onsdag den 30. april 2014

RADIO PARADIGMET 07 - Intet er, som du tror

Vi lever et sted, hvor alting vender på hovedet. Intet, absolut INTET af det, der flyder som en lind strøm af betændt masse på mainstream for tiden, kan tages for gode varer i medie- og info-butikken.

For at blive i metaforen:
Enten er varerne over sidste salgsdato, eller også er der forkert varedeklaration, forkert indhold, for mange tilsætningsstoffer og pesticider, genmodificet, pumpet med vand, bestrålet, fuld af sukker og melklister - eller blot slet og ret: giftigt som ind i helvede.


Klik for at åbne i nyt vindue

Index 1:
00:00    Mediesyndromet
04:03    Ukraine update:
04:40    Der lukkes for hanerne
05:30    Fascisttropperne
07:10    Mytteriet, tag dig i agt!
09:45    Minearbejderne, tag dig i agt!
11:00    Kosakkerne, tag dig i agt!
13:30    Det gamle Rusland og kornkammeret
17:15    OSCE = observatørerspionage
22:00    Højre-venstre - et forældet paradigme
25:00    Sprogimperialismen
31:56    Er regeringsmodstand blot skinger ekstremisme?
34:50    Fem minutters indlæg ved ChaosNavigator
48:00    Spioner og disinformanter i dansk presse

Klik for at åben i nyt vindue

Index 2:
00:00    Obamas charmetur
01:00    Ole Dammegårds sammenklippede Obamaklicheer
02:20    Det amerikanske folkemord på Filipinerne
04:10    Asiatiske flådeøvelser
07:20    Det japanske stockholmssyndrom
10:20    Og glem ikke Pearl Harbor
15:15    Besøget i Malaysia ... noget med et fly
17:25    Folketribunaler og pædofildrab
22:45    Perversiteternes styresystem
26:30    Massakren i Østtimor
28:20    Endnu en glemt krig
33:00    Misundelsesimperiet og 'Ondskabens Akse'
35:50    Generalen der røbede planen
38:30    De farvede revolutioner med bukserne nede
41:10    Marshalløerne - det atombombede paradis
46:15    Equador smider amerikanerne ud


Everything is backwards. We now live in a world where everything is upside-down.
This condition can be expressed in a bad poem.
You may want to read it and reflect on it.
We may then want to comment on it hereafter

We trust them 

Doctors destroy health
Doctors destroy health, claiming to protect it
Meanwhile the diseased people defend doctors anytime doctors are exposed as diseased

We trust them 

Psychiatrists destroy the mind
Psychiatrists destroy the mind, claiming to sanitize it
Meanwhile insane people sanitize psychiatrists anytime psychiatrists are exposed as insane 

We trust them 

Courts destroy justice
Courts destroy justice, claiming to legitimize it
Meanwhile the unjust people legitimize courts anytime courts are exposed as unjust

We trust them 

Universities destroy knowledge
Universities destroy knowledge, claiming to preserve it
Meanwhile the ignorant people preserve universities anytime universities are exposed as ignorant 

We trust them 

The mainstream media destroy information
The mainstream media destroy information, claiming to propagate it
Meanwhile the disinformed people propagate mainstream media anytime mainstream media are exposed as disinformers

We trust them 

Scientists destroy truth
Scientists destroy truth, claiming to seek it
Meanwhile the untruthful people seek science anytime scientists are exposed as untruthful

We trust them 

Banks destroy the economy
Banks destroy the economy, claiming to enrich it
Meanwhile the impoverished people enrich banks anytime banks are exposed as impoverishers

We trust them 

Governments destroy freedom
Governments destroy freedom, claiming to defend it
Meanwhile the imprisoned people defend governments anytime governments are exposed as imprisoners

We trust them 

Religions destroy spirituality
Religions destroy spirituality, claiming to facilitate it
Meanwhile the unspiritual people facilitate religions anytime religions are exposed as unspiritual

We trust them

mandag den 21. april 2014

Mentioning Anders Fogh Rasmussen

by morton_h, the blogger 

The historian Webster Griffin Tarpley mentioned in his radio blog the former Danish prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen (calling him 'Fuck' Rasmussen ;-)

Finally this murky character is mentionend in international alternative media. But since I am Danish, I have a few comments on his radioblog from the 19th of april, 2014.

It is absolutely true, that Anders Fogh Rasmussen has earned his position as General Secretary of NATO by licking the behind of Bush and Blair. Moreover he, like they did, lied to his teeth towards the Danish population on the motives for joining the aggressive wars in Afghanistan, Irak and later in Libya, Sudan, Mali, Syria and undercover in Ukraine.

And we should also add, that he - while still being the prime minister (statsminister) of Denmark, where as we know 'something is wrong', he served as an instrument of bashing the Irish, the Polacks and other nations to accept the expansion of the EU towards Eastern Europe.

He is an extremely manipulative person, at the members of the Danish press and media were utterly terrified by his style. No-one had the guts to ask certain questions when he was in front of a camera.

But all tyrannies has an end, and he then felt his feet burning i DK and left a country with af far worse economy than under his social democratic predesessor: Poul Nyrop, a brilliant economist who wrote af book about 'Casino Capitalism' after the financial crisis and who was a main spokesperson for the social democratic parties i the EU, trying to oppose the rising corruption of this monstrous organisation.

Anders Fogh has a history of abuse. As the youngest taxation-minister in the history Danish administration he was grabbed with his fingers down the cookie box doing 'creative bookkeeping' aka fraud in his departement. There has been numerous accounts of his sexual tendencies, and he has been seen in parks in Copenhagen contacting young boys. This would fit perfectly into the scheme of control by compromize performed by the elite.

