torsdag den 27. november 2014

You May Not Know ... ?

by morton_h, the blogger 

[scroll ned for at læse på dansk]
YOU MAY NOT KNOW that multinationals pay more in salaries to their CEO's than they pay in taxes in the countries where they operate?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that if the multinationals just paid 1% of company tax in the countries where they operate, no citizen of these countries would ever have to pay income tax? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that income tax is an illegitimate extension of war tax into peacetime which is an invention of the European central banks in the 1800s?Did you know that a National Bank, also called a Central Bank is a private company that has earned the privilege = the exclusive right to print money and lend it to the State, whereby the notion of sovereign debt has arisen?

 YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the five countries that George W. Bush called the 'Axis of Evil', were the last five countries in the world that did not have a central bank as described above, but claimed the right of a true national bank controlled by its State?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the leaders of these countries, two of them murdered by the US, were of the outspoken opinion, that they were ready to sell oil without using US Dollar? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that American taxpayers pay more than 53% of the countrys non-constitutionally approved income tax for warfare?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that 53% is far from enough to pay for America's wars why they have to provide the rest by other kinds of financial fraud and by practicing the world's most profitable business: drug trafficking with the CIA and NATO network as drug dealers and traffickers?

 YOU MAY NOT KNOWYOU MAY NOT KNOW that the British royal family's vaste fortunes is derived from drug trafficking, human trafficking and organized worldwide piracy? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that drug trafficking was one of the main reasons for the US presence in Central America, The Golden Triangle and Afghanistan / Pakistan?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW the number of drug addicts in the Western world is identical to the customer base for this ugly business case?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that Bill Clinton and George Bush Senior was personnally involved and proven instrumental to extensive CIA-organized drug transports and subsequent money-laundry between Central America and the Mena, Arkansas?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that it was Bill Clintons repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act (the mandatory separation of venture capitalism and private banking after the banker-manipulated Wall Street Crack in 1929)) in the late 1980s that made the derivative scam and Financial Crisis in 2008 possible? 

Could we say - I am asking - that this photo tells the essential story of corrupt politicians buying themeselves one decade of doubtful fame and glory, while the bankers clapping their greedy hands, are buying themselves five more decades of government protection from being hung from a lamppost by a huge angry mob of people, who's wealth they stole and who's life they destroyed. Just asking.

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that a NATO general in the 90s was arrested by Dutch police with secure evidence of drug-related money laundry in the order of 25 billion $, spend a month in jail for it, and then suddenly he was released and unabashedly continued his military career?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that George Bush Senior is the American president who through his network is associated with the most political / financial assassination in American history? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that a similar masonic network associated to the British King Edward VII assassinated more than 20 heads of state in the Western sphere of influence between 1894 and the outbreak of World War 1?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that three World Wars were predicted iand precisely described n the late 1800s by the leader of the masonic network, Albert Pike, and that the third World War was to be between the West and Islam leading to the extermination of Christianity and the formation of a World Government controlled by this network? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the United States has been involved in more than 100 acts of war since WW2, and that none of them have been declared wars? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that according to the US Constitution is illegal for the country to go to war with any nation on the planet unless directly attacked or having received received declaration of war? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that Denmark has attended five of these non-declared wars in which the United States has not been attacked based solely on our binding alliance with the US through NATO? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that in several of these wars with the Danish approval (no protest is obviously equal to approval) there has been used strategic nuclear weapons (eg. Yoguslavia, Iraq, Libya and Syria) with incalculable and long-lasting damage to the civilian population in the form of cancer and deformed children? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that in addition to strategic nuclear weapons with depleted uranium there has been used a number of chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction also with Danish non-protesting consensus thus making the Danish population co-responsible of severe war crimes?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the British bombing of Germany during WW2 exclusively directed against the civilian population by night raids, and that this too was used chemical weapons? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the British as late as the 1990s found it necessary to adopt a law that stated that only the Germans committed war crimes during World War 2?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that in the prison camps in Rhine Delta over 1 million German prisoners of war died of starvation, even though there were no food shortages, disease, although there was no drug shortages and lack of shelter for a month, though there was no shortage of tents - all under privy responsibility and full knowledge of US president Roosevelt and general Eisenhower?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW EITHER that the official death toll of Jews in the German prison camps has now fallen to 1.1 million of due historian and curator of the Auschwitz Museum, Franciszek Piper's research? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the same Franciszek Piper openly state that the alleged gas chamber at the former prison camp is a so-called 'reconstruction' and that Cyclone-B pesticide gas was intended to combat the worst killer of all wars, typhoid fever, caused by the British and American bombardments against civilians and destruction of the German infrastructure?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the information on homicidal exterminations of people including Jews in the German prison camps exclusively from Bolshevik commissioners in connection with the Nürmberg trials since no allies were given access to the camps until after the process? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the Bolshevik commissioners murdered 10 million Russians during the Russian Revolution, and later under Stalin murdered 40 million Russians, Germans and various ethnic groups in the Soviet Union? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the Bolsheviks alone in East Prussia performed mass rape of two million German women?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the incident of the 20,000 Polish reserve officers who were executed in Katyn Forest at Smolensk by the Bolsheviks and their Commissioners were attempted lubricated by the Nazis, and that the Allies by their intelligens services had full knowledge beforehand?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the incidents that brought the United States into the two world wars: the sinking of the Lusitania and the attack on Pearl Harbor, were events of staged self mutilation organized by the Transatlantic Elite, and that both incidents and their connection to the respective governments and their former state leaders are fully documented and even granted under the table? 

