, the bear and the dragon have regular meetings where they do more that just talk. BRICS is moving like Shanghai Organization Corporation. The new alternative world bank and a new financial clearing institution for money transaction as a substitute for the West corrupt monopoly is under formation. A number of countries in peripheral world look to Russia as a possible battering ram relative to the bloodsucker empire in the west. An alternative to the US-mafia organization IMF from the happy Bretton-Woods days are in the pipeline. ASEA have meetings where they move in relation to the G20, where the only outcome was formal egalizing of the reverse bankrobbery, they did in Cyprus.

Fringe world has had enough and is on the move while watching the Russia that Western peoples are told is still like Stalin's Soviet. American weapon industry adore the thought of the new cold-warm war. I the former Soviet people knew that their media were one big joke of lies - in contrast to western populations today who believe that their media are telling them the truth!

That is how stupid we have become!
Je suis ... et tu? 

Je suis:
The Gaza where civilians, men-women-children, young-old, people without hospitals, schools and proper defense being touted as terrorists by the Zionist terrorist state and bombed while a monster army with 300 nuclear warheads, with 30,000 members of Mossad Worldwide, with unlimited financial resources from the global Jewish financial mafia of self-proclaimed 'poor victims' of evil neighbors.

I am disgusted !!

Gaza is David, Zionist terrrorist State, racist-appartheit State is Goliath. And we are a bunch of morons?
Je suis ... Tu es?

Je suis:
The Ukraine, which is financially, culturally, politically and militarily attacked by an obnoxious smattering of American neo-cons, EU-cons, NATO-cons and CIA-cons and their army of NeoNazi-cons.

The Ukraine, that never was a country before Ludendorff and Ribbentropp created it in the first World War, but just a part of either Russia or Poland.

The Ukraine which eastern province ALWAYS were Russian, and whose capital was the birth of Kiev Rus, the first Russia.

The Ukraine, that the US-hangout, Krushtjev, allowed secession to Russia because he was Ukrainian.

The Ukraine, which was Europe's granary is now slated to be Monsanto's approach to a GM attack on Russia, which is in the process of banning GMOs totally, because it will not 'poison its population'.
Je suis ...
Je suis:
The Iceland who refused to submit to the IMF, the ECB, the WTO, the BIS - the global financial institutions that were formed in parallel to the two world wars to ensure that the world's nations would subject themselves to the mandatory indebtedness, that the Empire demanded of them.

The Iceland whose women refused to be buttfucked by British financial fraudsters and allowed to hold bank managers responsible for their corruption attitude.

The Iceland, whose entire population a group of financial terrorists from the City of London had placed on a list of terrorists, as the Icelanders made obstacles to the assault. As a rule called terrorist states and terrorist organizations always name their opponents for terrorists. In takes one to Claim you know one. In a strange way comforting, since we thereby always will know the real terrorists by their lingo.

Je suis ...

Je suis: 
The Malaysia who had guts to withstand attacks from the Global System of Central Banks Financial attack and subsequently had the courage to organize an international tribunal for crimes against humanity, where in absentia (what else when it comes to cowardly criminals) these leaders of states were sentenced for their crimes.

The Malaysia which subsequently saw three commercial airliners hijacked or shot down as punishment by the minions of the very same criminals and their rogue. 
Je suis ... 

Je suis:
The Europe that was hijacked by the owners of the 80 largest and richest companies on the continent with a design that was exclusively in their interest and for their benefit and not the European countries' populations - called the EU - and who sold this project with the tearful pretext that it would ensure peace in Europe after two world wars, that the same group of industrialists themselves had initiated.

Can it even be more ironic?

The Europe whose peoples have been forced by their at any time ruling elites oligarchies and imperial architects to slaughter each other on purpose, a slaughter that was always presented as just and noble and very, very necessary.