Where I think the brilliant historian Webster Tarpley may be a bit wrong, is his direct connections to the so called collaboration policies with the nazis during WW2. Danish 'collaboration policy' was a concept performed internally with the parties of the Danish parliament during WW2. Externally it was 'negociation policy'. Post WW2 historians have confused these concepts thus slipping it into history books.

You have to go further back in history and see it in a broader context. Denmark had two wars with Germany in the 18th hundreds: the first and the second Schlesvig War. The first one was around 1850 and was basically a civil war in northern Germany supported by the Danish crown. This war boosted the Danish ego and was seen as a victory.

The second Schlesvig War the king and the administration deliberately offending the Preussians and Bismarch under the motto: 'Denmark to the Ejder', the river in Schleswig. This was very offensive, since most of the population there was German.

One must also know, that the Danish nobilities were what we call 'low-nobilities' with German roots. They all bear German names, and even the Queen of Denmark till recently had long subtitles referring to this North German noble bloodlines.

Anyway, Bismarck was annoyed by the Danish arrogance and send his troops into Denmark in 1864, and they went as far as the northern part of the main peninsula Jutland - just for pissing off the territory and punishing the Danes. Then they retreated to a stream called 'Kongeaaen' - the Kings River. This was a major blow to the Danish national ego. You may argue, that the Danish national ego never overcame this blow provoked by the very same ego.

Then came the 1st and the 2nd world war. Denmark kept out of the 1st by the effort of one of the most brilliant diplomats of any time called Erik Scavenius. He later was called back in the 2nd world war to do his tricks. He was a most scilled diplomate part time stationed in Berlin. He knew the Germans in-and-out. And he knew, that a tiny country - once a Nordic empire for sure untill the rennaissance but lost with Christian II but in the 19th century only a tiny appendix to the North of Germany - should never offend the Germans, and that they would always rise again no matter what onslaughts they might suffer.

Scavenius' cunning diplomacy prevented Denmark from being destroyed in WW2. It was diplomatic 'aikido'. Imagine a tiny population opposing the giant war mashine of Germany! Cmon! Can we please not indulge in speaches of destructive heroicism?!

Back to our time. Anders Fogh made in his days in office some weird statements: That Denmark was acting cowardly in 1940, that we should have fought back sacrificing 1000's of young men in a mortal uprise against the Germans at the southern border for absolutely no other reason than symbolic sacrifice! Propaganda and historic falsification de-luxe and his statement had all had to do with internal policies in Denmark, promoting his own career, neo-liberalism and what he later called 'activist foreign policy'. What he forgot to mention was, that his party, the liberals, in Denmark called 'Venstre' meaning 'the left' (ironically) were the biggest collaborators with the nazis during WW2.

Another national ego-defeat of Denmark was the bombing of Copenhagen in the late days of the Napolean Wars. Denmark had the guts to support Napoleon. He lost as we know. The British ambassadors wanted a meeting i Cph, but the king refused to meet with them. After the defeat the British fleet arrived and bombed Copenhagen in 1807, destroyed the City and the fleet.

This is the start of 'the English Decease', and that decease has been part of the Danish national plague ever since.

Anders Fogh performed a historical parallel to the diplomatic stupidity of the end of the Napolan War when he orchestrated the socalled 'Muhammed Crisis' with some talentless drawings ordered by a Danish newspaper, Jyllandsposten, and its culture correspondent, the zionist Flemming Rose, who spent decades in Russia as a correspondent and who hated the Russians with all his guts. Anders Fogh refused to even meet with the diplomats from several arab/muslim countries to explain them in a polite manner, that we don't censor newspapers in this country (in fact we do now, but that's another story) and that satire is not a matter for the state. He could most easily have avoided it but chose deliberately not to.

I guess you call it 'The Clash Of The Civilisations' and part of the scheme for starting a third world war.

I do think like Webster Tarpley, that this mean guy needs to be nailed down and - if justice was to emerge - put to a criminal court with Bush, Blair, Blankfein and the whole bunch. But in order to do so, one needs to aim in the right manner and not ascribe him attributes and opinions that he did not have. If defeatism and cowardice is him, that would be his defeat to the british-american powers.

The next prime minister is apparently different: Helle Thorning Schmidt. And then again not. She follows up on the English decease by being married into the corrupt British political Labour-gang. Her husband is the relative of one of the most corrupt Labour politicians ever: Nigel Kinnock. She herself is a 100% breed of the EU-tocracy. She was educated and careered from here, and is now planning her retreat here having severe problems as a prime minister. The Danes are beginning to see how politicians are cheating and lying on them constantly. Goldman Sachs has now targetted Denmark and its economy as a venture field, and the corrupt Danish politicians just sold the largest energy company DONG Energy to these financial gangsters so they can suck its resources and the hidden oil in the Danish colony, Greenland - totally disregarding violent protests from the Danes.

And be of no doubt: the Danes never approved the German invasion in the 40ties, ever! Only a very few were clapping their hand then. It is very wrong to claim, that they were opportunistic and only started sabotaging and fighting back when they realized, that the Germans might not win the war. This is the weakness of history books. They are infected with politics, and they are written with that in retrospect. The brilliant diplomate, Scavenius, was smeared and character murdered after the war although he had saved Denmark from being brutally destroyed. He sat hours and hours and stubbornly negotiated with the German staff in Berlin refusing to let Danes participate at the German eastern front as 'payment' for not destroying Denmark.