YOU ALSO MAY NOT KNOW that the Spanish-American War, the Vietnam War, the Afghanistan War, the Iraq war, the Libya War, the Syria War, the Ukraine War and numerous other wars with US involvement have been arranged in the exact same way of staging an act of self mutilation also known in standard military strategy as Stand-down Operation False Flag? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that 90% of the acts of terror / terrorism that we world seen after the 2nd World War, have left fully identifiable prints of government participation and organization? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the fascist post-WW2-terrorist groups / actions in Europe and Turkey and recent Islamist terrorist groups in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and Near East are all have been financed and organized by the CIA / US / NATO Saud in Arabia, Israel and England?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the so-called 'colored revolutions', described as a spontaneous popular uprisings against so-called undemocratic regimes are all CIA operations copied from a manual produced during the Bosnia / Serbia war in the early 90s? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that a majority of NGO organizations that claim to perform humanitarian work in the parts of the world where terror, US invasions and colored revolutions are taking place, all are infiltrated by the CIA and funded by organizations that are front organizations for either the CIA and / or the world Zionist network?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the World Zionist network has claimed responsibility – and have taken pride in it - to have involved the United States in two world wars? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the World Zionist network branch in Palestine was as a terrorist organization and today as the deep state of Israel conducts the most extensive terrorism in the world?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that almost all of the US congress and senate members are on the World Zionist Network payroll - and that those who temporarily escapes network corruption, rarely expect a career as a politician in the long term?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that all the mainstream media network in the United States and England and a dominant part in Canada, Australia and New Zealand has an ownership, pointing back to the World Zionist network? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the culture-industrial phenomenon Hollywood is formed, owned, operated and harvested by the World Zionist network, and the basis of its cultural dominance has its premise in Germany and the German film industry from the film's childhood in the beginning of the last century?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the former lead of the European film industry was taken over by Hollywood after World War 1, since Europe and ITS film industry basically was ruinded after the war? 

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that this culture-industrial phenomenon has had a greater influence on the formation of the consciousness of mainly Westerners and secondarily all other peoples in the world and thereby the forming of world history of the last century - than any other similar cultural phenomenon?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the same ownership and domination can be observed in the financial cartels with headquarters in The City of London and Wall Street?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that the philosophy and rollout strategy behind the agenda for ownership and dominance relations was developed by an institute in Germany called the Frankfurt School, whose main product / ideology is Cultural Marxism, and whose by-product in the second half of the 20th Century> the 21st century is a social-psychological weapon of mass destruction by the name of Political Correctness?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that Political Correctness is the main component of one of the school's creations, the UN Promoted Agenda 21, whose main purpose is to expel people from rural areas to enable them to clump tightly together in strictly controlled metropol prison camps, where any individuality and personal sovereignty can been deprived them?