The Europe, where half of its inhabitants were slain for murky ideals for 30-year-wars and where a similar number later were exterminated in two world wars. All to satisfy a psychopathic, inbred aristocracy with sick ambitions.
Je suis ...
Je suis:
The America that was once a proud and enterprising pioneer country of people who fled the poverty and despair to a place where you could talk about freedom and hope, while they lived out the fine words with simple actions.

The America where they owned a weapon not to shoot the head of their fellow countrymen, but to protect themselves against assaults from the federal government, whose ownership of the nation
neverwas legitimate.

The America that for a while and in happy times were free of the British bankers vampiric and parasitic activity until those in 1913 finally took hold on the national economy and was able to suck all the blood out of the nation and send it in endless undeclared and illegal wars towards almost all countries in the world. Is there anyone left?

The America that has one of the finest constitutions in the world, which today has been infringed and treated like a whore in a side street.
Je suis ...

Je ne suis pas Charlie fucking Hebdo!


Je suis:

In Danish

Det Kobani, som blev ladt i stikken af hyklerstaten USA og har måttet kæmpe for sin overlevelse med YPJ, der forsvarer Syrisk-Kurdistan med mandlige og kvindelige modstandsgrupper. Ingen af disse ville jeg turde møde på en mørk gade, hvis jeg var en af de tåber, der var rejst fra Europa i den tyrker-tro – ordet har fået en ny mening i NATOstan - at de kunne deltage i et quick-fix neo-korstog og vinde hurtig og nem berømmelse. 

Spørg lige, om man får respekt blandt islamofile lejesvende, hvis man får bank af en stak dedikerede kurder-tøser med Kalashnikovs? - deres værste mareridt nogensinde!
Je suis …

Je suis:
Det Irak, der blev smadret af CIA-staten, slangens hoved, beskyldt for masseødelæggelsesvåben, som de ikke længere havde, som de engang havde haft og fået at CIA-staten til at smadre kurdere og iranere, og som herefter i deres fravær blev et påskud for at skabe et nyt Balkan = et landområde uden hoved og hale.

Det samme Irak blev udråbt til sunni-shia kampzone, selvom sunni og shia aldrig før havde hadet og bekriget hinanden. 

Det samme Irak blev bestjålet sine historiske skatte, da amerikanske specialtropper plyndrede det nationalmuseum, de havde lovet at beskytte. 10.000 uvurderlige kunstgenstande forsvandt sporløst.

I det samme Irak forsvandt de milliarder af $, som var bevilget til genopbygning 'demokratisering' af landet.

I det samme Irak blev politi og militær uddannet til at være uduelige, så et angreb fra en NATO- og CIA-finansieret terrorhær af lejetropper (ISIL) senere kunne hærge løs efter forgodtbefindende.

I det samme Irak dør lige nu tusindvis af indbyggere af kræft i de områder, hvor USA og NATO legede med smarte bomber pumpet med afberiget uran.
Je suis ...

Je suis:
Det Libyen, der engang var Nordafrikas mest velstående og velfungerende stat med den højeste levestandard i et arabisk-talende land.

Det Libyen, der havde en olieproduktion med verdens reneste olie.

Det Libyen, der udviklede det storslåede Man Made Project med vandveje fra den libyske ørken til kysten.

Det Libyen, hvis valuta var bakket op af formidable guldreser, ver – i modsætning til det bankerotte Vesten, hvis valutaer er bakket op af fis i en hornlygte.

Det libyen, hvis leder tillod sig at konfrontere terrorstaten Saudiarabien, da de tillod USA at angribe et medlem af den arabiske liga (Irak), hvis leder var ved at skabe en afrikansk dinar baseret på libyske guldreserver, hvis leder ville forære sit fantastiske vandprojekt til sine nabolande, hvis leder var ved at samle Afrika via den den Afrikanske Nationalkongres, og hvis leder ikke slikkede pik på England, USA, Frankrig, Israel og Saudiarabien. Og det skal man ifølge ovennævnte slyngelstater.