Compare with Norwegians and Swedes. The Norwegians had one big blow against the Germans when they sank the big German cruiser Blücher in the Oslo Fjord in 1940. They have been boasting of that ever since, but that was about it. They forget to mention, that they afterwards were begging and begging for the same conditions with the Wehrmacht as the Danes but they did'nt get it because of this incident. The Swedes were even worse. They made huge profits with the Germans providing them with steal from their mines. The Swedish weapon industry started here, and Bofors is now one of the biggest players in the global industrial complex. Moreover the socalled Swedish neutrality is a giant piece of hipocracy, and there was a lot of nazism going on in Sweden. The nazi cells of the swedish police were never cleaned out after the war as opposed to the Danish. The second generation of these vermits participated in the murder of their prime minister Olof Palme. Should there be any doubt of that, read the author and researcher Ole Dammegaards book 'Coup d'Etat In Slow Motion' with a thousand pages filled with well consolidated info.

torsdag den 17. april 2014

32 Aforisms On Thinking

by morton_h, the blogger  

PARADIGMET.BLOGSPOT was from the beginning the search for lost knowledge. It was NEVER about creating new beliefs or dogmas, and it will never be. It's proceeding with the rediscovery of real thinking. The following are neither beliefs nor dogmas, but a kick in the ass to think.

The rediscovery goes on in two phases: unlearning of old, useless and defective knowledge and training of proper thinking.

Knowledge commits. Once you know, you have to open your mouth, ask questions and demand answers. This is an act per se. Any additional act goes on from here.

Do not talk about The Truth (note the Big T's). Talk instead about truths. They are found in the area where the subject field meets the objective and can either be purchased or constructed. They can be found, and they require YOU.

A skeptic is someone who does not believe in anything in advance because it is said to claim authority. Neither does he categorically reject the statement in advance for the same reason. Therefore, do not believe in anything because I SAY SO. Let the other hand not reject it for the same reason before YOU have done your homework.

They are two kinds of skepticism. The one described above, which is true skepticism. The other goes under a different heading and consists of categorical, a priori rejecting something just because it sounds strange or contradicts the prevalent and collectively adopted ideology. Fake skepticism is often used as an excuse for lazy, ignorant, fearful and orthodox believers for not doing their homework.

You can not construct a logic ( why) before you have followed and answered the grammar (what, who, where, when). All lies are based on an inverted syntax ( therefore! then counterfitting what, who, where, when), when people immediately after an unexplained incident are served an expanation on a silver plate, and then fill in the out the blanks of what, where, who and when.
Do you want an example? Study 9/11.

When it is clear that the explanations provided by mainstream media info, politicians, historians, scientists, experts and commentators are not to be trusted, there is no turning back. Constructive disillusionment.

We are facing a fundamental choice about whether we will continue to support the Big Lie about the world, or face it and speak out.

Is not it very difficult to live, you ask, if you start to see how the accepted picture of reality, the collective mythology is based on a complex of lies?
I answer in return that only truths are sustainable and lies require destructive maintenance 24/7/365, which is an excessive consumption of resources that could be used for constructive purposes. For a man who has sacrificed his conscience in the bad case of faithful service, it will be VERY difficult (read: impossible) to live without seeing and act on it.

Genuine spirituality requires genuine knowledge. Both of Heaven and Hell. Therefore, the New Age movement failed. Positive thinking, abstention from action when required and condemnation of the deliberate and accepted anger as a strong force in an unjust world is a form of oppression. One thing that can never be negative is: knowledge. Ignorance, however, is a weapon of mass destruction.

Western intelligentsia was paralyzed and fell asleep after 9/11. Those who want to know about the world therefore need to take over control and do their homework.

The lie is different at every level (Richard Hoagland). Those appointed to utter the lie, are kept ignorant of the truth. Those who have fabricated the lie, do not say anything, and if exceptionally they do, they are lying to their teeth with the psychopath's style.

Most people will go to great lengths to avoid actual thinking. They are instinctively or in their higher self aware of it but will nevertheless do almost anything to get rid of the discomfort it may cause. Given their higher self sees that they are currently out of reach, it is discreet enough not to interfere. It is not in a hurry since it abides in eternity. Some has got to learn the hard way.

Knowledge and awareness takes time. The safest way to make sure that this does not occur, is to cut the time up in tiny chunks, where knowledge can only be perceived in fragments of sounds and images and meaningless summaries. If you open for your TV set and zap into a mainstream program, you will see this technique practiced. And if you want to see the result of this technique, try to have a serious conversation with someone who has shaped his perception of reality by the 2D-reality of TV.

Democracy no longer exists in the form it is intended. What is left is a big illusion, a Roman Colloseum, a theater of pretention. Politicians pretend that they are in control, that they represent more than just themselves and their careers, and that they are the ones who make the decisions. Make-belive power and responsibility. Voters pretend they participate in a democracy, when once every four years facilitates the buttocks off the couch and put a cross on a greasy piece of paper thus leaving everything to the professional career politicians. Make-believ influence. And the media, which should have turned every stone, been out in the field and made all the naughty questions for the people for the sake of democracy keeping an eye on politicians so they did not abuse the trust they were give, pretend this is what they have done. Make-believe information.

Being a politician or journalist is only a potential honest work. Very few can now call themselves a real politician or journalist. The few that are left, will be remembered and appreciated for it.

It's not greed that controls the world. It's much worse: it is envy, and greed is only a subset. A small group of people - no more than a few thousand ? - spend most of their energy to make sure that the seven billion other people every day lose everything they have. These few have no real use for the totality of their immense and fruitless wealth, but the idea that others should have access to the common values and resources they find unbearable.