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that Political Correctness is composed of an ancient technique of social-mental control, which is a main component in the three Abrahamic religious circles (Judaism, Christianity, Islam): guilt, shame and fear?

YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED that guilt - also called debt - combined with fear is the original common denominator of religion and banking?
BUT DIT YOU NOTICE that the foundation of both religion and banking is the practice of Black Magic - definition: radical manipulation of reality whereby people confuse fiction with non-fiction and act upon it?


This particular associative circle is complete. We can begin to understand why the multinationals pay higher salaries to their executives than they pay in taxes (the first question). But we can only understand the circle and the world by taking the entire detour around similar types of associative chains of questions that are proposed in this blogspot

What divides people in these times, is whether they are able to form this kind of associative circles of questions or not. It is also called 'Connecting The Dots'.

YOU MAY NOT KNOW that this is considered FORBIDDEN! by the global ruling elite.  I which case you are blessed. Keep up the good work.

Vidste du ... ?

Vidste du, at de multinationale firmaer betaler mere i løn til deres direktører, end de betaler i skat i de lande, hvor de opererer?

Vidste du også / heller ikke, at hvis de blot betalte 1% i firmaskat i de lande, hvor de opererer, så ville befolkningerne i disse lande ALDRIG have brug for at betale indkomstskat?

Vidste du, at indkomstskat er en forlængelse af krigsskat i fredstid og en opfindelse af de europæiske centralbanker i 1800-tallet?

Vidste du at en centralbank også kaldet en nationalbank – inklusive den danske Nationalbank – er et privat foretagende, der har opnået det privilegium at have eneret på at trykke penge og låne dem til Staten, hvorved begrebet statsgæld er opstået?

Vidste du, at de fem lande, som George W. Bush kaldte for 'ondskabens akse', var de sidste fem lande i verden, der endnu ikke havde en centralbank som ovenfor beskrevet men en ægte nationalbank styret af statenVidste du amerikanske skatteydere betaler mere end 53% af denne ulige / ikke-forfatningsgodkendte indkomstskat til krigsførelse?

Vidste du, at 53% langt fra er nok til betale for USA's krigsførelse, hvorfor de er nødt til at tjl at tjene resten ved verdens mest indbringende forretning: drughandel med CIA's og NATO's netværk som pushere og traffickere?

Vidste du, at den britiske kongefamilies unævnelige formuer stammer fra drughandel, menneskehandel og sørøveri?

Vidste du, at drughandel er en af hovedårsagerne til USA's tilstedeværelse i Mellemamerika, Den/ Gyldne Trekant og Afghanistan/Pakistan?

Vidste du i forlængelse af dette, at det antallet af narkomaner i den vestlige verden er identisk med kundegrundlaget for denne business case?

Vidste du, at Bill Clinton og George Bush Senior var aktivt (og dokumenteret) medvirkende til omfattende CIA-organiseret drugtransport og efterfølgende penge-vaskeri mellem Mellemamerika og Mena, Arkansas?

Vidste du, at en påfaldende stor del af de personer, der var involveret + de personer, der begyndte at stille spørgsmål desangående, begyndte at få en besynderlig trang til at begå selvmord?

Vidste du, at en NATO-general i 90'erne blev anholdt af hollandsk politi med sikre beviser for narkorelateret pengevaskeri i størrelsesordenen 25 mia. dollar og sad en måned i fængsel for det, hvorefter han pludselig blev løsladt og ufortrødent fortsatte sin militære karriere?

Vidste du, at George Bush Senior er den amerikanske præsident, der via sit netværk er associeret til de fleste politiske / finansielle mord i amerikansk historie?

Vidste du, at et lignende netværk associeret til den britiske konge Edward VII myrdede mere end 20 statsoverhoveder i den vestlige verdens indflydelsessfære mellem 1894 og udbruddet af 1. Verdenskrig?

Vidste du, at USA har været involveret i mere end 100 krigshandlinger siden 2. Verdenskrig, og at ingen af dem har været erklæret som krige?