Det Libyen, som 900.000 mennesker har været nødt til at flygte fra, hvilket ingen vestlige medier har haft mod til at beskrive. Kunne det skyldes, at de samme medier kun interesserede sig for Libyen, mens de selv havde travlt med at udsende NATO-propaganda mod landets præsident?
Je suis ...

Je suis:
Det Syrien, hvor 15 trossamfund har kunnet leve i fredelig sameksistens og gensidig respekt i årtusinder.

Det Syrien, hvis hovestad var en af verdens smukkeste, indtil grimhedens skændsel indfandt sig.

Det Syrien, hvis legitime demokratiske opposition blev kuppet af sataniske kræfter udefra, og som nu hærges af horder af halshuggere, kanibaler, voldtægtsforbrydere og et skønsomt udvalg af Imperiets trækkerdrenge i uniform finansieret-trænet-hyret af Saudiarabien, Israel, USA, England, Tyrkiet, CIA og NATO.
Je suis ...

Je suis:
Det Grækenland, der blev udsuget af en korrupt overklasse bestående af ca. 10 familier dengang i de glade juntadage (1967-74). Overklassen trak sig tilbage til sine skalkeskjul og sit internationale netværk. Det samme netværk, som forbinder den post-fascistiske overklasse-elite i Grækenland, Spanien, Portugal, Italien, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay … og EU. De 10 familier, der vendte tilbage og inviterede Goldman Sachs indenfor til det store tag-selv-bord. Er det ikke sjovt, at man igen taler om en 'junta' i EU-regi?
Men det Grækenland har nu foretaget et modigt ryk, som har fået EU-juntaen til at ryste på hånden.
Je suis …

Je suis:
Det post-kommunistiske, post-KGB, post-USA's våde drøm om en unilateral verden = Rusland, som nu bliver angrebet af hele udtrækket af Vest-Propaganda, finansiel terror, smædekampagne, dæmonisering, (selvdestruktiv!) sanktionspolitik, proxy-krige af NATO- terrorceller, olie-krigsførelse, opiumskrig mod den russiske befolkning med dope fra Afghanistan. 

Det post-kommunistiske Rusland har sat sig på bagbenene, bjørnen er vågnet fra sin søvn i hulen, folkesjælen har endnu engang mobiliseret sig. Nye alliancer er på vej, bjørnen og dragen holder møder. BRICS er i bevægelse ligesom Shanghai Organisation Corporation. Den nye alternative verdensbank og en ny finansiel clearing-institution til transaktion som erstatning for vesten korrupte monopol er under dannelse. En række lande i udkantsverden ser til Rusland som en mulig murbrækker i forhold til blodsuger-imperiet i vest. Et alternativ til US-mafia-organisationen IMF fra de glade Bretton-Woods-dage er på trapperne. ASEA holder møder, hvor de rykker i forhold til G20.

Udkants-verden har fået nok og rykker, mens de ser til det Rusland, som vestens befolkninger får at vide stadig er som Stalins Sovjet. Det Sovjet, hvis befolkning vidste, at deres medier var fulde af løgn – i modsætning til vestens befolkninger i dag, der tror, at deres medier fortæller dem sandheden.
Så dumme er vi blevet!
Je suis ...
Je suis:
Det Gaza, hvor civile, mænd-kvinder-børn, unge-gamle, folk uden hospitaler, skoler og egentlig forsvar bliver udråbt som terrorister af den zionistiske terrorstat og sønderbombet, mens en kæmpehær med 300 nukleare sprænghoveder, med 30.000 medlemmer af Mossad Worldwide, med ubegrænsede finansielle midler fra den globale jødiske finansmafia selv-udråbt som stakkels ofre.

Jeg væmmes !!

Gaza er David, zionist-terrrorist-staten, racist-appartheit-staten er Goliath. Og vi er en stak fjolser?
Je suis … Tu es?

Je suis:
Det Ukraine, der for nylig blev finansielt, kulturelt, politisk og militært angrebet af et klamt sammenrend af amerikanske neo-cons, EU-cons, NATO-cons og CIA-cons.