There is a small group of people who are trembling with fear at the thought that the world population in the near future is going to denounce them for good. They have for centuries been spoiled with the extensive ignorance and servility of the world population.

There is a small group of people who are afraid. All the more reason not to fear them in their paranoid misery. We could take the attitude that their role in human history is to teach the rest of us not to fear. Do you remember The Wizard of Oz ?

Most people in the West have today written off religion and think that it is something that has been left in the dustbin of history. This is a very big mistake, because now it has crept back through the back door in the worst possible shape of what is used to be: seductive brain-and-heart killing social-political-economic ideologies with all the old trick of religion: guilt, shame, fear, and the 'good' ignorance called faith.

If we are to overcome a new totalitarian religious worldview that seems to be offered in all stores right now, we need to overcome the Ten Commandments of the Jante Law. We must turn them upside down and realize that we are something, that we canknow something, that we can do anything, that we can learn, that we can teach others and that we can understand things in a context.

For the above reason, the word ' conspiracy theorist ' must be abolished. It is a Jante Law word. Instead we must start to take real conspiracies very seriously. We could start by asking what that word means, and whether it may be a phenomenon that has driven almost the entire world history.

Open Source knowledge and civil disobedience are essential components of this attitude. If no information is available and possible to share, and if people continue rushing to be ignorant and often even want to submit to ignorance, we are still in the midst of a new dark age, a neofeudalt global tyranny of violence and stupidity.

Lack of proper knowledge occurs when the sum total of knowledge is sufficiently fragmented. A vehicle may not be used when its parts are scattered in a 10 square mile landscape, even though they are all present and intact separately. All divide-and-conquer philosophy is to make sure that no one is able to collect the vehicle.

Pointing unilaterally finger at those who act irresponsibly at everyone else's expense can only be a step on the road and cannot stand alone. It is missing the most important component: the knowledge that it was us who gave them permission to do so, and that it was us who slept an hour.

There was an inscription over the gate to the old school, the former grammar school, Cathedral School, where Catholic monks in the Middle Ages brought up little boys: 'Knowledge is power'. Aha thought the big boy who arrived at 1st year of high school, that is just right for me. Here I can gain knowledge and power! The last he did not know just what to do with, but the first sounded really good. What he did not realize was that there was a secret code in the statement coming from a hidden voice of the past: 'Our knowledge and your ignorance is our power, your powerlessness (that is unless you are one of the few that we Marked for to become one of us )'.

You can not solve a problem on the problems own level. Einstein, who said it would probably have said that you had to go one floor up. I would say, that we may also have to step one floor down.

It is not the political system as such that is the problem. It is the size. But the size of the problem is not diminished by the fact that politicians are trying to solve problems by proposing bigger solutions, bigger organizations, bigge institutions, super-states and global initiatives. The greater the resolution, the greater the problem, and the solution thus becomes the problem.

The Internet teaches us what we have forgotten. We must seek out information to gain knowledge. Everyone has something to contribute to the big puzzle. The Internet contains dirt and cinnamon. We must then learn to distinguish recognize the dirt if we want the cinnamon and become journalists, scholars and scientists - without the corruption of the professionals. The Internet now teaches us what it means to be threatened in the rights to free speech just as Gutenberg - you know the printing press - experienced when the church and nobility aka the powers that were and still are pursued him and imposed censorship. The same is happening now in the form of a neo -feudal globalization project.

There is no matter without spirit. There is no spirit without matter. Does this sound like a statement made by a monk from the middle ages ? It was being said a few years ago by Hartmut Müller, in the 90ties the youngest and most brilliant professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, top physicist, developer of concepts such as global scaling and proton resonnans, cutting-edge and state-of -the-art science. This is Pythagoras tapping Einstein on the shoulder.

The child learns about the world by asking explore and play. The infantile man is an adult who has not managed to retain his inner child and therefore prohibits children to ask, explore and play. Invitation to all comedians: keep on doing what you do. Exhibit infantility.