Vidste du, at det ifølge den amerikanske forfatning er ulovligt for landet at gå i krig med nogen nation på kloden, medmindre landet direkte bliver angrebet med modtaget krigserklæring?

Vidste du, at Danmark har deltaget i fem af disse ikke-erklærede krige, hvor USA ikke er blevet angrebet, hvilket er sket uden at den danske befolkning har godkendt det - udelukkende baseret på vores forpligtende alliance med USA via NATO?

Vidste du, at der i flere af disse krige med danskernes godkendelse (ingen protest er selvsagt lig med godkendelse) er blevet anvendt strategiske atomvåben med uoverskuelige og langtidsvarende skade på civilbefolkningen i form af cancer og vanskabte børn?

Vidste du, at der udover strategiske atomvåben med afberiget uran (D.U., depleted uranium) er blevet brugt en række kemiske og biologiske masseødelæggelsesvåben ligeledes med danskernes godkendelse?

Vidste du, at de engelske bombardementer af Tyskland under 2. Verdenskrig udelukkende rettede sig mod civilbefolkningen ved natlige angreb, og at der også her blev brugt kemiske våben?

Vidste du, at englænderne så sent som i 1990'er fandt det nødvendigt at vedtage en lov, der fastslog, at det kun var tyskere, der begik krigsforbrydelser under 2. Verdenskrig?

Vidste du, at der i fangelejrene i Rhindeltaet døde over 1 million tyske krigsfanger af sult, selvom der ikke var fødevaremangel, af sygdom, selvom der ikke var medicinmangel og af mangel på tag over hovedet i en måned, selvom der ikke var mangel på telte – alt sammen under medvidende ansvar af Roosevelt og Eisenhover?

Vidste du også / heller ikke, at det officielle dødstal for jøder i de tyske fangelejre nu er faldet til 1.1 millioner af grundet historikeren og kuratoren for Auschwitz-museet, Franciszek Pipers forskning?

Vidste du, at samme Franciszek Piper åbent erklærer, at det fremviste gaskammer i den tidligere fangelejr er en såkaldt 'rekonstruktion' og at Cyklon-B-pesticidgas var beregnet til at bekæmpe den værste af alle krigssygdomme, tyfus, forårsaget af bombardementer mod civile og destruktion af infrastruktur?

Vidste du, at oplysningerne om gaskamre til udryddelser af mennesker inklusive jøder i de tyske fangelejre udelukkende stammer fra bolsjevikiske kommissærer i forbindelse med Nürmbergprocessen, da ingen allierede fik adgang til lejrene før efter processen?

Vidste du, at de bolsjevikiske kommissærer myrdede 10 millioner russere under den Russiske Revolution, og senere under Stalin myrdede 40 millioner russere, tyskere og diverse etniske grupper i det daværende Sovjetunionen?

Vidste du, at bolsjevikkerne alene i Østpreussen massevoldtog to millioner tyske kvinder?

Vidste du, at hændelsen om de 20.000 polske reserveofficerer, der blev henrettet i Katynskoven ved Smolensk af bolsjevikkerne og deres kommissærer, blev forsøgt smurt af på nazisterne og under fuldstændig viden og godkendelse fra de allierede?

Vidste du, at begge hændelser, der bragte USA ind i de to verdenskrige: sænkningen af Lusitania og angrebet på Pearl Harbor, var hændelser arrangeret af den Transatlantiske Elite, og at begge hændelser og deres forbindelse til de respektive regeringer og deres daværende statsledere er fuldt ud dokumenteret og endog indrømmet under bordet?

Vidste du også / heller ikke, at den Spansk-Amerikanske krig, Vietnamkrigen, Afghanistankrigen, Irakkrigen, Libyenkrigen, Syrienkrigen, Ukrainekrigen og en lang række andre krige alle med USA medvirken er arrangeret på samme vis efter samme model: et falsk flag?

Vidste du, at samtlige terrorhandlinger / terrorisme, som vi verden set efter 2. Verdenskrig, har et efterladt fuldt identificerbart aftryk af statslig medvirken og organisering?