Det Ukraine, der aldrig var et land, før Ludendorff og Ribbentropp skabte det i 1. Verdenskrig, men blot en del af enten Rusland og Polen.

Det Ukraine, hvis østprovins ALTID har været russisk, og hvis kerne (Kiev) fra begyndelsen var en del af Ruslands fødsel.

Det Ukraine, som USA-hangout, Krushtjev, tillod løsrivelse sig Rusland, fordi han var ukrainer. 

Det Ukraine, som var Europas kornkammer, og som nu er udset til at være Monsantos indfaldsvinkel til et GMO-angreb på det Rusland, der er i færd med at forbyde GMO, fordi det 'forgifter befolkningen'.
Je suis ...

Je suis:
Det Island, der nægte at underkaste sig IMF, ECB, WTO, BIS – de globale finansinstitutioner, der blev dannet sideløbende med de to verdenskrige for at sikre, at verdens nationer underkastede sig den obligatoriske gældsætning, som Imperiet krævede af sine undersåtter.

Det Island, hvis kvinder nægtede at lade sig røvkneppe af britiske finans-svindlere og tillod sig at holde bankdirektør ansvarlige for deres korruptions-attitude.

Det Island, hvis befolkning en gruppe finans-terrorister fra the City of London fik placeret på en liste over terrorister, da de satte hindringer i vejen for deres overgreb. Som grundregel kalder terrorstater og terrororganisationer altid deres opponenter for terrorister. I takes one to claim you know one.
Je suis …

Je suis:
Det Malaysia, der havde guts til at modstå angreb fra det globale centralbanksystems finansangreb og som senere havde mod til at afholde et internationalt tribunal om forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, hvor de in absentia (hvad ellers, når det drejer sig om kujonagtige forbrydere) dømte statsledere for disse forbrydelser.

Det Malaysia, som herefter oplevede at få tre passagerfly hijacket eller skudt ned som straf af håndlangerne til de selvsamme forbrydere og deres slyngelstater.
Je suis ...

Je suis:
Det Europa, der blev kuppet af ejerne af de 80 største og rigeste firmaer på kontinentet ved en konstruktion, der udelukkende var i deres interesse og til deres fordel og aldrig de europæiske landes befolkninger – kaldet EU – og som solgte projektet under det tårepersende påskud at ville sikre fred i Europa efter de to verdenskrige, som den samme gruppe industrialister selv havde iværksat.
Kan det overhovedet blive mere ironisk?

Det Europa, hvis folkeslag har været tvunget af dets til enhver tid siddende oligarkier og imperie-arkitekter til at slagte løs på hinanden ud fra formål, der altid blev præsenteret som ædle og noble og meget, meget nødvendige.

Det Europas, hvor halvdelen af dets indbyggere blev slået ihjel for skumle idealer i 30-års-krigene, og hvor et lignende antal senere døde under to verdenskrige. Alt sammen for at tilfredsstille et psykopatisk, indavlet aristokratis forfejlede ambitioner.
Je suis ...

Je suis:
Det Amerika, der engang var et stolt og foretagsomt pionerland af folk, der flygtede fra fattigdom og håbløshed til et sted, hvor man kunne tale om frihed og håb, mens de udlevede de fine ord med simpel handling.

Det Amerika, hvor man ejede et våben ikke for at skyde hovedet af sine fellow countrymen, men for at beskytte sig mod overgreb fra den føderale regering, hvis ejerskab over nationen aldrig var legitim.

Det Amerika, der for en stund og i lykkelige perioder var fri for de britiske bankfolks vampyriske og parasitiske virksomhed, indtil disse i 1913 og til i dag bed sig fast for at suge alt blod ud af nationen og sende den i endeløse uerklærede og illegale krige mod efterhånden samtlige lande i verde.

Det Amerika, der har en af de fineste forfatninger i verden, som i dag er blevet tilsidesat og behandlet som en luder i en sidegade.
Je suis ...

Je ne suis pas Charlie fucking Hebdo!

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