 32 aforismer om tænkning

  • Genopdagelsen af viden og egentlig tænkning foregår i to faser: aflæring af gammel, ubrugelig og defekt viden, og optræning / opdyrkning af egentlig tænkning.
  • Viden forpligter. Når man først ved, er man nødt til åbne munden, stille spørgsmål og kræve svar. Dette er en afgørende handling i sig selv. Al yderligere handlen følger heraf.
  • Lad være med at tale om Sandheden (bemærk det Store S). Tal i stedet om sandheder. De findes i feltet, hvor subjekt møder objekt, og de kan hverken købes eller konstrueres. De kan findes, og de kræver dig.
  • En skeptiker er en person, der hverken tror på et udsagn, fordi det bliver sagt med påstået autoritet, eller som kategorisk afviser udsagnet på forhånd af samme grund. Hold derfor op med at tro på noget, fordi jeg / en anden siger det. Lad til gengæld være med at afvise det af samme grund, før du har gjort dit hjemmearbejde.
  • De findes to slags skepsis. Den ene er beskrevet ovenfor. Det er skepsis, der fortjener navnet. Den anden form går under falsk varebetegnelse og består i kategorisk og på forhånd at afvise noget, blot fordi det lyder mærkeligt eller strider imod gængs og kollektivt vedtaget ideologi. Falsk skepsis bruges ofte som påskud for dovne, uvidende, frygtsomme og autoritetstro troende personer til ikke at gøre deres hjemmearbejde.
  • Man kan ikke skabe en logik (hvorfor), før man har fulgt og besvaret en forudgående grammatik (hvad, hvem, hvor, hvornår). Al løgn bygger på en omvendt syntaks (derfor! ... nåee men så må det jo være dét, ham, derhenne og dengang), hvor folk straks efter en uforklarlig hændelse får serveret en tilsyneladende logisk sammenhæng, hvorefter de efterrationaliserer og udfylder de tomme felter i formularen.
  • Når det står klart, at de forklaringer, der blev leveret af mainstream-medier, politikere, historikere, videnskabsfolk, eksperter og kommentatorer ikke er til at stole på, er der ingen vej tilbage. Det kunne kaldes konstruktiv desillusion.
  • Vi står overfor et afgørende valg om, hvorvidt vi vil fortsætte med at understøtte den Store Løgn om Verden eller se den i øjnene og sige fra.
  • Er det ikke vældig besværligt at leve, spørger du, hvis man begynder at se, hvordan det vedtagne virkelighedsbillede, den kollektive mytologi, bygger på et kompleks af løgne?
    Jeg svarer til gengæld, at sandheder er bæredygtige og løgne kræver destruktiv vedligeholdelse 24/7/365, hvilket er et umådeholdent forbrug af ressourcer, der kunne være anvendt til konstruktive formål. For et menneske, der ikke har ofret sin samvittighed i den dårlige sags tro tjeneste, vil det være meget besværligt (læs: umuligt) at leve uden at se og handle på det sete.
  • Egentlig spiritualitet forudsætter egentlig viden. Både om Himmel og Helvede. Derfor har newage-bevægelsen fejlet. Positiv tænkning, afståen fra handling, når det kræves og fordømmelse af bevidst og accepteret vrede - en stærk kraft i en uretfærdig verden - er en særlig lumsk form for undertrykkelse. Viden kan ikke være negativ, medmindre intentionen er at skabe våben med viden. Uvidenhed, derimod, er et født og selvskrevet masseødelæggelsesvåben. Lykkelig uvidenhed er kun beregnet til børn
  • Vestens intelligentsia blev paralyseret og faldt i søvn efter 9/11. De, der herefter ønskede at vide noget om Verden, blev derfor nødt til selv at overtage styringen og gøre 'hjemmarbejdet'.
  • Løgnen er forskellig på alle niveauer (Richard Hoagland). De, der er udset til at udsige løgnen, er selv uvidende om sandheden. De, der har fabrikeret løgnen, siger ikke noget, og hvis de undtagelsesvis  gør, lyver de lodret med psykopatens stilsikkerhed og udstiller sandheden 'in plain sight' som en særlig udsøgt form for hån af de beløjede masser.
  • De fleste mennesker vil gå meget langt for at slippe for egentlig tænkning. De er instinktivt / i deres højere selv klar over, at viden forpligter og vil gøre næsten alt for at slippe for det ubehag, viden kunne medføre. Da deres højere selv ser, at de for tiden er uden for pædagogisk rækkevidde, er det høftligt nok til ikke at forstyrre. Det højere selv har god tid, da det er udenfor tid - og rum.
  • Viden og erkendelse tager tid for den del af os, der lever i tid. Det sikreste måde at sørge for, at erkendelse ikke finder sted, er at klippe tiden op i ganske små bidder, hvor viden kun kan dannes og formidles i fragmenter af lyd og billeder og løsrevne resuméer og elevatorversioner. Hvis du lukker op for et TV og zapper ind på et mainstream-program, vil du se denne teknik praktiseret. Hvis du dernæst vil teste resultatet af denne teknik, skal du prøve at føre en seriøs samtale med en person, der har set for meget TV i sit liv.
  • Demokrati findes ikke længere i den form, det er tænkt. Tilbage er et stort illusionsnummer, et romersk Colloseum, et teater af laden-som-om. Politikerne lader som om, at de har styr på det, at de repræsenterer andre end dem selv og deres karriere, og at det er dem, der træffer beslutningerne. Laden-som-om magt og ansvar. Vælgerne lader som om, de deltager i et folkestyre, når de en gang hver fjerde år letter bagdelen fra sofaen og sætter et kryds på en fedtet lap papir og overlader alt til professionelle levebrødspolitikere. Laden-som-om indflydelse. Og medierne, der skulle have vendt alle sten, været ude i marken og stillet alle de frække spørgsmål for folkets og demokratiets skyld og passet på, at politikerne ikke misbrugte den tillid, de havde fået, lader som om, det er det, de har gjort. Laden-som-om jounalistik. Bin Laden-som-om.
  • At være politiker eller journalist er kun et potentielt hæderligt arbejde. Meget få kan længere kalde sig egentlig politiker eller journalist. De få, der er tilbage, vil blive husket og værdsat for det.
  • Det er ikke grådighed, der styrer Verden. Det er meget værre: det er misundelse, og grådighed er kun en delmængde. En lille gruppe mennesker (et par tusinde ?) bruger det meste af deres energi på at sørge for, at syv milliarder andre mennesker hver dag mister alt, hvad de har. Disse få har intet at bruge deres umådelige rigdomme til, men tanken om, at andre skulle have adgang til de fælles værdier og ressourcer, de har raget til sig, er dem uudholdelig.
    Mennesket er ikke født med misundelse. Det er noget, der ankommer. Hvorfra er meget svært at forstå. Misundelse synes at være en ikke-human størrelse. Måske lavede nogen en pagt med en gud i tidernes morgen ...
  • Der er en lille gruppe mennesker, der er rystende af angst ved tanken om, at verdens befolkninger i nær fremtid har tænkt sig at undsige dem for alvor. De har gennem århundreder været forkælet med befolkningernes omfattende uvidenhed og servilitet.
  • Det er en lille gruppe mennesker, der frygter. Så meget desto større grund til ikke at frygte dem i deres paranoide ynkelighed. Vi kunne antage den attitude, at deres rolle i menneskehedens historie er at lære alle os andre ikke at frygte. Kender du The Wizard of Oz?
  • De fleste mennesker i Vesten har i dag afskrevet religionen og tror, at den er noget, der blevet efterladt i historiens skraldespand. Bemærk: jeg brugte ordet tro. Det var en meget stor fejl, for nu har den sneget sig tilbage ad bagdøren i den værst tænkelige form som det, den også var: forføreriske hjerne- og hjertedræbende politiske ideologier med alle de gamle trick fra religionen: skyld, skam, frygt, politisk korrekthed og den 'gode' uvidenhed kaldet tro.
  • Hvis vi skal overvinde en ny totalitær-religøse verdensanskuelse, som udbydes i alle butikker lige nu, skal vi overvinde jantelovens 10 bud. Vi skal vende dem på hovedet og erkende, at vi er noget, vi kan vide noget, vi kan gøre noget, vi kan lære noget, vi kan lære andre noget, og at vi kan forstå sammenhænge.
  • Af ovenstående grund bør ordet 'konspirationsteoretiker' afskaffes. Det er et jante-ord, en vidensdræber, en spørgelystens forbuds-kommissorium, en sovepude for intellektuelle fjolser, et stykke politiseret nysprog, en gang politisk korrekt selvcensur, legaliseret og blåstemplet fejhed, dukseagtighed, elitært røvslikkeri ... jeg stopper her i rappen. For i stedet for at være skrattende køkkenhøjttalere, der efterplaprer de udsagn, vi har hørt med et halvt sovende øre og derefter copy-pastet - det modsatte af tænkning - bør vi tage egentlige konspirationer alvorligt. Vi kunne starte med at spørge, hvad ordet betyder, og om det måske er et fænomen, der har styret verdenshistorien.