Vidste du, at de fascistiske post-WW2-terrorgrupper / -aktioner i Europa og Tyrkiet og de senere islamistiske terrorgrupper i Mellemøsten, Centralasien, Afrika og Nærorienten alle sammen er finansieret og organiseret via CIA/USA/NATO, Saudiarabien, Israel og England?

Vidste du, at de såkaldt 'farvede revolutioner', der er beskrevet som spontane folkelige opstande mod såkaldt udemokratiske regimer, alle sammen er CIA-operationer kopieret fra en manual fremstillet under Bosnien/Serbien-krigen i starten af 90'erne?

Vidste du, at de NGO-organisationer, der hævdes at udføre humanitært arbejde i de dele af verden, hvor terror, USA-invasioner og farvede revolutioner finder sted, alle er infiltreret af CIA og finansieret af organisationer, som er frontorganisationer for enten CIA og/eller det zionistiske verdensnetværk?

Vidste du, at det zionistiske verdensnetværk har taget skylden – af dem selv kaldet æren – for at have involveret USA i to verdenskrige?

Vidste du, at det zionistiske verdensnetværk startede som en terrororganisation og i dag bedriver den mest omfattende terrorvirksomhed i verden?

Vidste du, at samtlige amerikanske kongres- og senatsmedlemmer er på det zionistiske verdensnetværks lønningsliste – og at dem, der midlertidig undviger netværkets korruption, kun sjældent kan forvente en karriere som politiker på sigt?

Vidste du, at samtlige mainstream-medie-netværk i USA og England og en dominerende del i Canada, Australien og New Zealand har et ejerforhold, der peger tilbage til det zionistiske verdensnetværk?

Vidste du, at det kultur-industrielle fænomen Hollywood er dannet, ejet, drevet og høstet af det zionistiske verdensnetværk, og grundlaget for dets kulturelle dominans har sin forudsætning i Tyskland og den tyske filmindustri fra filmens barndom siden forrige århundredskifte?

Vidste du, at dette kultur-industrielle fænomen har haft større indflydelse på dannelsen af bevidstheden hos primært vesterlændinge og sekundært alle andre -lændinge i verden - og dermed verdenshistorien - end noget andet lignende kulturfænomen?

Vidste du, at det samme ejerskabs- og dominansforhold kan observeres i de finans-karteller, der har hovedsæde i The City of London og Wall Street?

Vidste du, at filosofien bag og udrulnings-strategien bag agendaen for ejerskabs- og dominansforholdet er udviklet i et institut i Tyskland kaldet Frankfurterskolen, hvis hovedprodukt / ideologi er Kulturmarxismen, og hvis biprodukt i slutningen af det 20. århundrede > det 21 århundrede er det social-psykologiske masseødelæggelsesvåben ved navn politisk korrekthed?

Vidste du, at politisk korrekthed er hovedkomponenten i en af skolens frembringelser, den FN-promoverede Agenda 21, hvis hovedformål er at uddrive mennesker fra landdistrikterne, for at de kan klumpe samme i strengt kontrollerede urbane fangelejre, hvor enhver individualitet og personlig suverænitet er blevet frataget dem?

Vidste du, at politisk korrekthed består af en urgammel teknik for social-mental kontrol, som er en hoved-komponent i de tre Abrahamiske troskredse (Jødedom, Kristendom, Islam): skyld, skam og frygt?

Vidste du, at skyld – også kaldet gæld – kombineret med frygt er den oprindelige fællesnævner for religion og bankvæsen?

Vidste du, at fundamentet for både religion og bankvæsen er Udøvelsen af Sort Magi - definition: radikal manipulation af virkeligheden, så mennesker forveksler fiktion med non-fiktion og agerer derefter?

Hermed er cirklen sluttet. Vi kan begynde at forstå, hvorfor de multinationale firmaer betaler mere i løn til deres direktører, end de betaler i skat (det første spørgsmål). Menvi kan kun forstå cirklen og verden ved at tage hele omvejen omkring den type af associative kæder af spørgsmål, som er foreslået i denne blogspot

Det, der skiller folk i disse tider, er, hvorvidt de er i stand til at danne denne form for associative kæder af spørgsmål eller ej. 

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