    Vi er vel enige om, at Cæsar blev offer for en konspiration, det er jo harmløst mainstream-officiel-historieskrivning at sige, for det var jo Imperiet, der blev udsat for det, og når vi åh-så-gerne vil være servile, så ... Men vi kunne tage den derfra og spørge videre.
  • OpenSource viden og civil ulydighed er uundværlige bestanddele i en quest for at 'tage den videre'. Hvis ikke viden er tilgængelig og mulig at dele, og hvis folk fortfarende selv ønsker at underkaste sig ved at uvidengøre sig selv, er vi stadigvæk midt i en ny mørk middelalder, et neofeudalt globaltyranni af vold og dumhed.
  • Mangel på egentlig viden opstår, når den totale sum af viden bliver tilstrækkelig fragmenteret. Et køretøj kan ikke bruges, når dens dele ligger spredt i et 10 km2 landskab, selvom disse dele findes og er intakte hver for sig. Al del-og-hersk-filosofi går ud på at sørge for, at ingen er i stand til at samle et køretøj.
  • At pege ensidigt fingre ad dem, der handler uansvarligt på alle andres bekostning kan være et skridt på vejen, men det kan ikke stå alene. Der mangler den vigtigste komponent: viden om, at det var os, der gav dem lov til det, og at det var os, der sov i timen.
  • Der stod over porten til det gamle gymnasium, den tidligere latinskole, Katedralskolen, hvor katolske munke i middelalderen opdrog små drenge: 'Viden er magt'. Aha, tænkte den store dreng, der ankom til 1.G, det er lige noget for mig. Her kan jeg få viden og magt! Det sidste vidste han ikke lige, hvad han skulle med, men det første lød rigtig godt. Han var ikke klar over var, at der var en hemmelig kode i udsagnet: 'Vores viden og din uvidenhed er vores magt og din afmagt - altså med mindre, du er en af de få, som vi udser til at blive en af os. Men det kræver særlige forberedelser, fx. en række ydmygende oplevelser, hvor du traumatiseres'.
  • Man kan ikke løse et problem på problemets eget niveau. Einstein, der sagde det, ville nok have sagt, at man skulle en etage op. Måske skal man også en etage ned.
  • Det er ikke det politiske system som sådan, der er problemet. Det er størrelsen (Leopold Kohr). Men størrelsen af problemet bliver ikke mindre af, at politikere prøver at løse problemer ved at foreslå større løsninger, større organisationer, institutioner, superstater og globale tiltag. Jo større løsning, jo større problem. Den fremlagte løsning bliver problemet.
  • Internettet lærer os det, vi har glemt: at vi selv skal opsøge information for at få viden. Alle har noget at bidrage med til det store puslespil. På Internettet findes skidt og kanel. Vi lærer potentielt at skelne mellem skidtet og kanelen og bliver allesammen til journalister, videnskabsfolk og videnskabsfolk - uden nødvendigvis at blive korrupte. Internettet lærer os potentielt desværre også, hvad det vil sige at blive truet på tale og trykkefrihed, som Gutenberg oplevede, da kirken og adelen = magten forfulgte ham og indførte censur. Det samme sker nu i form af et neo-feudalt globaliseringsprojekt.
  • Der findes ikke materie uden ånd. Der findes ikke ånd uden materie. Lyder det som en munk fra middelalderen? Det er sagt for et par år siden af Hartmut Müller, yngste professor i det russiske Videnskabernes Akademi i 90'erne, tilbage i Tyskland i 00'erne, topfysiker, udvikler af koncepter som global skalering og proton-resonnans, Universets 'standing wave', cutting-edge og state-of-the-art videnskab, hvor teorier for længst er blevet til praksis. Og ingen har hørt om manden ...
  • Det barnlige sind lærer om verden ved at spørge, undersøge og lege. Det barnagtige menneske er en voksen, der ikke har formået at bevare sit barnlige sind og derfor forbyder barnet at spørge, undersøge og lege. Opfordring til alle komikere: bliv ved med at gøre det, I gør. Udstil det barnagtige menneske.

onsdag den 16. april 2014

RADIO PARADIGM 06 - Light On Conspiracies

by morton_h, the blogger
interview by The Team

With us today from Spain we have OleDammegaard, who is one of the profound and independant investigative journalists of our time. 

[Scoll ned for at læse på dansk]  

His work has been going on for decades, and the aim and results of his work is to be regarded as one of utmost importance. Ole has a Danish and Swedish background, and the latter gave him special qualifications to look into one of the strangest cases of the twentieth century, the murder of the Swedish prime minister Olof Palme.

This case is officially solved by smearing it onto some lonely bum from the streets of Stockholm, but a majority of people have quite a strong feeling, that this is not the true story, and that the case is more likely to be unsolved.

What we will see today though, this strange case is far from unsolved.

Ole Dammegaards main work till now is his astonishing book 'Coup d'Etat In Slow Motion', where he in thousand pages filled with events, details, names, persons and connections shows to the World, that this case can be solved by connecting the right dots. AND by allowing yourself to see, which Ole has done, the broader connection to the pattern, that seems to be underlying almost all cases of this type. This pattern is the footprint of the small group of people, that call themselves the global elite.

With these words we welcome Ole Dammegaard to the broadcast here on RADIO PARADIGM.

Video-interview - Click to open in YouTube-window

Radio-interview - Click to open in new window
In Danish
Vi har i dag inviteret Ole Dammegård, som er en af de mest dybdeborende og grundige og uafhængige undersøgende journalister i - tror jeg godt vi kan sige - i vor tid.

Hans arbejde har stået på i årtier, og både formålet og resultatet bør anses for at være af yderste relevans og betydning. Ole har både dansk og svensk baggrund, og især den sidste har uden tvivl givet ham særlige kvalifikationer, som han har brugt på allerbedste vis til at kulegrave en af det mærkeligste og mest markante sager i det det tyvende århundrede: mordet på den svenske statsminister Olof Palme.

Sagen er officielt 'opklaret' ved at smøre skylden af på en mere eller mindre tilfældig gadebums i Stockholm, men de fleste har alligevel en fornemmelse af, at dette ikke er den sande historie, og at sagen nok snarere må betegnes som officielt uopklaret.

Hvad vi kommer til at høre i dag er noget helt tredje: at sagen er langt fra at være uopklaret.

Ole Dammegårds hovedværk til dato er hans forbløffende bog 'Coup d'Etat In Slow Motion', på dansk/svensk: 'Statskup i Slow Motion'. Den findes både på svensk og på engelsk, men Ole anbefaler selv den engelske, da der den er 200 sider længere. Her er tale om næste 1000 sider fyldt med events, detaljer, navne, personer og forbindelser, som demonstrerer for verden, at denne sag kan beskrives og opklares ved at forbinde de rigtige komponenter. OG ved at gøre det, som Ole gør: sætte fokus på det bredere mønster, der ved nærmere eftersyn dukker op i næsten alle sager, der involverer likvideringer, massemord og terrorhandlinger. Dette mønster er finger- og fodaftrykket fra den forbløffende lille gruppe af mennesker, der kalder sig selv for 'den globale elite'.

Vi har dedikerer titlen på denne blog til Ole Dammegårds website: Light On Conspiracies

Med disse ord siger vi velkommen til Ole Dammegård.
Hereafter in English
RADIO PARADIGM 06 - Light On Conspiracies

Interview: morton_h, Cvitch, ChaosNavigator
[00:50]          morton_h: Introduction
[03:28]          Ole: The primary motivation for the work
[06:30]                  Seeing the old pattern of assassination
[07:06]                  They shot Olof Palme
[11:13]                  Investigation in Stockholm
[13:56]          morton_h: Did you experience threats close to yourself ?
[14:10]          Ole: Absolutely. Two friends were murdered.
[21:40]          morton_h: Is this comparable to the mob ?
[24:26]          Ole: It is like a huge corporation
[26:08]          Cvitch: Is it connected ?
[27:30]          Ole: It's very much interconnected
[29:38]          Cvitch: Bofors and Rajiv Gandhi ?
[29:38]          Ole: It was the biggest arms deal for Sweden ever!
[30:16]          Cvitch: At the funeral ...
[31:03]          Ole: The Stay-Behind Gladio
[41:38]          morton_h: Mobs, Romans and fascists
[44:11]          Ole: The trojan horse
[45:15]                  Sweden is a testing ground
[46:50]                  Cyprus was an example
[46:86]          morton_h: Belgian statement on Cyprus
[48:13]           Cvitch: Offshore attacks on Russian interests
[48:13]          Ole: Who Created these organisation, we must ask
[51:31]           morton_h: The sinking of Estonia ?
[51:70]           Ole: It was a massive operation
[54:08]                   Military smugling
[55:45]           morton_h: Michael Witte and Jutta Rabe
[55:85]           Ole: There is always a drill going on
[60:00]           Cvitch: South Africa and Chile
[60:10]           Ole: Operation 40
[1:15:58]        Cvitch: The American ITA
[1:16:20]        Ole: They were coordinated
[1:17:26]        Cvitch: Makarios, Guatemala ?
[1:18:11]        Ole: Why change a winning team ?
[1:19:20]                Bush Seniors private assassin, Chip Tatum (whistleblower)
[1:21:00]        morton_h: Regrets of the employees
[1:22:45]        Ole: Standard procedure of compromize
[1:24:28]                Peoples courts are showing up
[1:25:26]        The Pope and the Queen on trial
[1:27:23]        Ole: I now speak to members of the elite
[1:30:31]                I now speak to people in uniform
[1:36:15]        morton_h: Thank you
[1:38:33]        Ole: Show braveness and honesty
[1:42:28]                The books
[1:44:35]                A final prayer
[1:45:06]                Support is most welcome after cyber attack

lørdag den 5. april 2014

RADIO PARADIGMET 05 - Globalt opbrud

interview af The Team
kommentarer af ChaosNavigator

RADIO PARADIGMET fortsætter ufortrødent udgravningen af verdenssituationen.
Der er mange segmenter på den geopolitisk køkkenmødding.
Nogle er ældgamle, andre er smidt for nylig.
Det kan være svært at holde skrot, skidt, skeletter og skatte ude fra hinanden.


  • Overview [00:00]
  • Østeuropa i opbrud [3:00]
  • Tyskland holder igen [9:27]
  • EU, den synkende luksusliner [12:12]
  • Det store skakspil [14:43]
  • Embargokrig versus det 'nye Østen' [18:13]
  • Narkopusheren NATO og Afghanistan [20:55
  • Narkopusheren CIA og Columbia [24:51]
  • Luk ned for NATO [27:12]
  • De tre store narrativer [28:10]
  • Mossad, russerne og blæksputten [30:22]
  • Hvem kører rumstationerne? [32:00]
  • Genoplivning af religionskrigene, en ny middelalder [36:29]
  • Armenien, Tyrkiet og angreb på ortodokse kristne - Rusland som ortodoksiens forsvarer [38:33]
  • Terrorimperialisterne taber krigen i Syrien
  • En anden model for genopbygning af et krigshærget land [45:19]
  • Tyrkiet, den genoplivede osmanniske agressor [46:39]

  • Ukraine og Vestens medieløgn, en komparativ analyse [00:00]
  • De tre afslørende udsagn [05:58]
  • Den tyrkiske 'læk' - et false flag om et falsk flag [07:51]
  • Deep State - oprindelsen til begrebet [14:23]
  • FN, myten om det 'gode folkeforbund' [18:00]
  • EU, England og separatismen [22:43]
  • Bilderberg i København [23:39]
  • Global-europæisk 'deep state' [30:05]
  • Something wrong in the state of Denmark ... [32:45]
  • Orwells tese [35:51]
  • EU, ekstern og intern imperialisme [38:57]
  • Mikrostat, balkanisering, del-og-hersk [42:06]
  • Geopolitikkens hovedtese: The Heartland [45:34]
  • Raceideologiens oprindelse [46:09]
  • De gode nyheder - QEG har ramt planeten [50:39]

Nogle få kilder til RADIO PARADIGMET 05:

Korrektion: Det var ex-Mossad chefen Meir Dagan, ikke Rafi Eitan, som blev opereret i Belarus (levertransplantation).

YouTube ban: How Turkish officials conspired to stage Syria attack to provoke war 

Turkish Political and Military Leaders ADMIT to Planning False Flag Terror to Justify a War with Syria

CONFIRMED: NATO's Plans for False Flag Attack on Turkey Revealed http://landdestroyer.blogspot.fr/2014/03/confirmed-natos-plans-for-false-flag.html

Scandal: Mass Media Censors Shocking Admission of Turkish False Flag

Turkey court overturns YouTube ban, except on 15 videos

The Turkish comunication regulator ordered the blockade of YouTube on March 27.
It came shortly after a video was published on it, allegedly of several top government officials discussing a possible false flag operation in Syria to justify a military incursion.
- 4. april 2014, RT
YouTube ban: How Turkish officials conspired to stage Syria attack to provoke war

Ang. Politiken-artiklen:
Ukrainske urobetjente anholdt for massemord på demonstranter
12 ukrainske betjente er tilbageholdt, mistænkt for at skyde demonstranter.
Letbenet dansk teleprompter-journalistik med manglende kilder og udeladelser af hele billedet. Her er nogle aspekter der udelades i Politiken-artiklen:
'The identity of the ‘Maidan snipers’ is a hot political topic both domestically and internationally. A leaked conversation between EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet discussed a “stronger understanding” that somebody among the new Ukrainian authorities were behind the snipers.....
...Earlier Aleksandr Yakimenko, the man who headed the Ukrainian Security Service at the time of the confrontation, said the so-called Maidan Self-Defense Force was controlling the building, from which snipers killed people in the Kiev streets. He said he believes the snipers could be mercenaries from former Yugoslavia.......Moscow sees another likely culprit in the killings. The radical Right Sector group is responsible for many crimes during the protest and was likely behind the snipers as well, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview on Sunday.......Both Russia and the West, at odds on many issues over the Ukrainian crisis, agree that an impartial and comprehensive investigation into the sniper case was essential for future stability in the country. But with signals coming from the investigation looking incoherent, the Ukrainian authorities may be tempted to spin the case for political gains, either domestic or international.'
Studies found a total of 250 mainstream sources lied that the snipers belonged to Yanukovich. Only seven of the entire mass media even mentioned the bombshell leak and those that did framed the report to suggest it couldn't possibly be true.'

Ang. det tredje narrativ- nogle få fortløbende anomalier ud af mange:
The CIA is orchestrating a scenario aimed at breaking up sovereign countries into a number of small states, a political analyst tells Press TV.